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Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Prophecy of the Popes & the 2012 Connection


The Prophecy of the Popes & the 2012 Connection

Listen to PID radio - With Tom Horn and Chris Putnum - http://barry-julie-radio.blogspot.com/2012/03/pid-radio-22612-peter-roman-final-pope.html

PID Interview on Petrus Romanus - A 900-year-old prophecy attributed to Máel Máedóc Ua Morgair, better known to us as St. Malachy, appears to point to the line of popes ending with the successor to Pope Benedict XVI. Furthermore, there is evidence that suggests that this Petrus Romanus, or Peter the Roman, may be the False Prophet John wrote about in the Book of Revelation.
Cris Putnam and Tom Horn join us to discuss their forthcoming book, Petrus Romanus: The FINAL Pope is Here. They tell us why they began to take the prophecy of St. Malachy seriously, the evidence that lends it credence, and what it means in light of reports that Pope Benedict may not live out the year.
Please visit the P.I.D. Radio Facebook page, and don’t forget the great Christian podcasters at the Revelations Radio Network.
Click the arrow on the player below to listen now, or right-click (control-click if you have a Mac) the “download” link to save the mp3 file to your hard drive.

As announced live February 22. 2012 for the Omega Man Radio Show listeners, a world exclusive revelation from the upcoming book Petrus Romanus.
The Belgian Jesuit Rene Thibaut’s book, The Mysterious Prophecy of the Popes, has unlocked an entirely different means of investigating the prophecy of the pope’s fulfillment that no one else seems to have imagined possible. His work is deeply mystical and prohibitively complex to explain exhaustively. It is also out of print, exceedingly rare, and written in French which makes it exorbitantly inaccessible to all but the most dedicated. We can only claim to be scratching the surface of what he presents. Frankly, we are astounded that the 2012 meme of the last few years did not bring this forgotten volume to light. Please note that we do realize that date-setting has a well-documented 100 percent failure rate but, even so, we must acknowledge, there it is, 2012, brazened all over the pages of this 1951 tome. The simplest calculation which derives 2012 for the last pope is based on extrapolating the average papal reign of eleven years. Forty popes times eleven years is four hundred forty years: 40 x 11 = 440 Add that to the year 1572 (the year the genuine portion of the prophecy begins) and you land in 2012: 440 + 1572 = 2012 Although Thibaut wrote in 1951, we continued his thesis forward by adding the additional popes. The average eleven-year reign he predicted held true through John Paul II. It certainly did not have to. This was a risky prediction and it was confirmed. If John Paul I had lived a normal lifespan and held a much longer reign instead of dying mysteriously after thirty-three days, this trend might have ended. We even used papal reigns in days to get 1/365th accuracy and our results not only confirmed Thibaut’s work but revealed a potential we did not expect. The following is a chart rendered from a software spread sheet we used to verify Thibaut’s theory:
Pope (Reign)ProphecyDaysReign in Years
Gregory XIII (May 13, 1572 to April 10, 1585)72. Medium corpus pilarum “Half body of the balls”471512.90924568
Sixtus V ( April 24, 1585 to August 27, 1596)73. Axis in medietate signi“Axle in the midst of a sign”414311.34316115
Urban VII (September 15, 1590 to September 27, 1590)74. De rore caeli “From the dew of the sky”120.03285492
Gregory XIV (December 5, 1590 to October 15, 1591)75. Ex antiquitate Urbis “Of the antiquity of the city”3140.859703742
Innocent IX (October 29, 1591 to December 30, 1591)76. Pia civitas in bello “Pious city in war”620.16975042
Clement VIII (January 30, 1592 to March 3, 1605)77. Crux Romulea “Cross of Romulus”478113.08994774
Leo XI (April 1, 1605 to Saturday, April 27, 1605)78. Undosus vir “Wavy man”260.07118566
Paul V (May 16, 1605 to Sunday, January 28, 1621)79. Gens perversa “Corrupted nation”573615.70465179
Gregory XV (February 9, 1621 to July 8, 1623)80. In tribulatione pads “In the trouble of peace”8792.406622895
Urban VIII (August 6, 1623 to July 29, 1644)81. Lilium & rosa “Lily and rose”766320.98060437
Innocent X (September 15, 1644 to January 7, 1655)82. Iucunditas cruds “Delight of the cross”376610.31096908
Alexander VII (April 7, 1655 to May 22, 1667)83. Montium custos “Guard of the mountains”442812.1234655
Clement IX (June 20, 1667 to December 9, 1669)84. Sydus olorum “Star of the swans”9032.472332735
Clement X (April 29, 1670 to July 22, 1676)85. De flumine magno “From a great river”22766.231483172
Innocent XI (September 21, 1676 to August 12, 1689)86. Bellua insatiabilis “Insatiable beast”470812.89008031
Alexander VIII (October 6, 1689 to February 1, 1691)87. Pœnitentia gloriosa “Glorious penitence”4831.322410533
Innocent XII (July 12, 1691 to September 27, 1700 )88. Rastrum in porta “Rake in the door”33659.213067168
Clement XI (November 23, 1700 to March 19, 1721)89. Flores drcundati “Surrounded flowers”742120.31803015
Innocent XIII (May 8, 1721 to May 29, 1724)90. De bona religione “From good religion”11173.058245476
Benedict XIII (May 29, 1724 – February 21, 1730)91. Miles in bello“Soldier in War”20945.733183551
Clement XII (July 12, 1730 – February 6, 1740)92. Columna excelsa “Lofty column”34969.571733379
Benedict XIV (August 17, 1740 to May 3, 1758)93. Animal rurale“Country animal”645717.67868491
Clement XIII (July 6, 1758 to February 2, 1769)94. Rosa Umbriae“Rose of Umbria”386410.57928426
Clement XIV (May 18, 1769 to September 22, 1774)95. Ursus velox“Swift bear”19535.347138241
Pius VI (February 15, 1775 to August 29, 1799)96. Peregrinus apostolicus “Apostolic pilgrim”896124.53441156
Pius VII (March 14, 1800 to August 20, 1823)97. Aquila rapax “Rapacious eagle”855923.43377174
Leo XII (September 28, 1823 to February 10, 1829)98. Cants & coluber“Dog and adder”19625.371779431
Pius VIII (March 31, 1829 to December 1, 1830)99. Vir religiosus “Religious man”6101.670125103
Gregory XVI (February 2, 1831 to June 1, 1846)100. De balneis Ethruriae “From the baths of Tuscany”559815.32682021
Pius IX (June 16, 1846 to February 7, 1878)101. Crux de cruce“Cross from cross”11,55931.64750175
Leo XIII (February 20, 1878 to July 20, 1903)102. Lumen in caelo“Light in the sky”928025.40780485
St. Pius X (August 4, 1903 to August 20, 1914)103. Ignis ardens“Burning fire”403411.04472896
Benedict XV (September 3, 1914 to January 22, 1922)104. Religio depopulata “Religion depopulated”26987.386881195
Pius XI (February 6, 1922 to February 10, 1939)105. Fides intrepida“Intrepid faith”621317.01063486
Pius XII (March 2, 1939 to October 9, 1958)106. Pastor angelicus“Angelic shepherd”715419.58700818
John XXIII (October 28 , 1958 to June 3, 1963)107. Pastor & nauta “Shepherd and sailor”16794.596950899
Paul VI (June 21, 1963 to August 6, 1978)108. Flos florum“Flower of flowers”552515.12695278
John Paul I (August 26, 1978 to September 28, 1978)109. De medietate lunae“From the midst of the moon”330.09035103
John Paul II (October 16, 1978 to April 2, 2005)110. De labore solis“From the labor of the sun”966526.4619002
Benedict XVI (April 19, 2005 – April 29, 2012 )111. Gloria olivae“Glory of the olive”25677.028214984
?112. Petrus Romanus“Peter the Roman”
Average Reign
Average reign 1572 to 1951 (@ when Thibaut published)11.05255156
Average reign 1572 to 2005 (through John Paul II)11.1055246
Average reign if Benedict XVI is no longer pope by April 29, 2012 =11.00359186
Days in a year =365.2421
Thibaut’s Formula =40 popes x average 11-year reign = 440 years
Arrival of Petrus Romanus =1572 + 440 = 2012
What makes this particularly interesting is that if Pope Benedict were to step down in April, it would yield a near-perfect eleven. Thibaut did not use decimal numbers, so anytime during 2012 would verify he got it right. He simply predicted it would be in the year 2012. Even so, you can imagine our shock as we were translating this from French when we saw this story (click hyperlink below):

Media say Pope may resign in April

If so, then Thibaut was spot on back in 1951. The eleven year average could have been falsified. What if John Paul I had enjoyed a ten year pontificate? Many events could have rendered Thibaut’s work invalid but here we are in 2012 and things are falling neatly in place. We promise the average papal reign calculation is only the beginning. He derives the year 2012 from several other methods of cryptographic analysis form the Latin text of the prophecy of the popes. In Petrus Romanus we painstaking walk you through a few of the calculations. If we weren’t absolutely certain that this was published in 1951, we would accuse the author of going to extravagant lengths to derive 2012. However, we can think of no obvious reason the Jesuit mathematician would want to derive 2012 other than he believed it to be the case. The year 2012 was not even on the radar in 1951, and Thibaut died in 1952. It certainly did not make him famous and his book is now extremely obscure. 2012 is upon us and the buzz from the Vatican only seems to confirm the prophecy.

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