God Freedom Liberty - United States Constitution And Supporters of Our Rights

Proverbs 22:3 NLT

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

-- (((Charles Finney, said the following: “If
there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it))) --


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In Defense Of A Nation

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Petrus Romanus is here! - Tom Horn / Obama to allow spy agencies scour Americans' finances.../ UFOs described as military-style aircraft puzzle FL residents... / City Billboard Urges Hispanics to Revolt: Update - TX. / Meteor explodes in skies over South Africa / 6,000 dead pigs discovered in river / Church camp sex diploma shocks Swedish parents / Beppe Grillo warns that Italy will be 'dropped like a hot potato' - 1,000 companies going bankrupt in Italy every day as country faces full-scale ‘credit emergency’ / China’s property bubble will burst in latter half of 2013, says research firm / How to Shoot Yourself in the Foot: Central Banks Begin Buying Derivatives / Monarch butterflies drop ominously in Mexico /■Democrats, Republicans and NRA work together on gun confiscation :NRA is cutting back room deals to centralize gun owner data collection into the Obama/Holder massive government data base. / Democrats, Republicans and NRA work together on gun confiscation :NRA is cutting back room deals to centralize gun owner data collection into the Obama/Holder massive government data base / Gun Control: Colorado Democrats Are Ready to Spark a Revolution / La. ‘Sinkhole’ Warnings, Contingency Plan Enacted: Deadly Hydrogen Sulfide, 2nd Sinkhole, Increased Instability /Mainstream Media Asks, Why is DHS Stockpiling Ammo, Weapons and Armored Assault Vehicles? / Would You Have Jumped? Teen Gets Huge Surprise When He Leaps Into Seemingly Small Puddle

Petrus Romanus is here! - Tom Horn
This is a rush script from Raiders News Update and we’ll be able to give you more information as we analyze this fantastic fulfillment of prophecy.
1. To start with, remember as we have told audiences repeatedly, the only thing needed to fulfill the Prophecy of the Popes would be a Cardinal of Italian descent and the new Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the son of Italian parents (Roman).
2. Even more important is that he is the first Jesuit Pope ever (or at least for a very long time, we are researching this) and this is a VERY important aspect of the prediction in our book because we said the name "Petrus Romanus" from the prophecy "implies this pope will reaffirm the authority of the Roman Pontiff over the Church and will emphasize the supremacy of the Roman Catholic Faith and the Roman Catholic Church above all other religions and denominations, and its authority over all Christians and all peoples of the world" (Petrus Romanus pgs 437-438). Concerning the Jesuits, their order was organized "to stop Protestantism from spreading and to preserve communion with Rome and the
successor of Peter..."
Also note this from Wikipedia:
The 35th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus convened on 5 January 2008 and elected Fr. Adolfo Nicolás as the new Superior General on 19 January 2008. A month after, the Pope (Benedict) received members of the General Congregation and urged them to "to continue on the path of this mission in full fidelity to your original charism" and asked them to reflect so as "to rediscover the fullest meaning of your characteristic 'fourth vow' of obedience to the Successor of Peter." For this, he told them to "adhere totally to the Word of God and to the Magisterium's task of preserving the integral truth and unity of Catholic doctrine." This clear identity, according to the Pope, is important so that "many others may share in your ideals and join you effectively and enthusiastically." The Congregation responded with a formal declaration titled "With New Fervor and Dynamism, the Society of Jesus Responds to the Call of Benedict XVI", whereby they confirmed the Society's fidelity to the Pope.
As a Jesuit, Bergoglio also makes the perfect Pope to fulfill our second book's (Exo-Vaticana) Chardinian Jesuit predictions who have been secretly arguing in favor of a coming an alien savior (MUCH MORE ON THAT WITH THE BOOK RELEASE NEXT WEEK).
Also note this Pope was elected on 3-13-13 at 8:13 (phenomenally occult numerology) Vatican time while specifically on this date (13th) Pan-STARRS (Pan-demonium, all the demons) appeared close to the moon, even silhouetting it according to SPACE.com stargazing columnist Geoff Gaherty, an astronomer with the Starry Night Education night sky software company.

Mark Faber: Endless Government Manipulation | McAlvany Commentary

A reminder of who we are and who they are: The Forgotten Man by Jon McNaughton


City Billboard Urges Hispanics to Revolt: Update - TX.
Rise Up, My People: Is “Arriba Mi Gente” art, or an inflammatory call for uprising?
iol scitech feb 15 russia meteorite

WHO confirms 15th case of deadly new virus in Saudi Arabia

Putting the Pope Puzzle Together. Has the Final Pope Arrived? You Decide!

31313_popefrancis_20130313_153615 (1)

6,000 dead pigs discovered in river



LA Times Announces: White Men are Terrorists
NJ Mother Eileen Hart Arrested, Forced to Turn Over Guns After Citing Constitution at Tax Dispute Forum
Pressure Mounts as Gun Confiscation begins to take place under “Certain Circumstances” and History may be repeating itself?


Charles Hugh Smith & Glenn Beck Asks: Whats the Global Endgame? Where Is This Headed?
Church camp sex diploma shocks Swedish parents

Church camp sex diploma shocks Swedish parents


Al Gore's 'Future' will 'blow your mind'

The future is both fascinating and weird – “weird,” I say, because it is awash in mystery, along with a large dose of uncertainty. “Fascinating and weird” further describes not only a new book by Al Gore – titled, “The Future” – but the nation’s 45th vice president himself. Years ago, I read Gore’s “Earth in the Balance,” and thought then that it was a very weird offering from a Southern Baptist, with all its New Age terminology and pantheistic musings. If only we’d known then he meant every word. Still, this new book, “The Future,” is engrossing and very...

Eye-Tracking Tech Will Be Open to iPhones and Other Devices

Samsung Electronics won’t be the only company that gets a fancy eye-tracking feature. A start-up company called uMoove, which has been developing this type of technology for three years, says it will offer eye- and head-tracking to anyone, including device makers like Apple and software developers who make mobile apps. Based in Israel, uMoove has been working on a technology for smartphones and tablets to track eye and head movements using a device’s front-facing camera. It said on Tuesday that very soon it would offer a software tool...

Beppe Grillo warns that Italy will be 'dropped like a hot potato'

Mr Grillo's movement won more than a quarter of the vote in last month's general election, making it the biggest single party in the Italian parliament. Since then, the country has been in a state of political paralysis as Mr Grillo refuses to contemplate a power-sharing deal with the centre-Left Democratic party. In an interview with the German business newspaper Handelsblatt, Mr Grillo said: "The northern European countries are only holding onto us until their banks have recouped their investments in Italian sovereign bonds. Then they'll...
---1,000 companies going bankrupt in Italy every day as country faces full-scale ‘credit emergency’
--------private equity crash could trigger next wave of financial crisis, Bank warns

China’s property bubble will burst in latter half of 2013, says research firm

Inflated by high-end speculation and the flow of cheap money, China’s property bubble seems to keep on growing and now it’s nearing its popping point, says the founder of a Hong Kong-based research firm. Gillem Tulloch of Forensic Asia told Reuters the “bubble” will burst in the second half of this year once China stops “injecting ridiculous amounts of credit into the economy.” The Chinese government announced plans earlier this month aimed at calming the country’s property sector, including steeper down payments on second-time home...
central bankers
How to Shoot Yourself in the Foot: Central Banks Begin Buying Derivatives
---Rob Arnott - We Are Now In A Very Dangerous Environment
-------Gold and Silver ETFs "Backed Only By The Good Faith Of Banks and Brokerages"

China: Safety Fears As More Dead Pigs Found

Residents of Shanghai have become increasingly concerned about contaminated water as the number of dead pigs found floating in a river rose to nearly 7,000. The pig carcasses started appearing in Shanghai on Saturday and are thought to have been dumped in the city's main Huangpu river further upstream after dying of disease. Workers have been removing the carcasses but have been overwhelmed as increasing numbers of dead pigs have appeared. Local television showed men digging a mass grave and then dumping dead pigs...

Monarch butterflies drop ominously in Mexico


7 terrifying sinkhole disasters

Sinkholes appear to be frighteningly instantaneous — one moment you're on the 14th hole at a golf course in Waterloo, Ill., and the next moment you're 18 feet below the ground. But technically, sinkholes develop over time in subterranean areas that can't drain properly. A buildup of water slowly dissolves rock, creating caverns that eventually break the surface, sometimes in a horrifically dramatic way. Luckily, the golfer in this case, Mark Mihal, survived his surprising plummet, and friends managed to hoist him to safety with a rope within...
UK Bankruptcy Tzar On Verge Of Bankruptcy
---What Will Become Of Chavez's Gold Hoard?

NK Fighter Jet Activity Increases Dramatically, Evacuating Civilians Into Tunnels, Camouflaging Transports
Democrats, Republicans and NRA work together on gun confiscation :NRA is cutting back room deals to centralize gun owner data collection into the Obama/Holder massive government data base.

----Sources: NRA Signals Deal for Background Checks – If Democrats Cede Tough Records Fight
Obama’s War on Women: All 18 Year Old Women Will Now Have to Register for the Draft
Govt Ammo Stockpiling Story Breaks Through Media Censorship, Goes Mainstream
Gun Control: Colorado Democrats Are Ready to Spark a Revolution -
Colorado Democrats seem Hell bent to impose sweeping and tyrannical gun control measures, including banning the standard shotgun. It seems that they are pushing for a civil war or worse an entire revolution.
USDA Meat-Labeling Rules Stir Backlash from Cattle Industry
Christian Family Facing Deportation for Homeschooling
Comet PANSTARRS Stars in a New Timelapse Movie

La. ‘Sinkhole’ Warnings, Contingency Plan Enacted: Deadly Hydrogen Sulfide, 2nd Sinkhole, Increased Instability/
Mainstream Media Asks, Why is DHS Stockpiling Ammo, Weapons and Armored Assault Vehicles?
Teenager Submerged Over His Head After Jumping Into Hole He Thought Was Just a Puddle
Would You Have Jumped? Teen Gets Huge Surprise When He Leaps Into Seemingly Small Puddle

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