ALERT: ‘Severe’ Strain Of Flu Reaches Epidemic Proportions In New York City
FALLING AWAY: More and more ‘pro-life’ Americans support abortion rights
As liberals propose more gun control, Google searches on ‘Hitler gun control’ spike
Pastor withdraws from Obama inauguration after sermon on homosexuality surfaces
Obama to follow in footsteps of Hitler and Stalin with ‘executive order’ disarmament of the American people
Bloomberg: Restrict Painkillers in Hospitals... - New York City to Restrict Prescription Painkillers in Public Hospitals’ Emergency Rooms
11 dead as Middle East battered by hail, snow, and rain/
Photos: Menacing Dust Storm Hits Australia - A wave of dust rolled past the coast of Western Australia Wednesday
Extremes: Coldest temperatures in nearly 50 years leave 80 dead in Bangladesh, while Australia bakes in record highs
Civil War To Erupt In America
Prominent rifle manufacturer killed in mysterious car crash days after posting psych drug link to school shooters
Chief Justice Of The Supreme Court John Roberts Schedules A Case By Attorney Taitz Regarding Obamas Forged IDs to be Heard in Conference Before the Full Supreme Court/
Gold and Silver Registration in Illinois - A bill to register gold and silver coins: It had to come. It has been introduced in Illinois, the most anti-gun state in the USA. ... Creates the Precious Metal Purchasing Act. Provides that a person who is in the business of purchasing precious metal shall obtain a proof of ownership, create a record of the sale, and verify the identity of the seller. Provides that a person who is in the business of purchasing precious metal shall not pay for the precious metal in cash and shall record the method of payment. Requires the purchaser to keep a record of the sale for one year or, if the purchase amount is over $500, for 5 years. Provides that a person who violates the Act is guilty of a petty offense and subject to a fine not exceeding $500. Provides that the Attorney General may inspect records, investigate an alleged violation, and take action to collect civil penalties. − TeaPartyEconomist.com
Must Share Video: Ben Swann Destroys Piers Morgans Anti-Gun Argument
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