Two Moderate Earthquakes Hit Off California Coast
DNR investigates sudden fish kill
National Geographic: When Aliens Attack
Exclusive: Google's Web mapping can track your phone
SAN FRANCISCO--If you have Wi-Fi turned on, the previous whereabouts of your computer or mobile device may be visible on the Web for anyone to see.
U.S. says goodbye to cable news
People are flocking away from television news in favor of websites offering honest, no nonsense journalism. The new media, which is finding its foothold on the internet, is now in danger of being regulated by the federal government...
Obama administration gives green light for GMOs to be planted in national wildlife refuges
A battle is raging over whether or not it should be legal to plant genetically-modified (GM) crops in US wildlife refuges. A little over a month after various conservation and food safety groups achieved a unified...
Giant Earthquakes Of The Pacific Northwest
Groundbreaking US Supreme Court Decision on the Tenth and Ninth Amendment
Democrat: We Need 'Analysis of How Christian Militants … Might Bring Down The Country’
( – At a congressional hearing on Muslim radicalization in U.S. prisons, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said that investigators needed to analyze Christian militants in America because they too might try to “bring down the country.” In an exchange with witness Patrick Dunleavy, the former deputy inspector of the criminal intelligence unit, New York Department of Correctional Services, Rep. Jackson Lee mentioned the case of a man who blew up an abortion clinic and proposed that this perhaps was an attempt to undermine U.S. law that allows a woman to procure an abortion. Rep. Lee then said, “As we look to be informational, we should include an analysis of how Christian militants or others might bring down the country. We have to look broadly, do we not?” Dunleavy answered: “I don’t know that Christian.../
Greece on brink of economic abyss
Greek prime minister George Papandreou has spent his 59th birthday trying to stop his government and the country's economy from slipping into an abyss. Greece stands on the brink of default and needs to push through a new $38 billion austerity program to secure the next slice of its international bailout. Mr Papandreou has deferred a parliamentary reshuffle - which was aimed at shoring up support for the austerity cuts - until later on Friday (local time). European leaders are worried the political instability will rattle nervous investors and.../
House backs Young's move to bar genetically modified salmon
WASHINGTON -- The House voted Wednesday to prohibit the Food and Drug Administration from approving genetically modified salmon for human consumption. The FDA is set to decide this year whether to approve the modified fish, which grows twice as fast as the natural variety. The FDA said last year that the fish appears to be safe to eat but an agency advisory panel said more studies may be needed before it is served on.../
The Dark Side of the Purpose Driven Church -
Dr. Rick Warren works on the principle to attract the non-churched and non-Christians by a worship setting in which they would feel “comfortable”. This would mean removing Christian traditional emblems like the cross, contemporary music, and informing the “old pillars” they could go if they did not approve.
Dr. Warren has stated that he has “trained” or retrained 600,000 pastors in how to establish Purpose Driven Churches, which in many cases means to take over already established churches.
As documented in this book, Dr. Warren has said that the five basic fundamentals of the Christian faith are too narrow, that fundamentalists are the biggest enemies we have, and we need to bring the Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, and all religions together to stop wars, heal the sick, and feed the hungry.
Dr. Warren has ignored the advice of men like Charles Spurgeon who warned, “The devil’s biggest lie is that we can win souls with entertainment”. One of the problems facing churches that have gone Purpose Driven is that when the “old pillars” left, the remaining younger attendance provides little or no financial support and the church ministry suffers or ends.
A tract based on chapter 12 of this book, “Is Your Church Going Purpose Driven, How Can You Tell”, has been disseminated worldwide.
By One-World Church Advocates At TBN
Flashback: Rick Warren Offers Inaugural Prayer Over President Obama In The Name Of Isa - The Muslim Christ
Was This Because Rick Warren Knows Obama Is The Harbinger Of The Muslim Christ's Coming?
A Hadith (tradition) sacred to Shiite Islam from the 17th century contains a prophecy from Ali ibn Abi-Talib, which predicts that just before the return of the Mahdi (the end-times redeemer of Islam), a “tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West.” This leader will command “the strongest army on earth” and will bear “a clear sign” from the third imam, Hussein. The prophecy concludes that: “Shiites should have no doubt that he is with us.” Does this Islamic prophecy identify Obama as the “promised warrior” who comes to help the savior of Shiite Muslims conquer the world? Amir Taheri asked this very question for Forbes Magazine in October, 2008, pointing out how “Obama’s...
Hospital Turns To Palm Reading To ID Patients
NYU Langone Medical Center said it is the first hospital in the Northeast to use a biometric infrared scanning system that converts a digital palm image into a unique patient ID. The technology, called PatientSecure is a biometric reader that uses an infrared light to map an image of the blood-flow pattern through the veins in a person's palm. That digital image is then converted into a unique patient ID that can be used with the medical center's electronic health record (EHR) system.
Air Force Academy Creates ‘Worship Space’ For Witches
The United States Air Force Academy has created a “worship space” on campus for the “Earth-Centered Community,” which, according to the Air Force, includes among other denominations the Wiccans, Druids, Heathens and Pagans.
America's Occult Holidays, Revised and Expanded - Startling Facts by Former Satanist Doc Marquis
Barcode? That Is So Passé. Here Comes The QR!
You'll find them in the corner of newspaper and magazine ads, in department store aisles, on product displays, price tags and For Sale signs in front of homes. Giant-size versions have shown up on billboards. Called quick response codes, or simply QRs, they're the barcode for the digital age — but ones that convey far more information, and which can be scanned by consumers with smartphones and tablet computers to open a Web page, play a video or even place a call. The technology has been around for years, but only recently has it been embraced by U.S. retailers and other companies looking for fresh ways to connect with customers. The number of QR scans recorded by the industry's leading code maker has soared to 2 million a month, nearly double the rate last year, and up from 80,000 a month in 2009.\
Judge Has Harsh Words For Mom Before Sentencing Her For Spanking Her KidA judge in Corpus Christi, Texas had some harsh words for a mother charged with spanking her own child before sentencing her to probation. “You don’t spank children today,”
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