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Proverbs 22:3 NLT

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

-- (((Charles Finney, said the following: “If
there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it))) --


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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

11/25/07 - A dream of a coming storm, which the Lord gave to a brother in Christ

11/25/07 - A dream of a coming storm, which the Lord gave to a brother in ChristI saw a storm coming. The area, where the storm was approaching from, was just the open sky, but there was the sense that it was coming from out over the ocean. I could not tell which coast I was looking out from, but I knew I was looking from America. The storm clouds were approaching and getting darker and thicker. Then three tornadoes, or waterspouts, broke down out of the storm, all at once, and headed for the shore (1).After a small lapse of time, I saw myself climbing up some stairs in a house, to my bed in an upper room. I laid down in this bed, and realized that my resting place had changed. The head of the bed had shifted from facing the West, and it was now facing the East.11/28/07 -

= From God the Father, the Interpretation of the Dream - Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearRecompenseThe Day has come and it is here. It has come, says the Lord God... I shall repay. Your nation is given up, and will be left in ruins, for all their forsaking of Me. The roof is heavily weighted, all its pillars are cracked and no longer can bear the weight of their burden. The wind shall blow, the fire shall burn, and all these riches shall be consumed. A swift storm shall come upon you, and you shall not know from where it shall come, for it is already upon you. It shall reach across the oceans, it shall be swift and catch you unawares. It is building and grows in its fury... it builds and has come.And this shall be its consequence upon you, thus shall it bring forth against you: Confusion, a swirling wind... water, a flood of fear... destruction, collapse of all your foundations. Even the earth shall rise up against you, and nature shall fight against you, oh perverse and mighty nation. When three times pass, it shall be accomplished... it shall surely come to pass. And the elect shall be gathered, even all those I see of Myself in them, My own reflection shown within the eyes of the first redeemed from the earth. For in a moment, a twinkling of an eye, they shall climb the Ladder, and lie down and rest for a short season, even in the place I have prepared for them. They shall rest, until the Day is done and it is finished. Then they shall arise and descend with the King... And as the lightning flashes out of the east,and shines, filling the sky even unto the west, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be(2).For your leaders have cast their lot with the Ishmaelites in the dividing of My land... even of the children’s inheritance I had given to their forefathers forever. And so, I shall divide them with calamity, with famine, and with destitution...Yet they will turn. And anger shall swell in their faces over much betrayal, causing them to repent of that which they had promised, and they will again stand with the children of Abraham, until three days pass over. Then shall they be given into the hand of him, called the horn of satan... their name dissolved, becoming one of the ten for one hour, then plucked up and broken, during which time the Lord shall bring forth of them a great harvest, a great and mighty harvest, a great multitude, a refined and strong people for My name...Then the end will come.The King shall reign.And that accomplished shall be finished...it shall be completed.Peace... one thousand years.

= Two things I saw first: God does speak in dreams ex. (Job) ect. Also I have had dreams from God for diection, which I will share at a later time.

(1) The tornados I do agree with due top the fact {perry stone- had a vision of 5 tornados coming on to America} you can view here links 1-

-----> you can order the whole teaching here "We received hundreds of requests to make available the four Prophetic Alerts that were aired recently on Manna-Fest. Perry discussed in detail the night visions he had received from the Holy Spirit. This NEW DVD contains all four special TV programs as they aired on Manna-fest in June of 2008. Perry Stone" Price: $15.00
----------------------->> I know Perry Stone very well - my Wife and I are Partners for 5 years and went to Isreal in Nov of 2007 (he is very down to earth and easy to talk too//and no body guards to keep you at bay!!!!!!!

(2) I have seen some of this in the night: LIke I have had now 4 Rapture dreams

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