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Saturday, February 23, 2013

How it is set up to lose our private property rights - Cheyenne, WY - - Unified Development Code (UDC) Look Agenda 21 being pushed here in Wyoming - Look At Article 7 - Form-Based Codes below

https://www.cheyennecity.org/index.aspx?nid=1824 - This is coming up in City Councel in Cheyenne

On January 23, 2012, in a unanimous vote of approval, The Cheyenne City Council adopted the City’s new development regulations with an effective date of April 30, 2012.

The action takes steps to implementing PlanCheyenne and Vision2020. The UDC Project has taken over four years to reach adoption including multiple draft and review iterations that involved intense participation from the building and development community to work towards a document which is unique to Cheyenne. The end result is a living document that Clarifies, Streamlines and Improves Cheyenne's development regulations.

Download the UDC :

Full Document (5.74MB)
[Includes all Articles and Appendices ]
Article 1 provides the foundation elements and operating mechanisms for the Unified Development Code. It includes establishing purposes, jurisdiction, authority and interpretation. It is most useful to those who will use the code on a daily basis such as City staff or property developers.
Article 2 provides the steps for applying the Unified Development Code standards to specific development applications. It includes the technical steps in the development review process and criteria for evaluating development applications. It is useful to anyone who may become involved in development review, including City staff, public officials, potential applicants and citizens.
Article 3 provides tools and eval­uation techniques for complex development projects. It includes coordination of design and funding of public improvements in response to specific development applications. It is most useful to large developers, land planners, design professionals and engineers.
Article 4 provides standards for coordinating development across different areas and over time. It addresses development patterns and includes planning, design, and engineering standards for systems that coordinate development across large areas, including open space, transportation, and utilities. It is most useful to anyone considering dividing land and public officials that review development applications in relation to long-range plans and impacts.
Article 5 provides standards for kinds and classes of buildings and use of sites and buildings within zoning districts. It addresses issues of compatibility among types of uses, scale of uses and buildings within and between different zoning districts. It is most useful to landowners, developers pursuing individual projects and public officials reviewing projects for consistency with standards and impacts on adjacent areas.
Article 6 provides standards that deal with coordinating components of development on an individual site in a manner that reinforces the character of districts and neighborhoods. It includes standards for site elements that apply to all districts and sites regardless of use or zoning district, as well as standards for specific districts that require unique design considerations and solutions. It is most useful to development and design professionals and City staff, and public officials reviewing projects for consistency with standards and impacts on adjacent areas.
Article 7 provides an alternative process and standards for doing master planned developments. It includes standards that replace or supplement subdivision standards, zoning standards, and design standards in relation to a specific and detailed area plan. It is most useful to developers and landowners who want to develop walkable activity centers and neighborhoods.
Appendix A Resources, Guides and Industry Standards
Appendix B Design Guidelines
Appendix C Transportation Worksheet
Appendix D Reserved
Appendix E Pedestrian and Bicycle Guidelines
Appendix F Guidelines for Preparing a Joint Parking Study
Appendix G Streetscape Design, Planning and Maintenance Guidelines
Appendix H Subdivision Drainage Standards
Appendix I Reserved
Appendix J Reserved
Appendix K Amendments
Appendix L RUCOAs and PUD’s
// Kaysen Denies UDC/Agenda 21 Link - http://kgab.com/kaysen-denies-udcagenda-21-link/
Cheyenne Mayor Rick Kaysen (Amy Richards/TSM)
Cheyenne Mayor Rick Kaysen says, despite what many people believe, there is no link between the city’s Unified Development Code and a United Nations Document dating back to the early 1990′s known as Agenda 21.
Kaysen says the UDC–which officially took effect April 30th–is simply an effort to update and streamline the guidelines for development in the city. Kaysen says Agenda 21–which he describes as a ”nonbinding, philosophical document” has never been approved or even considered by the Cheyenne City Council.
Agenda 21 was originally labeled as a blueprint for sustainable communities. Some critics maintain the document is part of a plan to undermine capitalism and personal freedom and perhaps even pave the way for a world-wide government.

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