IRS Furloughs to Begin AFTER Tax Season...
Federal workers vent anger at politicians...
Obama gives Republicans a meeting -- for 7 minutes?
Maxine Waters predicts 'over 170 million' jobs lost...
President's plan: $1 trillion in new taxes...
CRISIS: Blue Angels to be grounded...
United States of austerity...
Man in home's bedroom swallowed by sinkhole...
China to tighten property controls...
Moscow is billionaires' capital of the world...
Italy hits 21-year high...
26.2% in Spain...
Britain slides toward new recession...
Sheriff Joe suffers broken shoulder in fall...
REPORT: Scientists working to re-create extinct animals...
...Virginia man arrested for shooting shotgun through door
Delaware Man Arrested For Firing Gunshots in Backyard...
Japanese Living in 'Coffin' Apartments in Overcrowded Tokyo...
Obama administration asks U.S. high court to overturn California gay marriage ban
WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration is asking the Supreme Court to overturn California's ban on gay marriage and take a skeptical view of similar bans elsewhere, wading into a case that could have broad implications for the right of same-sex couples to wed. The administration said unequivocally in a friend-of-the-court brief filed late Thursday that gay marriage should be allowed to resume in California, where citizens voted to bar it in a 2008 referendum known as Proposition 8. It does not explicitly call for marriage equality across the United States but points the court in that direction. More immediately, the administration's position, if adopted by the court, probably would result in gay marriage becoming legal in seven other states that, like California, give gay couples all the benefits of marriage,../
Bloomberg: Don't Panic, USA Has 'Infinite Amount of Money'...
Massive ice balls wash up on shore of Lake Michigan...
Dr. Ben Carson Rails against ‘Political Correctness’ and Opens up about his Worldview with Glenn Beck
We Will Not Comply!’: NRA Holds Massive Rally In NY To Protest State’s Restrictive Gun Laws
Sheriff Debunks Gun Magazine ‘Fallacies’ in This Viral Vid
Gun Control Works
President Obama Declares at Press Conference: “I am Not a Dictator” -
Hannity Unloads On Rep. Keith Ellison, Rips ‘Radical Connections’ To Nation Of Islam
Florida man vanishes, after being sucked into sinkhole under his bedroom
Breaking: Texas Moves to Forcibly Inoculate Children
Scientists Create ‘superbrain’ by Connecting Thoughts of Two Rats
WALTER ZIMMERMAN: Every Indicator Shows There Will Be A New Financial Crisis
Consumer Spending Drought: 16 Signs That The Middle Class Is Running Out Of Money
Iowa on verge of legalizing raw milk as resistance to food tyranny is rising
Iowa is on the verge of legalizing raw milk sales from dairy farms, and legislation has been introduced for that purpose. Raw milk is currently illegal to sell across most of the United States of America, the “land of the free” where freedom has been systematically crushed by oppressive government. Cuba doesn’t outlaw raw milk. China doesn’t outlaw raw milk. Even North Korea doesn’t outlaw raw milk. Raw milk is legal to buy, sell and drink in Peru, Ecuador, Panama and most Central and South American countries. But in America, the FDA mandates that all milk be pasteurized, and this obscenely ignorant rule has resulted in a pandemic of milk allergies, digestive disorders, milk-caused autoimmune disorders and also the criminalization of raw dairy farmers.
/ALL EYES ON ROME: French Muslim Leader on Papacy: ‘A New Beginning Is Necessary’
Cash-strapped Egypt considers offering pyramids, other monuments for rent
Thousands of Iranian long-range missiles await enemies of Iran
Wars n Rumors of Wars: Thousands of Iran’s long-range missiles will defend the Islamic Republic
/Sinkholes continue to appear Globally as man in Tampa FL Swallowed from his Bedroom
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