---Russia shaken...
-------Putin's party barely hangs onto its majority...
15 EU Nations Placed on Negative Credit Watch...
North Korea making missile able to hit U.S.
New intelligence indicates that North Korea is moving ahead with building its first road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missile, an easily hidden weapon capable of hitting the United States, according to Obama administration officials. The intelligence was revealed in a classified Capitol Hill briefing last month. Its existence was made public in a letter to Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta from five House Republicans. “As members of the House Armed Services subcommittee on strategic forces …, we write out of concerns about new intelligence concerning foreign developments in long-range ballistic missile development, specifically ballistic missiles capable of attacking the United States,” the Nov. 17 letter said. “We believe this new intelligence reiterates the need for the administration to correct its priorities.../
Iran's Revolutionary Guards prepare for war
An order from Gen Mohammed Ali Jaafari, the commander of the guards, raised the operational readiness status of the country’s forces, initiating preparations for potential external strikes and covert attacks. Western intelligence officials said the Islamic Republic had initiated plans to disperse long-range missiles, high explosives, artillery and guards units to key defensive positions. The order was given in response to the mounting international pressure over Iran’s nuclear programme. Preparation for a confrontation has gathered pace following last.../
No Senator Spoke Out Against Repeal of Military's Ban on Sodomy and Bestiality
(CNSNews.com) – Not a single member of the Senate spoke out last week against a provision in the defense authorization bill that will repeal the military's ban on sodomy and bestiality if the bill becomes law. The Senate voted 93 to 7 on Thursday evening to approve the National Defense Authorization Act, which contained a provision to repeal Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Article 125 of the UCMJ makes it illegal for anyone in the U.S. military to engage “in unnatural carnal copulation with another person of the same or.../
Realtors Report Even Higher Cancellations; And It's Not Why You Think
Claim: Clinton Collected $50K Per Month From MF Global
A former MF Global employee accused former president William J. Clinton of collecting $50,000 per month through his Teneo advisory firm in the months before the brokerage careened towards its Halloween filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Teneo was hired by MF Global’s former CEO Jon S. Corzine to improve his image and to enhance his connections with Clinton’s political family, said the employee, who asked that his name be withheld.../
Canada, U.S. to unveil new border security measures
OTTAWA — Canada and the United States will announce new border security measures on Wednesday that lead to enhanced tracking of travellers, better cyber-security protection, joint government facilities and improved oversight of overseas cargo shipped to both countries. The announcement will be made at the White House in Washington by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and U.S. President Barack Obama, 10 months after they announced the launch of "Beyond the Border" negotiations to strike a new accord on perimeter security./
FBI Plans Biometrics Tech Center
Argentina launches naval campaign to isolate Falkland Islands
Argentine patrol vessels have boarded 12 Spanish boats, operating under fishing licences issued by the Falkland Islands, for operating “illegally” in disputed waters in recent weeks. Argentine patrol commanders carrying out interceptions near the South American coast told Spanish captains they were in violation of Argentina’s “legal” blockade of sea channels to the Falklands. The warning has been backed up in a letter to Aetinape, the Spanish fishing vessels association from the Argentine embassy in Madrid warning boats in the area that.../
Recent Charges of Sexual Abuse of Children in Hollywood Just Tip of Iceberg, Experts Say
If a spate of recent allegations proves true, Hollywood may have a hideous epidemic on its hands. The past two weeks have brought three separate reports of alleged child sexual abuse in the entertainment industry. Martin Weiss, a 47-year-old Hollywood manager who represented child actors, was charged in Los Angeles on Dec. 1 with sexually abusing a former client. His accuser, who was under 12 years old during the time of the alleged abuse, reported to authorities that Weiss told h/im "what they were doing was common practice in the...
Could the U.S. Government Start Reading Your Emails?
Cherie Anderson runs a travel company in southern California, and she's convinced the federal government is reading her emails. But she's all right with that. "I assume it's part of the Patriot Act and I really don't mind," she says. "I figure I'm probably boring them to death." It's likely Anderson is not alone in her concerns that the government may be monitoring what Americans say, write, and read. And now there may be even more to worry about: a newly revealed security research project called PRODIGAL -- the Proactive Discovery of Insider.../
The 'living video' you step inside: Sony hints at the future of entertainment with 'cinema' that erupts out of the sofa and the walls
Sony's new viral videos use technology normally reserved for hi-tech flight simulators used to train fighter pilots to create 'living worlds', like a television on every wall of a room. It hints at a truly astonishing future of entertainment - and the videos boast they were achieved without any post-production or digital alteration, just using projectors aimed at walls, and Sony's Eyetoy camera for PS3. That, and a few actors and the odd prop. The one problem, of course, is that Sony's Eyetoy controller is distinctly limited next to Microsoft's Kinect - so it would all.../
UK Braces for Gale Force Winds, Heavy Rain
Strong Damaging Winds Rip Through Indonesia Leaving 1 Dead, 14 Injured
Exploding Mountain Causes Quake Concerns
Earthquakes Keep New Zealand Shaking
Jesse Ventura on Apocalypse 2012 Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6
Gun Sales Shoot Up on Black Friday
Cracked Ohio Nuclear Plant Building Can Re-open
Syria on High Alert
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