---UN sees spike in Tehran's uranium production...
Wyoming House advances doomsday bill...
Feasibility of alternative currency in complete meltdown of govt...
Syrian regime threatens Christians, clamps down on churches
As part of its campaign against all pro-democracy activists, the Syrian regime has been persecuting Christian citizens and clergy who take part in the revolution or help the revolutionaries. The Syrian regime issued instructions to all banks across the country to stop transactions with the Greek Orthodox Mariamite Church on charges of money laundry, said a Christian activist from the southwestern governorate of Rif Dimashq.
Iran’s nuclear plant at full capacity ‘in weeks’
Iran’s first nuclear power plant will be connected to the national grid at full capacity in the coming weeks, the head of the country’s Atomic Energy Organization was quoted as saying by Iranian media on Sunday. The Russian-built Bushehr plant is part of Iran’s nuclear program which Western countries believe is an attempt to develop the technology needed to build nuclear weapons.

State Department quietly warning region on Syrian WMDs
Expert Warns of Waqf's Dangerous Plans for Temple Mount
UKIP Nigel Farage – Debating Greece Leaving the EURO, Sky News Feb 2012

Is The World And Church Ready For An American Pope?
KMPH Special Report: Bible Codes 2012
One Day After Tom Horn Tells Steve Quayle On Omega Man Radio That The Vatican Is Being Ruled By 'Omerta' Code Of Silence, Whistle-Blower In Holy See Claims Same
Planning For Islamic Caliphate To Begin
A senior fellow for a Madrid-based think tank is alerting freedom-loving people about a caliphate-planning conference being held by Muslims soon, a move he said was given a boost of support by the Obama administration recently when it allowed a three-day “Istanbul Process” conference in Washington. That event, writes Soeren Kern, Senior Fellow for European Politics at Madrid’s Grupo de Estudio, “gave the [Organization of Islamic Cooperation] the political legitimacy it has been seeking to globalize its initiative to ban criticism of Islam.”
Christian pastor sentenced to death in Iran for abandoning Islam
New Year 2012 Apocaylpse Bible Code!!
666 Micro Chip Implant Coming March 23, 2013
Costa Rica Heard The "Sound Of The Apocalypse"

Nature overturn: Wild hogs terrorize Islamabad, Pakistan
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