God Freedom Liberty - United States Constitution And Supporters of Our Rights

Proverbs 22:3 NLT

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

-- (((Charles Finney, said the following: “If
there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it))) --


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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Thomas Paine These are the Times That try men's soul's / Bankrupt, Decaying And Nearly Dead: 24 Facts About The City Of Detroit That Will Shock You / DAYS OF NOAH AND LOT: Scout leaders vow to quit if ‘gay’ policy reversed / WHY IS GOVERNMENT STOCKPILING GUNS, AMMO? / OREGON BAKER FACES STATE INVESTIGATION AFTER REFUSING TO MAKE SAME-SEX COUPLE’S WEDDING CAKE / INFLATION FEAR: ARGENTINA FREEZES FOOD PRICES / Arkansas to allow guns in churches... /Al Gore’s “Global Mind” Ripe for Jihad / Incredible Gigantic Waterspout Swirls Over Mediterranean as Tiny Yacht Bobs on Waves / Texas Legislature: Bills Would Broaden Gun Rights of Residents / Obama Eliminates Breakfast for US Troops in Afghanistan, Stuffs Own Face / The Start Of A Historic Global Financial Meltdown: US Economy Is Slipping Into Reverse, Europe Goes Back Into Collapse Mode, And Hyperinflation Is Coming To Every “Developed” Country Near You!! / Gerald Celente & Andy Hoffman: The World is Heading into World War 3!! The Banks Are Forcing Governments To Buy Almost EVERYTHING! We Are Now In The Late 1930’s…. People Are Going To Be Going Into Gold / Beware 'Credit Supernova' Looming Ahead : Gross / Safeway-size asteroid to get closer to Earth than satellites

Peter Schiff: “More people are going to be talking about rising gas prices than rising stock prices”

Now Come 'Mini Drones'...
Bankrupt, Decaying And Nearly Dead: 24 Facts About The City Of Detroit That Will Shock You - Photo by Angelique DuLong
Bankrupt, Decaying And Nearly Dead: 24 Facts About The City Of Detroit That Will Shock You
Dow Off Over 100, Italy And Spain Are Getting Destroyed!!! TrimTabs: “We Increasingly Do Not Like What We See … Investors Are Piling Into Stocks … While Companies Are No Longer Supporting Share Prices.”

Seismologist warns of megathrust earthquake threat for New Zealand

February 4, 2013 NEW ZEALANDLess than 100km off the coast of Hawke’s Bay is a deep-water trench that could be the site of a potential megathrust earthquake similar to the 2011 Japan earthquake, says seismologist Kevin Furlong. Despite the Hikurangi Trench’s potential, he said very little was known about the underwater valley, where the Pacific plate was dragged underneath the Australian plate.
Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology says January 2013, was hottest on record
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In interview before Super Bowl, President Barack Obama says Boy Scouts should allow gays as members

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DAYS OF NOAH AND LOT: Scout leaders vow to quit if ‘gay’ policy reversed

He’s a fourth-generation Boy Scout leader, recipient of an award for distinguished leadership and a member of the Southern Region committee as well as an ad hoc member of the national committee. But if
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Assad set on arms transfers to Lebanon. Israel responds with no-fly zone

Syrian ruler Bashar Assad has ordered the resumption of weapons transfers to the Lebanese Hizballah, DEBKAfile’s exclusive military and intelligence sources report. This was agreed with Iran’s National Security Director Saeed Jalilee, who arrived in…
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Is the U.S. government getting ready for a war we don’t know about? And, if that’s why Washington is stockpiling massive amounts of ammunition (hollow points, by the way), why is Homeland Security doing…


An Oregon man may have broken the law and is facing a state investigation after refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex couple’s wedding, KATU reports. KGW has details on the story: It started on…

Was America's top Navy Seal sniper executed by the regime? Is there a communist revolution underway right now?

STEPHENVILLE -- Retired Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, the U.S. military's most lethal sniper, and his friend, Chad Littlefield were shot multiple times at a gun range at Rough Creek Lodge west of Glen Rose, Erath County Sheriff Tommy Bryant said Sunday afternoon. A semi-automatic handgun found at suspect Eddie Ray Routh's home in Lancaster might have been the weapon Routh used Saturday to kill them, Bryant said. After shooting the men, Routh, 25, tried to flee from police who tracked him down to his home. Neighbors said they watched as Routh shut off the engine of Kyle's large black Ford pickup, which was nearly surrounded by armed officers, including a Lancaster police detective who lives next door. Then Routh turned the key and sped from the home on West 6th Street. "He burned rubber and left in a cloud of black...
Former SEAL’s Shooting Will Shadow Obama Gun Control Speech

Obama seeks to sodomize Boy Scouts of America like he did U.S. Military...Where are America's pastors?

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama said Sunday that gays should be allowed in the Boy Scouts and women should be allowed in military combat roles, weighing in on two storied American institutions facing proposals to end long-held exclusions. The president’s comments in a pre-Super Bowl interview on CBS come ahead of this week’s meeting of the Boy Scouts’ national executive board. A proposal to open up the Scouts’ membership to gays is expected to be discussed and possibly voted on at the gathering in Texas. The Boy Scouts...
Washington state considers final gender-neutral language bill

North Korea nuclear test imminent

North Korea said Sunday its leader Kim Jong-un has made an “important decision to defend national security and sovereignty,” furthering speculation about an imminent nuclear test. The young ruler convened an extended meeting of the Central Military Commission to discuss measures to “revere our party’s songun (military-first) revolutionary leadership and bring off a great changeover in increasing military power,” the North’s official Korean Central News Agency said. During the meeting, Kim reached an “important decision that serves as a guideline...

Police spies stole the identities of 80 dead babies: Birth certificates were used for fake identities


Fed to Trigger 'Collateral Financial Damage': Lavorgnia

Joe Lavorgnia, chief economist at Deutsche Bank, criticized the Fed's strategy and sees broad "collateral financial damage" once interest rates eventually edge higher. "They have the pedal pressed so far down, I just think it's going to end so badly," said Lavorgnia on CNBC's "Squawk on the Street" on Friday. He was commenting on the Fed's strategy of near-zero interest rates. "When rates go higher, they're going to go so much higher than people anticipate and it's going to cause so much collateral financial damage," Lavorgnia said. Comparing the...
Arkansas to allow guns in churches...
Al Gore’s “Global Mind” Ripe for Jihad
Water spout: The enormous vortex appeared over the sea off the coast of the French island of Corsica
Incredible Gigantic Waterspout Swirls Over Mediterranean as Tiny Yacht Bobs on Waves
Incredible Panorama of Plosky Tolbachik Volcano Erupting in Kamchatka
Obama to Campaign for Gun Laws - Obama tries to undercut NRA in gun control debate
--------Why Is Government Stockpiling Guns, Ammo? Obama's Plan for 'Civilian National Security Force'
Texas Legislature: Bills Would Broaden Gun Rights of Residents

New National Identification System Is Coming
Obama Eliminates Breakfast for US Troops in Afghanistan, Stuffs Own Face
8 Retailers That Will Close the Most Stores
Area 51 Batplane Caught on Video
Sandy Hook Dad: You`ll Have to Take My Guns “From My Cold Dead Hands”

The Start Of A Historic Global Financial Meltdown: US Economy Is Slipping Into Reverse, Europe Goes Back Into Collapse Mode, And Hyperinflation Is Coming To Every “Developed” Country Near You!!
Is This The Beginning Of A Stock Market Crash In Europe?
---Is This The Beginning Of A Horrifying Stock Market Crash In Europe?
---------Gerald Celente & Andy Hoffman: The World is Heading into World War 3!! The Banks Are Forcing Governments To Buy Almost EVERYTHING! We Are Now In The Late 1930’s…. People Are Going To Be Going Into Gold

Campi Flegrei supervolcano raising anxiety among Italian residents

Are we seeing the Fulfillment of Isaiah 19? Egyptian Shall Rise Against Egyptian

Amid the blaze of graffiti in and around Cairo’s Tahrir Square — from hastily scribbled political slogans to elaborate portraits of the many martyrs of Egypt’s unfinished revolution — is an arresting image…
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How Drought on Mississippi River Impacts You

Woe is the Mississippi. A barge carrying light crude hit a bridge near Vicksburg, Mississippi, on Sunday, causing an oil spill. But if you think that is the worst thing that’s happened this winter…
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ALERT: UN calls on Israel to remove over 500,000 settlers

The United Nations’ first report on Israel’s settlements policy concluded Thursday that the government’s practice of “creeping annexation” clearly violates the human rights of Palestinians and called for the withdrawal of 500,000 settlers

Wyoming Public Schools May Offer Bible Study

Wyoming legislators aim to make it clear that public schools can offer Bible study courses as an elective. The measure is on its way to the state Senate after passing the Wyoming House of…
China's Gold Imports From Hong Kong Double To New Record In 2012

Eric Holder to Barry Soetoro (alias Barack Obama): Executing American citizens without evidence is legal

A confidential Justice Department memo concludes that the U.S. government can order the killing of American citizens if they are believed to be “senior operational leaders” of al-Qaida or “an associated force” -- even if there is no intelligence indicating they are engaged in an active plot to attack the U.S. The 16-page memo, a copy of which was obtained by NBC News, provides new details about the legal reasoning behind one of the Obama administration’s most secretive and controversial polices: its dramatically increased use of drone strikes against al-Qaida suspects, including those aimed at American citizens, such as the September 2011 strike in Yemen that killed alleged al-Qaida operatives Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan. Both were U.S. citizens who had never been indicted by the U.S. government nor charged with...

European markets and euro fall amid investor concern over Spain and Italy

The borrowing costs of Spain and Italy - the eurozone's third and fourth biggest economies - jumped and equities plunged as the spectre of the return of the debt crisis gripped traders. In London, the FTSE100, which was heading for a four year high, suffered its biggest fall for three months which wiped £25bn off the value of Britain’s biggest companies. London’s leading index closed down 1.6pc. Spain’s borrowing costs jumped to their highest level this year as corruption allegations threatened to engulf Mariano Rajoy’s government. Traders ignored Mr Rajoy’s...
Beware 'Credit Supernova' Looming Ahead : Gross

Safeway-size asteroid to get closer to Earth than satellites

An asteroid big enough to level a major metropolitan area (probably several of them, actually) will definitely not be doing any such thing this month, but it will come pretty darn close. First spotted by a Spanish observatory last year, small asteroid 2012 DA14 (in this case "small" means about 150 feet in diameter, or roughly the size of a supermarket) will pass within 3.5 Earth radii of the surface of our planet on February 15. That means that this big, menacing, but ultimately harmless space rock will actually be closer to us than our many satellites in...

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