RFID Chip Now Being Issued In Hanna, Wyoming As Part Of New “Obamacare” Plan -

Drone Days of Summer - Home of the World’s First Rodeo,” may soon become home to the first pre-emptive strike against drones
Pope more conciliatory towards gay clergy... 'Who am I to judge?'
95-year-old man dies after cops hit with stun gun, bean bag rounds...
CHICAGOLAND: Cash reserves plunge, debt triples...
---Detroit weighs garage sale of assets...
-----------Veteran cop arrested for armed robbery -- while in uniform!
Debt Remains 'Unchanged' For 70 Days... - 70 Straight Days: Treasury Says Debt Stuck at Exactly $16,699,396,000,000.00 -
Get Ready for the All-Hail-Hillary Movies...

Restaurant to serve 1st hamburger made of test tube-grown beef...
'Gray, with slippery texture like squid'...
House Refuses to Fund ‘Atheist Chaplains’ at Defense Department/

Unisex Uniforms Debut As Army Opens Units To Women
Liberal Tyrants and their Conservative Helpers - S2E6
Senator Ted Cruz: ‘So Sad to See’ This President ‘Consistently Disregard the Constitution’ and the Law
Spying on America – Thor to O’Reilly: My Contacts Tell Me Government is Recording All Phone Calls
Obama & The Rise of Islam in America 2013. Muslim Brotherhood infiltrate the white house

CHINA CREDIT CRISIS: Beijing Orders Urgent Audit of All Government Debt on Heels of Downgrade – Estimated as High as 80% of GDP!!!
/Entire Pacific Ocean Radioactive, Getting Worse NO SOLUTION! Fukushima Explained
RAW VIDEOS- Multiple Explosions Rock Florida: Blue Rhino Plant Explosion
As The Crisis Deepens, Gold Flows East – Part 2 (of 3)
---A Disaster Is Waiting To Happen – Fractional Reserve Banking Is The Current Form of Banking In All Countries Worldwide
--------Banks On The Verge of Collapse: Up To 46% Of Bailed Out Homeowners Can’t Pay Their Mortgage (Again), Monthly Home Payment Soars 40% To 2008 Levels, And Bernanke Is Definitely Going To Taper Soon!
------------Big Banks Manipulated Energy Markets In California and the Midwest … Ripping Off Tens of Millions of Dollars in 9 Months
How Tax Payers will Bail Out Detroit and every other Liberal Financial Sinkhole in the Nation — through ObamaCare
AMAZING: FedEx Pilot Narrowly Misses 2 Chemtrail Planes BECAUSE THEY AREN’T ON RADAR !!
Jim Sinclair: What Do You Have To Lose By Not Getting Out of the System? -
From Jim Sinclair:
This is coming to your home town soon, but have you taken any steps to get out of a system that is about to levy an account tax like this so far without exceptions to any entity, corporate or private?/
Gold is for savings, not savings accounts. Gold held in any storage as not allocated is at risk to normal means of storage business.
If your broker is a bank your brokerage account risks bail in. All clearing houses are presently at risk to bail in, therefore your street name stock is at risk as well as anything held in your brokerage account.
Your coin dealer could have their accounts bailed in which would in turn confiscate a great degree of undelivered coins of yours.
Keep in mind a means of raising cash for bankruptcy that was proposed in the Cyprus Bail in scheme by the IMF was nationalization of pension funds.
At the heart of the financial problem is an amount of legacy OTC derivatives that exceeds the total money supply of the entire planet.
Please take some action to GOTS. You have nothing to lose and at least 47.5% to gain by simply being out of the system. How can you possibly continue to ignore this warning that I am making at a great expense to my personal and professional energy and time? What in the world do you have to risk to get a significant degree of GOTS?
Cyprus, lenders set Bank of Cyprus bail-in at 47.5 percent, sources say
NICOSIA | Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:44am BST
(Reuters) – Cyprus and its international lenders have agreed to convert 47.5 percent of deposits exceeding 100,000 euros in Bank of Cyprus BOC.CY to equity to recapitalize it, banking sources said on Sunday.
Under a programme agreed between Cyprus and lenders in March, large depositors in Bank of Cyprus were earmarked to pay for the recapitalisation of the bank. Authorities initially converted 37.5 percent of deposits exceeding 100,000 euros into equity, and held an additional 22.5 percent as a buffer in the event of further needs.
“There was an agreement concluding at a final figure of 47.5 percent this morning,” a source close to consultations told Reuters.

Jim Willie: Extreme Gold Market: Supply vs Demand
Russia follows the yellow brick road, increases gold reserves
'Fake Cops' Robbing Detroit Citizens At Gunpoint Turn Out To Be Real Cops Robbing Citizens At Gunpoint

Christian Man Tortured In Front of Wife
---The Invasion of Sharia Law:Just like S. 744, Sharia law, illegal immigration and the free trade agreements are designed by the globalists to subvert the Constitution and to undermine the national identity of the United States.
Jim Rogers Explains The Condition of The World:VIDEO

Largest Fast Food Walkout Begins in Seven Cities
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