---Silver Price Rises Twice As Fast As Gold As The Eurozone Floods With Money
ET Mummy Found In Egypt

West Virginia witness reports 'vibrant white' cigar object
A West Virginia witness reports watching a slow moving, "vibrant white" cigar-shaped object that quickly moved to the north on February 27, 2012, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
FIRE IN THE SKY: Large Fireball Seen Over Saskatchewan, Calgary, Alberta in Canada!
New York drivers report UFO sighting
On Saturday, February 18, 2012, the town was the site of a UFO sighting when surprised drivers traveling down Route 6 spotted multiple unidentified flying objects in the sky at approximately 8:30 pm According to lohud.com, dozens of motorists pulled ...
Food shortage to hit Syanlakhadi soon
Himalayan Times
Locals informed that the major food crop such as maize could not be produced sufficiently due to storm; and cash crops like potato and apple have been destroyed due to shortage of market and transportation. Ferrying goods by mules in the VDC locals ...
IRS targets Tea Parties...
Doctors call for HPV shots for boys...

Sun Unleashes 5 Solar Eruptions in 2 Days
Things on the sun have certainly been heating up. Our closest star unleashed five solar eruptions in only two days last week, producing extraordinary northern lights displays for lucky skywatchers over the weekend. The solar storms flared up between Feb. 23 and 24 and exploded from nearly all areas of the star, including the top, bottom, left and right sides of the solar disk as seen by space-based observatories, according to NASA scientists. In fact, four of these outbursts came within a single 24-hour period. One of the eruptions churned.../

Homeschooling families can’t teach homosexual acts sinful in class says Alberta gvmt
EDMONTON, Alberta, February 23, 2012 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Under Alberta’s new Education Act, homeschoolers and faith-based schools will not be permitted to teach that homosexual acts are sinful as part of their academic program, says the spokesperson for Education Minister Thomas Lukaszuk. “Whatever the nature of schooling – homeschool, private school, Catholic school – we do not tolerate disrespect for differences,” Donna McColl, Lukaszuk’s assistant director of communications, told LifeSiteNews on Wednesday evening. “You can affirm.../
Was Rabbi Ralph Messer Called in to Re-Establish a Struggling Eddie Long?
3 doomsaying experts who foresee economic devastation ahead
NEW YORK – Behind the mainstream Wall Street happy talk about more stable financial markets and an improving economy are grim warnings of tough times ahead from a small cadre of doomsayers who warn that the worst of the financial crisis is still to come. Harry Dent, author of the new book The Great Crash Ahead, says another stock market crash is coming due to a bad ending to the global debt bubble. He has pulled back on his earlier prediction of a crash in 2012, as central banks around the world have been flooding markets with money,../

S&P cuts Greece to selective default

Mysterious orbs confound NC county for decades
(AP) RALEIGH, N.C. — Two orange orbs, just about 10 feet off the ground, floated past Steve Woody and his father as they hunted deer more than 50 years ago. The mysterious lights passed them, then dropped down the side of a gorge in the Blue Ridge foothills. For at least a century, the Brown Mountain Lights have confounded residents and tourists in a rugged patch of Burke County, bobbing and weaving near a modest peak. Are they reflections from automobile headlights? Brush fires? A paranormal phenomenon, or something.../
Church Ordered to Stop Giving Away Free Water
A Louisiana church was ordered to stop giving away free water along Mardi Gras parade routes because they did not have the proper permits. “We were given a cease and desist order,” said Matt Tipton, pastor of Hope Church in Metairie, LA. “We had no idea we were breaking the law.” Tipton said volunteers from his church were handing out free coffee and free bottles of water at two.../
Credit Card Debt Nears Toxic Levels

20 Signs That Dust Bowl Conditions Will Soon Return To The Heartland Of America
More American households are falling back into the debt hole, this time without the safety net of home values to help bail them out, the New York Post reported Sunday. Last year, total US consumer debt reached its highest point in a decade, according to a credit card industry observer.
Gold Will Trade Above $2,000 by the End of March
African Swine Fever has been identified on a private farm in the republic of Karelia
Outbreak of ASF reported in Republic of Karelia
February 28, 2012 – RUSSIA – African Swine Fever has been identified on a private farm in the republic of Karelia following the death of eight animals. The study of pathological material taken from the dead pigs, revealed the presence of African Swine Fever. Preliminary results of the investigation stated that the most likely source of infection is from pre-fabricated food waste from the district hospitals and kindergartens. Are all the necessary arrangements have been made for the localization of infection and prevention of further spread of the disease?
Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano rumbles with 16 low intensity emissions – alert level, Phase 2, yellow
Carriers increasing? Scientists find flu virus in bats for the first time- risks to humans unclear
February 27, 2012 – ATLANTA - For the first time, scientists have found evidence of flu in bats, reporting a never-before-seen virus whose risk to humans is unclear. The surprising discovery of genetic fragments of a flu virus is the first well-documented report of it in the winged mammals
Costa Rica’s Rincón de la Vieja volcano awakens with new activity
February 27, 2012 – COSTA RICA – It has been almost exactly 14 years since the last eruptive period for Rincón de la Vieja in Costa Rica, but it looks like the volcano might be awakening from its break. Last Thursday
British Chancellor says the ‘government has run out of money’- pain from austerity cuts are yet to bite
Vatican Interested In Secret Bible In Which 'Jesus Predicts Coming Of The Prophet Muhammad'
A recently re-discovered secret Bible in which Jesus is believed to predict the coming of the Prophet Muhammad to Earth has sparked serious interest from the Vatican. Pope Benedict XVI is said to want to see the 1,500-year-old book, which many say is the Gospel of Barnabas, that has been hidden by the Turkish state for the last 12 years. The £14 million handwritten gold lettered tome, penned in Jesus’ native Aramaic language, is said to contain his early teachings and a prediction of the Prophet’s coming, the Daily Mail reported. The leather-bound text, written on animal hide, was discovered by Turkish police during an anti-smuggling operation in 2000. It was closely guarded until 2010, when it was finally handed over to the Ankara Ethnography Museum, and will soon be put back on public display following a minor restoration. A photocopy of a single page from the handwritten ancient manuscript is thought to be worth £1.5 million.
Wyoming Advances ‘Doomsday Bill’ to Help Residents During Possible Collapse
Media mocks Wyoming for preparation & ‘Doomsday Bill’
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