Race, Death and Politics in the Media Limelight – Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste
Rally Shuts Down Major Intersection In Newark...
Baltimore Witness: Group of Blacks Beat Hispanic Man, Yelling 'This Is For Trayvon'...
Oakland: Police Stood Down As 'Protesters' Terrorized Drivers...
Verdict unleashed pent up rage...
Syrian Rebels Side with Trayvon...
Prosecutor 'Prayed' for Him to Testify...
'THE WIRE' creator fans flames: 'I would pick up a brick'...
State prosecutors say Zimmerman's 'mindset' was against law...
NUGENT: Verdict vindicates citizen patrols, self-defense...
PRE-CRIME: Brain scans may identify prison inmates likely to reoffend...
First brain wave test for ADHD...
Weak vs. weaker: Both Obama, Boehner struggle to gain leverage...
Inside immigration bill: Details, bureaucracy and pork...
GALLUP: Opposition to Obamacare growing...
Will Detroit File For Bankruptcy? Developing...
July 15th, 2013
The price of gold and silver has seen a massive decline as of late, prompting one analyst to suggest that there is no compelling fundamental reason to own precious metals and the only thing investors can do now is “hope and panic, in that order.”
But while current prices and technical charts may leave some with the feeling that gold’s bull run is over and the bubble has popped, others are
Harley Schlanger, historian and national Spokesperson for Larouchepac.com joins us to discuss the progress in reimplementing the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act in the United States. Harley reminds us that the very history of these United States is the never-ending fight between lovers of liberty and the tyrants who want to destroy it. We must tie down the Banksters and prevent further crimes against humanity, or live under a global banking government
Retail Sales Slide, Miss: Biggest Drop And Miss In 12 Months!!! Building Material Sales Were A Major Drag!!! Goldman Joins JPM In Cutting Q2 GDP To 1% Stall Speed!!!
CHINA”S FINANCIAL SYSTEM READY TO COLLAPSE! Giant Ponzi Scheme Exposed! China’s Debt Is Well Over $507 Trillion, And Yet Per Capita Income Is Less Than $4500
Bachmann: Congress Needs To ‘Spank The President’ And Take Away His Magic Wand

DAYS OF LOT: Fuller Seminary Allows First LGBT Campus Group

BON APETIT: World’s first test tube burger is ready to eat
Dangerous Leaking Radioactive Water”, All Four Reactors are “Getting Worse” at Fukushima
"Lesbians in Space" & other government approved text books S2E4
Most Iraqi private banks hit capital goal - Iraqi Dinar - Most of Iraq's 34 private banks have reached the central bank's 150 billion Iraqi dinar ($128.8 million) capital requirement level for 2012, a measure to enhance their financial capability, officials said.
BREAKING: Snowden officially applies for asylum in Russia
Why Doesn’t the Government Use Its Mass Surveillance to Bust the Big Criminals … the Banksters?
Premiums High In China and India – China Gold Deliveries Double
Deutsche Bank Lines Up To Be Another Lehman In The Next Big Financial Crisis – The Bank Is ‘Horribly Undercapitalized’, Hiding Risk To Investors, And Downgraded By S&P
Feds Committing Fraud? USA Debt Exactly $16,699,396,000,000.00 for 56 Days… Remains $25 Million Below Legal Limit
Significant earthquake swarm reported at Costa Rica’s Turrialba volcano
Russia to build and deploy floating nuclear power plants
7.3 magnitude earthquake shakes seafloor near South Sandwich Islands

Overly obese Boy Scouts barred from Jamboree

Scientists investigating massive krill die-off on Northern California coast
Penn University Prof Says Zimmerman Let Off Because God Is a ‘White Racist’
GATA’s Bill Murphy on the Manipulated Gold Drop
Setting Up for a Financial Collapse Worse than 1929-Karl Denninger






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