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When calling, please have your order number available. Due to the daily price increases from the Central Bank of Iraq, payments for all orders must be received within 5 business days in order for us to honor the order price.
we just got this note after buying some. This has never came up before.
here is a radio interview I did back in Oct 2012
Iraq just got connected to the via under water cables for world bank. EU just made a huge money deal with Iraq this week. middle East economic conference on Jan 22-23. Iraq is now doing what the US did initially, (backing themselves with oil, gold and other assets)...and this depicts a strong dinar, whenever they are ready to go live to the world with it, who knows, but as per driving their economy for the future, we know that the people will want something as strong or stronger than the dollar before they will wish to quit using it..The MOP/Ministry of Planning in Iraq, and I believe it was the IMF, have had documented articles quoting rates that would be sustainable from .86 cents to 1.13...per dinar...some other studies have concluded above the dollar and below the 1.17 to 1.24 I believe...The now "unclassified" document called the: U.S. State Dept.'s "Iraqi Project", as I believe it is called, which I think is a 120 page document, whereby on page 14, it talks about the currency of Iraq, and whereby they want to return it to it's previous value from what it was in the 70's at over, anyway, we know we are looking at a currency that has been predominently from 2.00+ to 4.86 for the past 80+ years or so except for the time during the wars...but all monetary entities have said in one way or another, that it will come back, but what we dont know is WHEN?...Hopefully soon, but all of this is why people take the risk of holding dinars!...And why did the U.S. Govt., U.S. Treasury, U.S. Federal Reserve, U.S. Banks & Iraq's Central Bank, even allow anyone outside the U.S. to hold dinars, unless it were to boost foreign countries reserves by holding something of a VALUE?...PERIOD!...
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