MO Dems Introduce Bill to Confiscate Firearms -- Give Gun Owners 90 Days to Turn in Weapons...
Growing opposition among sheriff's groups... - In less than four weeks since President Obama proposed sweeping new gun control laws and a ban on assault-style weapons, the backlash from law enforcement groups that strongly support the Second Amendment has surged and now there are 10 state sheriffs associations opposed to the president.
UK: Horse drug may have entered human food chain...
It’s Time For Name That Insolvent Banking System!
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Obama’s “Secret Letter” to Moscow - The long time strategy of Moscow has always been to destroy US defense capability and then through war/and or “diplomacy”/international law, end American sovereignty forever.
All his life, President Barack Obama has worked with radicals such as Frank Marshall Davis, Alice Palmer and Bill Ayers, all of whom dedicated their lives to bringing America to its knees.
These ideas seemed to have rubbed off on the President himself.
The Russians are hailing Obama’s choice of leftists: Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense and John Kerry for Secretary of State, as potentially having a “positive effect on Russia-US relations.”
Russia is also awaiting a “secret letter” from president Obama, one that is expected to contain some proposals in the sphere of disarmament, including nuclear.
The letter will be delivered by president Obama’s National Security Advisor Thomas Donilon, a member of that well known patriotic organization, the Council on Foreign Relations.
From Kremlim propaganda mouthpiece Russia Today:
Alexei Pushkov, the head of the State Duma committee on international affairs, believes that a top Washington aide will deliver to Moscow offers on nuclear disarmament in an upcoming visit.Trying to appease or befriend Moscow will work out just as well as trying to appease Nazi Germany did.
“The US president’s National Security Advisor Thomas Donilon is expected to arrive in Moscow in February,” Pushkov told a news conference in Moscow on Wednesday. “He is expected to bring a so-called secret letter.”
The leading Russian politician, while admitting that “no one knows what this letter will say,” said he believes it will contain “some proposals in the sphere of disarmament, including nuclear…”
Discussing the so-called Russia-US reset, which Pushkov said “has exhausted itself,” he noted that the relationship has “entered a phase of reformatting.” While acknowledging the achievements between Washington and Moscow – including partnership in Afghanistan, Russia’s accession to the WTO and the signing of a nuclear arms reduction treaty – Pushkov held out hope that the Russia-US relationship would get back on track in 2013…
“If Chuck Hagel is approved as Pentagon chief, he is also known as [a] political realist,” Pushkov said, adding that a Kerry-Hagel tandem could have a positive effect on Russia-US relations.
Obama is playing a very dangerous game with American national security. If he succeeds in disarming America, then the combined forces of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and others, will be able to exercise their will anywhere in the world.
If the balance swings too far in their favor, they will almost certainly strike at the American Heartland.
Obama isn’t just playing a silly game here. He is putting hundreds of millions of lives, and Western Civilization itself, at grave risk.
/Strong 6.6 magnitude earthquake strikes northeastern Russia
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Police Chief Wants Citizens As ‘Reserve Force’ To Defend Against Feds - Gilberton, Pennsylvania - January 24, 2013 in Gilberton Pennsylvania, The Police Chief Mark Kessler said he has drawn the line in the sand, and will stand with Freedom Over Tyranny as he and the city passed a resolution unanimously that says that will not comply or enforce any new laws infringing on the 2nd amendment.
Another sink hole forms in Old Pretoria area
This week's torrential rain led to several sinkholes in the area. Thursday crews from Dougherty County Public Works and Albany Water Gas and Light were out filling a hole that opened up near Old Pretoria Road that caused some travel delays for the ...
More sinkholes appear in Dougherty County
The first two sinkholes formed yesterday, in a pecan grove on the campus of Sherwood School on Old Pretoria Road, which is also next to the Pippin Pecan Company. The third formed around noon today near the Second Mount Zion Church, about ten feet ...
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'It was like a scene from the Armageddon movie': More than 400 people injured, buildings smashed and Russian mobile network wiped out as meteorite shower causes widespread panic Large object flashed across the sky at 9.20am local time (03.20 UK time) Pictures show a streak of smoke followed by several bright blasts of flames Three people had been hospitalised in a serious condition 6,000 square feet of a roof at a zinc factory collapsed Scientists are investigating whether or not the strike is related to Asteroid 2012 DA14, which is due to skim the orbit of the Earth later today
A terrifying meteorite shower hit Russia early this morning injuring more than 400 people, many of them hurt by broken glass.
Massive meteor blast shatters windows causes panic
---METEORITE SHOT DOWN BY RUSSIAN AIR DEFENSE; UFO FEARS SPARK PANIC; WITNESSES: HHOUSES SHUDDERED, WINDOWS WERE BLOWN OUT AND CELLPHONES HAVE STOPPED WORKING. - According to unconfirmed reports, the meteorite was intercepted by an air defense unit at the Urzhumka settlement near Chelyabinsk. A missile salvo reportedly blew the meteorite to pieces at an altitude of 20 kilometers.
-------Asteroid may be shaken by seismic quakes, as it zips by Earth
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Russian Military Chief Predicts Resource Wars Soon
Moody’s says U.S. rating hangs on debt outlook
Ron Paul: Trade War & Economic Collapse Coming
France moves one step closer to legalising euthanasia
Pastor, Please Help Us! - Now, it is time for pastors to take a stand!
All over America, county sheriffs are standing up and promising to protect their citizens’ right to keep and bear arms. They are pledging that, not only will they not participate in any federal gun ban, but that they will aggressively oppose any federal agencies that attempt to confiscate the semi-automatic rifles from the people of their counties. Many are even saying that they will arrest any federal agent who attempts to confiscate guns in their counties–any federal law requiring it notwithstanding. To see a sample list of the hundreds of sheriffs who are boldly putting themselves on the front lines of protecting the Second Amendment, go to:
Now, it is time for pastors to take a stand!
Let me ask readers a question. Those of you who listen to TV and radio pastors, how many have you heard mention even one time the current effort underway in Washington, D.C., to outlaw semi-automatic rifles? How many? One? Two? How many? I dare say that the vast majority of preachers across America have not said one word about it from their pulpits. Not one word!
When the epitaph is written on the tombstone of America, it will read, “Here lies the United States of America: killed by the apathy and indifference of its pastors and churches.”
Think about it: what did the pastors and churches do in 1962 and 1963 when prayer and Bible reading were expelled from America’s public schools? The vast majority did nothing. What did the pastors and churches do in 1973 when abortion-on-demand was legalized in this country? The vast majority did nothing. What did the pastors and churches do in 2001 and forward when the federal government began turning America into a giant police state? The vast majority did, and continues to do, nothing.
Now here we are in 2013, and the primary attack against the liberties of the American people is the banning and confiscation of our primary defense weapon: the semi-automatic rifle. And what are the pastors and churches doing? The vast majority are doing nothing. They are like Sergeant Schultz of the old Hogan’s Heroes TV sitcom: “I hear nothing! I see nothing!”
At this point, the words of the father of the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther, are in order. He said, “If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at the moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages there the loyalty of the soldier is proved. And to be steady on all the battlefields besides is merely flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.”
In the early 60s, the battlefield was prayer and Bible reading in school. Pastors and church abandoned the battlefield, and the enemy took the field. In the early 70s, abortion-on-demand was the battlefield. Pastors and churches abandoned the battlefield, and the enemy took the field. In the early 2000s, the creation of a police state was the battlefield (which is still raging), and the vast majority of pastors and churches are nowhere to be found. Now, the enemies of liberty are threatening to make outlaws out of millions of God-fearing, law-abiding citizens who believe in the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. This is the point today where “the devil and the world are at the moment attacking.” And once again, most pastors and churches are abandoning the battlefield.
Pastor, please help us!
If every pastor who, in his heart, believes in the right to keep and bear arms would publically from the pulpit denounce Barack Obama and Dianne Feinstein’s attempted gun ban plan, it is almost certain that the politicians at both the State and federal levels would hear the message loud and clear. With apologies to Edmund Burke, the only way evil can triumph is when Christian people–especially pastors–do nothing.
Instead of being courageous prophets, as God’s men are commissioned to be, so many of them–especially the nationally renowned ones–are busy providing cover for the would-be tyrants in Washington, D.C. Case in point: during a pre-inauguration service for President Obama, nationally-renowned pastor Andy Stanley (son of the famous Charles Stanley) delivered a 12-minute address. During his “sermon,” he called Obama “America’s Pastor-in-Chief.”
Barack Obama is a man who believes in killing innocent unborn babies (How many babies have been murdered in the wombs of their mothers since Obama was first elected back in 2008?); he is a man who, on his own personal orders, has killed nearly 200 children in drone missile attacks (at least two of the children who were killed were Americans). No consent of Congress was ever given. On his word alone, Barack Obama has used drone missiles to kill many times more children than Adam Lanza killed at Sandy Hook.
See Judge Andrew Napolitano’s column on this subject at:
Guns And The President
Barack Obama is also the man who is in the process of attempting to take away the American people’s right to keep and bear arms and make us slaves of the state. And still, Andy Stanley has the audacity to call Obama “America’s Pastor-in-Chief.”
With all due respect, Andy, your statement borders on blasphemy!
Pray tell, how is this different from the way the spineless prophets of Old Testament Israel groveled before their wicked kings? And listen to what God inspired His true prophet, Isaiah, to say to these conniving cowards:
“This is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD: Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits: Wherefore thus saith the Holy One of Israel, Because he despise this word, and trust in oppression and perverseness, and stay thereon: Therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant. And he shall break it as the breaking of the potters’ vessel that is broken in pieces; he shall not spare: so that there shall not be found in the bursting of it a sherd to take fire from the hearth, or to take water withal out of the pit.” (Isaiah 30: 9, 10, 12-14 KJV)
The famed Bible commentator, Albert Barnes, said the following regarding this passage: “The republic of Israel would be completely ruined, so that there should not be found a man of any description who could aid them.
“The prophecy was fulfilled in the invasion of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans; it had a more signal and awful fulfillment in its destruction by the Romans.”
But the church has repeated the apostasy of ancient Israel numerous times. Over and over again, pathetic pastors have groveled before wicked rulers. In his book, Hitler’s Cross, Erwin Lutzer quotes a German pastor by the name of Julius Leutherser saying the following regarding Adolf Hitler: “Christ has come to us through Hitler. [T]hrough his honesty, his faith and his idealism, the Redeemer found us.”
And now in 2013, Pastor Andy Stanley calls a man who has the blood of hundreds and thousands of innocents on his hands, “America’s Pastor-in-Chief.” Gag!
But where are the rest of America’s pastors? Will they allow their congregants to be turned into criminals by these would-be tyrants in Washington, D.C., who want to disarm them in the face of their enemies? President Barack Obama and his family have 24-hour armed protection, and he even wants that protection for the rest of his life. Senator Dianne Feinstein has armed protection. Mayor Michael Bloomberg has armed protection. But these same people want to strip you and me of the ability to protect and defend ourselves. And most pastors are content to say nothing?
Pastor, please help us!
I am issuing a clarion call to all pastors, regardless of denomination or theological persuasion, to stand in their pulpits and publicly denounce Obama’s gun ban plan and implore their congregations to NOT surrender their semi-automatic rifles LAW OR NO LAW. I am asking America’s pastors to join the hundreds of courageous sheriffs across the country who are vowing to refuse to participate with any gun ban. Pastor, will you join these sheriffs in protecting the Second Amendment liberties of the American people?
Accordingly, I have set up a web page where pastors are able to sign themselves up and go on record (as these sheriffs have done) as vowing to publicly repudiate Obama’s gun ban and to publicly implore their congregations to refuse to surrender their semi-automatic rifles.
I am providing the link below where pastors can follow the example of these brave sheriffs and go on record as being willing to oppose the unconstitutional banning of semi-automatic rifles. It is my prayer that there will be multiplied hundreds (even thousands) of patriotic, God-fearing, courageous pastors across America who will take a stand–and take it now!
Here is the link where pastors can join the list with their fellow patriot-preachers who are taking a stand for the Second Amendment and the liberties of their people:
Furthermore, I invite the men and women who attend church to make sure that your pastor knows about the webpage above and to be sure to encourage him to take his stand.
We lost the prayer and Bible reading battle in the early 60s; we lost the abortion battle in the early 70s; we are losing the police state battle of the 2000s; we simply cannot lose the battle to keep and bear arms without signing the death warrant of our country. And we cannot win this battle without the help of America’s pastors.
New Book: Romans 13: The True Meaning Of Submission
Educate your mind and strengthen your convictions that God’s will for His most precious creation is not submission to tyranny. For 1 Chronicles 28:8 (kjv) says, “keep and seek for all the commandments of the LORD your God: that ye may possess this good land, and leave it for an inheritance for your children after you for ever.” And if we are going to leave a good land of liberty for our children to inherit, we are going to have to come to grips with the true meaning of Romans 13.
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