Jesus said in Matthew 24:42 to be on watch for His imminent return and in Matthew 16:3 to discern the signs of the times. Time is drawing to a close and the Body of Christ must be prepared and on watch for His return. we must understand the days in which we live. Let us not be like those who Jesus rebuked with the words, You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. Matthew 16:3
God Freedom Liberty - United States Constitution And Supporters of Our Rights
Churches of Cowards - By Wild Bill for America - [image: 9d28a3a293d4cf528cd19675528cc0e6] / Our nation is filled with corrupti...8 years ago
Muslim - Take Over Of America
Boko Haram plots CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE: Jihadis to attack churches and kill parishioners…(Bomb ‘Em!!) / Major Muslim Leader Makes This Message To All Christians: “If You Refuse To Convert To Islam, Then The Only Thing Between You And Us Is The Sword.” / Muslims Interrupt Memorial For Munich Victims, Chant 'Allah'hu Akbar!' / Syrian refugee in Germany arrested after killing woman in machete attack / Muslims SET FIRE TO MAN in Waltham Abbey Gardens attack / In Rare Interview, Jailed Jihadist Warns ISIS(ICIA) Plans “Loads Of Concurrent Attacks In England, Germany, & France” / LARGEST CHRISTIAN CHARITY INFILTRATED BY HAMAS / New Details in Idaho 5-Year-Old Muslim Migrant Rape Case: Here’s Exactly What Happened That Terrible Day / 30,000 Refugees "Go Missing" As Swedes Face Increasing Violence From Asylum-Seekers / Obama Cuts $2.6 Billion From Veterans While Allocating $4.5 Billion To Muslim Syrian Migrants Moving To America / MUSLIM MACHETE RAMPAGE ON BELGIUM COPS Belgium police machete attack: Knifeman shouting 'Allahu Akbar' hacks two female officers in face / - Boko Haram plots CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE: Jihadis to attack churches and kill parishioners…(Bomb ‘Em!!) / Major Muslim Leader Makes This Message To All Chris...8 years ago
Proverbs 22:3 NLT
A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.
-- (((Charles Finney, said the following: “If
there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it))) --
Preparing for what is coming to America - Prepare to Defend America
My Blog List
Former Deputy Sheriff they said people were getting ready for a muslim middle eastern attack, and they were ready for it to happen soon. - News I caught from a customer today at work. They were talking to a former Deputy Sheriff here Boone County. A bunker was made by and built by large ...8 years ago
Investment Watch
End Time Talk Radio - (Radio Shows)
X22 Report is a daily show that will cover issues surrounding the economic collapse
In Defense Of A Nation
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Japan Quake Leaves 22000 Dead, Missing / Germans pull forces out of NATO ; Libyan coalition falls apart / Falklands reports grounding of a pod of 400 pilot whales / Food Wars Have Begun: Deadly Wheat Fungus Threatens World's Breadbaskets
Democrats continue assault on marriage
In the wake of President Obama's decision to no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act, liberal Democrats, led by Jerrold Nadler of New York, have decided to take advantage of the situation and have introduced a bill to overturn DOMA, which restricts marriage to between a man and a woman.
China calls for immediate cease-fire in Libya, after days of allied airstrikes
China called Tuesday for an immediate cease-fire in Libya where the U.S. and European nations have launched punishing airstrikes to enforce a United Nations endorsed no-fly zone. "All parties must immediately cease fire and resolve issues through peaceful means," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said at a regularly scheduled news conference, citing unconfirmed reports that the airstrikes had caused civilian deaths.
Russia calls for immediate ceasefire in Libya
Portugal braces for govt collapse amid debt crisis
Glenn Beck warns America:
'Perfect storm' is beginning
'These are not enemies of man.
These are enemies of God'
County defies state's ruling, taxes church $50,000
Congregation now faces lien, foreclosure over outstanding bill
Illegal Tax Bill Threatens Arizona Church from ADF Media Relations on Vimeo.
Geologists warn another earthquake could tear Tokyo in two after weakening of fault line below capital
Geologists have warned that another powerful earthquake could inflict terrible damage on Tokyo because the Size 9 monster which struck on March 11 has altered the earth's surface. The quake has put pressure on the fault lines near the Japanese capital and experts have suggested that a size 7.5 magnitude earthquake could hit. The structure of the tectonic plates and fault lines around the city makes it unlikely that Tokyo, home to 13million people, would be hit by a quake anywhere near the intensity of the one 10 days ago, said Roger Musson of the British Geological Survey. But given the vast population - the capital and its surroundings are home to 39million people (including in the suburbs) - any strong tremor could be devastating. 'Even if you've got, let's say, a 7.5, that would be serious,' the seismologist said...
Japanese official says storage pool at troubled nuclear plant is at or near boiling point
Highly concentrated radioactive substances in seawater found at Fukushima nuclear plant
Tokyo Electric Power Co. began studying the ongoing nuclear crisis' impact on the sea Tuesday, while trying to proceed with work to restore power at crippled reactors to help revive their crucial cooling functions. The utility plans to study seawater at four locations off the Daiichi and Daini nuclear power plants in Fukushima Prefecture a day after finding highly concentrated radioactive substances in seawater near the crisis-hit Daiichi plant's water discharging outlets. After disruptions Monday afternoon due to smoke billowing from the No. 3 and then...
Increased radiation detected by B.C. monitors
Health Canada says its monitoring stations are detecting a "minuscule" increase in radiation levels along the B.C. coast in the wake of the nuclear crisis in Japan. Gary Holub says increased radiation levels were expected, and are less than the increase in radiation levels Canadians would see naturally when it rains. Holub stressed...
Putin likens Libya air strikes to 'crusades'
DHS launches program for workers to self-check eligibility
Washington (CNN) -- The Department of Homeland Security launched a new program Monday that will allow people in the United States to make sure they are legally eligible for employment before they look for jobs. The program is called E-Verify Self Check and is a companion program to the E-Verify program, in which employers run...
Evangelist Charles Colson’s final mission: Spiritually cloning himself
Charles Colson assembles the newest members of his Christian army at a Loudoun County convention hall on a winter Saturday. Seated before the aging Watergate-era felon-turned-evangelical leader are dozens of handpicked disciples: a woman who sings at patriotic events, a sports psychology professor, a real estate developer, a pharmaceutical salesman. They’ve spent the year — and as much...
'Blame it on the super moon!' Five ships run aground off British coast as lunar phenomenon lowers tide
The super moon was today blamed for causing five ships to run aground within hours in one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes. Vessels hit sandbanks that are not normally exposed in the Solent, between the Isle of Wight and Hampshire coast, as the phenomenon led to lower tides. The moon was at its closest to the earth for...
Sammy Hagar alien abduction secret disclosed 20 years ago
“I saw a ship and two creatures inside of this ship… And they were connected to me, tapped into my mind through some kind of mysterious wireless connection,” explains Sammy Hagar in his new book, Red: My Uncensored Life in Rock. The brief memoir, whose release coincides with "Alien Abduction Day", is not the first instance in which the former Van Halen singer has offered public disclosures of ET contact. A new report from a Vancouver...
Preliminary Earthquake Report Magnitude 6.0 Mb
Date-Time 22 Mar 2011 13:31:29 UTC
Wind-Driven Fire Threatens Hundreds in Colo
Triple Whammey: Japan Rocked by 3 New Large Quakes
NKoreans Told to Use Pets as Quake Warning
Japan Quake Leaves 22000 Dead, Missing
Source of 30-mile Oil Spill in Gulf Puzzles Officials
Food Wars Have Begun: Deadly Wheat Fungus Threatens World's Breadbaskets
Simply Stunning Aurora Video from Norway
by Nancy Atkinson on March 22, 2011
The Aurora from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo.
Falklands reports grounding of a pod of 400 pilot whales
Obama seeks to break impasse over Libya
Allies in disarray
No one wants to run operation
French PM: 'We are not at war'
Romney Pledges To Use Executive Order To Repeal Obamacare...
FED: US Approaching Insolvency
BIDEN FLASHBACK: 'If he gives authorization to war... without Congressional approval, I will make it my business to impeach him
Germans pull forces out of NATO ; Libyan coalition falls apart
----British Navy running short of Tomahawk missiles
U.S. demanding gay rights support at U.N. body
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration will introduce its first statement calling for the United Nations‘ top human rights body to combat discrimination against gays and lesbians around the world, completing a U.S. reversal from years of ambiguity on the subject during President George W. Bush's administration. The U.S. declaration will be made Tuesday at the Geneva-based Human Rights Council and has the support of more than 80 countries. Although it is not in the form of binding resolution, the American push for U.N. action has helped win over a handful of new countries to the cause. A resolution could be brought to a vote later this year. The issue of gay rights has polarized countries at the United Nations for years. And despite growing acceptance for homosexuality in Western nations and parts of Latin America,..
IAEA unsure where Japan plant radiation coming from
TOKYO — Japan’s earthquake-hit nuclear complex is still emitting radiation but the source is unclear, a senior UN atomic agency official said, as workers faced another day of struggle on Wednesday to cool damaged reactor cores. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) also raised concerns about a lack of information from Japanese authorities, as rising temperatures around the core of one reactor...
Census 2010: Detroit population plummets to 713,777, lowest since 1910
Detroit’s population plunged 25% in the past decade to 713,777, the lowest count since 1910, four years before Henry Ford offered $5 a day to autoworkers, sparking a boom that quadrupled Detroit’s size in the first half of the 20th Century. Census figures released to the Free Press by a government source who asked not to be identified because the data has not been released publicly yet, show the city lost, on average, one resident every...
Adulterers beware... it could raise your risk of heart attack
Radiation spike in Tokyo; workers again flee facility
Look who's in line to replace Gadhafi
"Al-Qaida has their own agents and their own people in the region who are propagating their own Islamic ideas and their agenda. At the right time they will make the move, and we will see the emergence of Islam and Shariah in that particular region," Choudary said.
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