God Freedom Liberty - United States Constitution And Supporters of Our Rights

Proverbs 22:3 NLT

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

-- (((Charles Finney, said the following: “If
there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it))) --


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Stan Deyo Earthquake / Volcanic Forecasts
Earthquake / Volcanic Forecasts

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End Time Talk Radio - (Radio Shows)

X22 Report is a daily show that will cover issues surrounding the economic collapse

In Defense Of A Nation

Thursday, December 26, 2013

BLAZE EXCLUSIVE: PAKISTANI TERROR GROUP THREATENS DEADLY ATTACKS ON NEW YORK, WASHINGTON, D.C. / AT LEAST 35 HOUSE MEMBERS SET TO SUE OBAMA 'Everybody's bound by the law, including the president. He's not exempt' / Break Up California into 6 States? / London Gold Vaults Empty, Saudi Arabia Ready to Act Alone Against Syria and Iran Phony Fed Taper / ◾Omens: Thousands Of Fish Beach Themselves (Video):Malaysia’s shores share the same water as Japan, where the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant continues to dump radioactive water in the ocean / Cracks form in levee around Bayou Corne sinkhole / Big Brother Tells Kids: TSA ‘Isn’t Scary’ / Kim's Christmas Music: No way! This teenager sounds JUST LIKE Elvis / First Swiss bank agrees to sellout its US clients

Photo: See What The Radicals Expect You To Forget!
By Bradlee Dean

“'America, they will always get away with what you let them get away with!'
– Bradlee Dean

Just the other day I was scanning the Internet to see what was going on in our world, and lo and behold a man named Larry Brinkin popped up before my eyes. For those that do not know his name, Larry Brinkin is a “gay rights” icon.

Brinkin is a career lawyer and a homosexual activist who was crowned by the homosexual community when he led the effort to legalize same-sex 'marriage' in California. He is also the man that was making $135,000 per year working for the human rights commission in San Francisco. As a matter of fact, the board of supervisors even established a “Larry Brinkin” week in February of 2010 in his honor.

But did you know …"

Click Below to Read More:















Creepy Obamacare Pod Found In Walmart

The Second American Revolution 2014 - AMTV Classic Countdown Day 10

2014: DOW 18,000 Next Year... THEN Great Depression

London Gold Vaults Empty, Saudi Arabia Ready to Act Alone Against Syria and Iran  Phony Fed Taper

UFO HUGE Fireball seen all over Large Meteor California Skies


Edward Snowden’s Channel 4 Christmas Message

Hear him talk, here you go.


America Is On The Path Of Becoming A Police State

The French are now taxing everything, they need more revenue to pay the massive debt since the people cannot find work. Germany wants its gold back and the US and France are in Africa invading countries to get the gold. Obama is working to remove all public education and let the corporations control the educational process. DHS is setting up Real Id to federalize all licenses and place

Push of a Button: This Is How Fast They Can Lock Down the Entire Banking System

Mac Slavo
December 24th, 2013

Late last week it was learned that some 40 million charge cards were obtained using physical processing systems located in Target retail locations nationwide. Though no details of the how the hack attack was executed have been released by Target, the FBI or other agencies investigating the breach, it is likely that the processing machines themselves were compromised. Target claims that the hack was sophisticated,
Omens: Thousands Of Fish Beach Themselves (Video):Malaysia’s shores share the same water as Japan, where the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant continues to dump radioactive water in the ocean


Demand for food stamps soars as cuts sink in and shelves empty More working Americans are lining up at emergency food banks and going hungry, as cuts to those programmes take effect
Dutch designer Ruben Pater has penned the Drone Survival Guide, which like bird watching charts, shows the various shapes and sizes of flying objects by their silhouettes
21st century bird watching: Drone guide lets sky gazers spot flying military robots using their silhouettes

Seismic unrest: new earthquake swarms reported at El Hierro Island

December 23, 2013 CANARY ISLANDS
Cracks form in levee around Bayou Corne sinkhole The protective levee ringing the Bayou Corne-area sinkhole in Assumption Parish has redeveloped cracks for a second time in less than two months amid an intensive wave of underground micro-tremors, parish officials said. The cracks have formed along the southern levee, or berm, near the Bayou Corne waterway and in the same area where a
Mormon ‘survivalist’ food silos go mainstream
Towering grain silos overlook the main highway in Salt Lake City at the Mormon church’s Welfare Square. At grocery stores, there’s a whole section with large plastic tubs with labels that read “Deluxe survivor 700.” Radio ads hawk long-term supplies of food with 25-year shelf lives. And houses are equipped with special shelving for cans of
Reid Predicts Boehner Will Conference On Amnesty
For at least the second time this month, Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) claimed House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) will cave on comprehensive immigration reform next year. “I think that John Boehner will conference with the Senate. Why wouldn’t he? He’ll have a lot of pressure from his members now that the election is
NSA Review Group Member Wants to Expand Data Collection Program
Big Brother Tells Kids: TSA ‘Isn’t Scary’
Kim's Christmas Music: No way! This teenager sounds JUST LIKE Elvis

More Bogus Reporting from “60 Minutes” on Benghazi
Agenda 21 Has Rural America in the Crosshairs
Jim Rickards: China Has the Greatest Motive to Manipulate Gold!
Jim Willie: In 2014 The Failure Begins!
First Swiss bank agrees to sellout its US clients
RT - The Swiss regional lender Valiant Bank has agreed to a US voluntary disclosure programme aimed at divulging information on American tax evaders.

Local courts reviving ‘debtors’ prison’ for overdue fines, fees

Posted Wednesday, December 25, 2013
As if out of a Charles Dickens novel, people struggling to pay overdue fines and fees associated with court costs for even the simplest traffic infractions are being thrown in jail across the United States.

Read more at http://patriotupdate.com/#PwSu3dXyH5Y8Iejt.99

Local courts reviving ‘debtors’ prison’ for overdue fines, fees

Posted Wednesday, December 25, 2013
As if out of a Charles Dickens novel, people struggling to pay overdue fines and fees associated with court costs for even the simplest traffic infractions are being thrown in jail across the United States.

Read more at http://patriotupdate.com/#PwSu3dXyH5Y8Iejt.99

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