Jesus said in Matthew 24:42 to be on watch for His imminent return and in Matthew 16:3 to discern the signs of the times. Time is drawing to a close and the Body of Christ must be prepared and on watch for His return. we must understand the days in which we live. Let us not be like those who Jesus rebuked with the words, You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. Matthew 16:3
God Freedom Liberty - United States Constitution And Supporters of Our Rights
Churches of Cowards - By Wild Bill for America - [image: 9d28a3a293d4cf528cd19675528cc0e6] / Our nation is filled with corrupti...8 years ago
Muslim - Take Over Of America
Boko Haram plots CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE: Jihadis to attack churches and kill parishioners…(Bomb ‘Em!!) / Major Muslim Leader Makes This Message To All Christians: “If You Refuse To Convert To Islam, Then The Only Thing Between You And Us Is The Sword.” / Muslims Interrupt Memorial For Munich Victims, Chant 'Allah'hu Akbar!' / Syrian refugee in Germany arrested after killing woman in machete attack / Muslims SET FIRE TO MAN in Waltham Abbey Gardens attack / In Rare Interview, Jailed Jihadist Warns ISIS(ICIA) Plans “Loads Of Concurrent Attacks In England, Germany, & France” / LARGEST CHRISTIAN CHARITY INFILTRATED BY HAMAS / New Details in Idaho 5-Year-Old Muslim Migrant Rape Case: Here’s Exactly What Happened That Terrible Day / 30,000 Refugees "Go Missing" As Swedes Face Increasing Violence From Asylum-Seekers / Obama Cuts $2.6 Billion From Veterans While Allocating $4.5 Billion To Muslim Syrian Migrants Moving To America / MUSLIM MACHETE RAMPAGE ON BELGIUM COPS Belgium police machete attack: Knifeman shouting 'Allahu Akbar' hacks two female officers in face / - Boko Haram plots CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE: Jihadis to attack churches and kill parishioners…(Bomb ‘Em!!) / Major Muslim Leader Makes This Message To All Chris...8 years ago
Proverbs 22:3 NLT
A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.
-- (((Charles Finney, said the following: “If
there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it))) --
Preparing for what is coming to America - Prepare to Defend America
My Blog List
Former Deputy Sheriff they said people were getting ready for a muslim middle eastern attack, and they were ready for it to happen soon. - News I caught from a customer today at work. They were talking to a former Deputy Sheriff here Boone County. A bunker was made by and built by large ...8 years ago
Investment Watch
End Time Talk Radio - (Radio Shows)
X22 Report is a daily show that will cover issues surrounding the economic collapse
In Defense Of A Nation
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
news - audio shows down below this post
<--Pictured: The horrific moment Olympic weightlifter turns his elbow back to front
RUSSIANS ARE LOOTING CITY, GEORGIA CLAIMS.. -------------->>>>>>>>>>>>Russian militia accused of orgies of looting and rape - Russian paramilitaries on the road towards Tbilisi.
=ENDTIME.COM -U TUBE - Is the USA getting involved in the conflict with Russia?
<--Honeybee population collapses in UK as one in three hives wiped out in a year
Real Life Game of Risk: Is Putin Setting Up the Board to Invade Israel? - IT’S ALL ABOUT POWER, and it’s all about to escalate. The spiritual entities that lie behind every world leader are waging a war for control — a war against the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. The ultimate prize in this continuing war is Israel, God’s chosen nation.
Students of Biblical prophecy will recognize the phrase Gog and Magog War, and I’d dare say at this point, many non-scholars will as well. As the war in Georgia leads into its fifth official day of fighting, I can’t help seeing a terrifying alignment of military incursions with one final goal: Invasion of Israel.
=Are You Ready for Disaster? - Popular Mechanics
=University Credit For Studying Witchcraft, Magic
=Should animal genes be injected into human DNA?
=UK government plans to log every call, text and email
=Germany Declares War on Home-Schoolers
=Banks' Subprime Losses Top $500 Billion on Writedowns
=NEW ANIMAL?Chupacabra Caught On Camera? - Two sheriff's deputies near San Antonio believe they took video evidence of the mythical chupacabra while on patrol.
=It's ghost season in Japan - Japan's traditional "ghost season" maxes out at this time of the year.
=Fed holds first auction for 84-day loans - Fed auctions another $25 billion in loans in an effort to combat a serious credit squeeze
=Prince Charles says genetically modified crops will be "disaster"
= Electronic cuffs planned for dads - that will put electronic GPS tracking bracelets on men who have not been convicted of any crime, but might be involved in a messy divorce
=Protest against RFID in clothing and shoes
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