Police inundated by terrified callers as meteor lights up the sky across Britain
Police forces across the UK were inundated with calls last night after a large fireball, thought to be a meteor, was spotted in the sky. Reports of a 'bright light' and an 'orange glow' were received by police across Scotland and the north of England at about 9.40pm yesterday. Some people are believed to have phoned the police fearing a plane had crashed. The Met Office tweeted: 'Hi all, for anyone seeing something in the night sky, we believe it was a meteorite.' The Kielder Observatory also reported the sighting of a 'huge fireball' travelling from.../
California bill would let non-doctors do some abortions to expand access

Blast it or paint it: Asteroid to threaten Earth in 2013
Tearful Putin claims election victory: 'Glory to Russia'...
---Reasserts grip...

Catholic leader Cardinal Keith O'Brien clashes with David Cameron on same-sex marriage plans
Cardinal Keith O’Brien, the leader of the Catholic Church in Scotland, says the proposals to allow same-sex unions are “madness” and a “grotesque subversion of a universally accepted human right”. The cardinal’s intervention, in an article for The Sunday Telegraph, is the strongest criticism yet from any church figure of the plans, which are due to be unveiled this month by Lynne Featherstone, the equalities minister. He accuses ministers of trying to “redefine reality” and change long-standing laws and traditions “at the behest of a.../
Kirk Cameron criticized for calling homosexuality ‘unnatural,’ ‘destructive’
Mayan light beam photo: Message from the gods, or iPhone glitch?
When Hector Siliezar visited the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza with his wife and kids in 2009, he snapped three iPhone photos of El Castillo, a pyramid that once served as a sacred temple to the Mayan god Kukulkan. A thunderstorm was brewing near the temple, and Siliezar was trying to capture lightning crackling dramatically over the ruins. In the first two images, dark clouds loom above the pyramid, but nothing is amiss. However, in the third photo, a powerful beam of light appears to shoot up from the pyramid toward the heavens, and a.../
Chinese woman, 95, comes back to life by climbing out her coffin six days after she 'died'
/Report: US to offer legal backing for 'targeted killings' of Americans overseas
WASHINGTON – Attorney General Eric Holder is expected to outline the legal framework for the use of lethal force in targeted killings of Americans overseas in a major speech at Northwestern University law school, an Obama administration official said Sunday night. Holder's speech Monday comes five months after the killing of U.S.-born Al Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen in a drone attack. The official said the attorney general plans to say that lethal force is legal under a Sept. 18, 2001, joint congressional resolution. The Authorization for Use.../

Greek default looms as voluntary debt deal looks set to fail
Authorities in Athens are ready to enforce the controversial collective action clauses, or CACs, to impose the restructuring deal on all bondholders as the number of voluntary agreements look set to fall short of the required amount. Credit rating agencies have warned they will declare Athens to be in default if the CACs are triggered which would be a dramatic culmination to a three-year rollercoaster ride for Athens, the eurozone and global markets. While the markets have been ready for a Greek default for months, the move could leave.../

UFO: U.S. marines report alien-like activity
An American witness inside U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan, reports there were many people watching a series of "seven equally spaced lights" in the sky that appeared and reappeared during one evening, according to recent testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. "We were all in our office on Camp Leatherneck when we were told to come outside and see these really cool lights in the sky," the witness stated. There were many witnesses to the event. "I know that all of my friends...---UFO sighted over Forest Glen on Saturday night
--------Senator Barry Goldwater UFO Files Now posted
--------------Triangle UFO reported at 250 feet from Florida witnesses along I-275
--------------------Investigators to probe UFO reported over Mass. town

Typhoid cases soar in Zimbabwe
Wikileaks: Obama secretly took Russian money for his campaign
Nationwide Indoctrination for Local Elected Officials on Agenda 21
Global Islamists Plan March 30 Rally to Liberate Jerusalem from Jewish Control
Magma Plume: Mt. Etna volcano rocked by third eruption in 2012
Moderate earthquake in Northern India (greater New Delhi area)
UFO Sighting - UFO Pyramid over Turkey
Woman Attempts Suicide, Went To Hell Then Heaven, And Survived To Tell Us All About It!
King World News
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