God Freedom Liberty - United States Constitution And Supporters of Our Rights

Proverbs 22:3 NLT

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

-- (((Charles Finney, said the following: “If
there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it))) --


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In Defense Of A Nation

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

White House names MICROSOFT exec to run Healthcare.gov... / Fine print: State can seize your assets to pay for care after you’re forced into Medicaid by Obamacare / DOD official: Snowden ‘stole everything — literally everything’;What’s floating is so dangerous, we’d be behind for twenty years in terms of access (if it were to be leaked),” a ranking Department of Defense official told the Daily Caller / Maryland County Commissioner: Demand your leaders adhere to the constitution. / U.S. Army war college seeks to remove Gen. Robert E. Lee, 'Stonewall' Jackson... / ◾Texas Police Ask Drivers for Blood Samples, Secretly Test Those Who Refuse / Obama ‘sending message’ by naming openly gay athletes as part of Sochi Olympic delegation / Joel Osteen needs more security than a Third World dictator /

Fine print: State can seize your assets to pay for care after you’re forced into Medicaid by Obamacare
Muslims Massacre At Least 700 Christians, In Just One Moment

Price of Ground Beef Hits All-Time High
County sheriffs in Maryland show support for gun rights at a Second Amendment rally.
Gun Control: 'What If We Say No?'
When the proponents of gun control did their expected blood dance on the bodies of the victims at Sandy Hook Elementary School, gun rights activists were quick to assert that they had no intention of accepting or obeying any more gun control laws.
Groups of citizens confronted law enforcement in New York State, for example, making it clear in no uncertain terms that any such new laws would be disobeyed.
Around the country gun rights groups and citizens who support the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution asked of law enforcement when told they would have to abide by new restrictions on their rights, "What if we say no? Are you going to kill us? We have already told you we would never give up any gun or obey any new restriction. We will defy you to the bitter end. So, are you prepared to kill us in your attempt to enforce your unconstitutional laws on citizens who have never broken the law? And, are you prepared to live with the consequences?"

Maryland County Commissioner: Demand your leaders adhere to the constitution.

Disabled military retirees NOT exempt...
Senate Dems side with illegal immigrants over veterans...
FACEBOOK can see what users type...
Obama launches holiday-themed healthcare website...

BARBARA WALTERS: 'We thought he was going to be the next Messiah'...
Long Island man arrested in multiple 'knockout' assaults...
U.S. Army war college seeks to remove Gen. Robert E. Lee, 'Stonewall' Jackson...

FLA school to remove Confederate general's name...

A slide from a presentation about a secretive information-sharing program run by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's Special Operations Division (SOD) is seen in this undated photo (Reuters / John Shiffman)
Former Top NSA Official: “We Are Now In A Police State”

Texas Police Ask Drivers for Blood Samples, Secretly Test Those Who Refuse
GUN FREE ZONES: The Truth Behind Mass Shootings in America

Bitcoin Crashes After China Bans New Deposits; PBOC Gets DDOSed In Retaliation
Obama ‘sending message’ by naming openly gay athletes as part of Sochi Olympic delegation
Former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano will lead the US delegation to the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics next year in Sochi, Russia, after the US decided against sending any senior officials to the games. The delegation will include two openly gay athletes – tennis champion Billie Jean King and ice hockey player Caitlin
Pope Francis
Pope Francis named ‘Person of the Year’ by oldest American gay rights magazine The oldest gay rights magazine in the United States named Pope Francis its “Person of the Year” as the pontiff marked his 77th birthday on Tuesday by inviting homeless people to join him for breakfast in the Vatican. The Advocate magazine said it gave Francis the honor because, although he is still against homosexual marriage,
Taper or no taper, the Fed will never end QE: Marc Faber
When the Federal Reserve announces its next move on Wednesday, some expect it to reduce its $85 billion monthly bond-buying program, targeting an eventual end toquantitative easing in late 2014. Others expect the Fed to begin to reduce the program in early 2014, or to finish it off by 2015. But Marc Faber has a different take altogether
Israel prepares for short intense war to deliver ‘knock-out blow’ to Hizbullah – Related: U.S. ties with Hizbullah ‘developing positively’ as secret dialogue continues
Israel’s military has been preparing for a brief and decisive war against Hizbullah, a report said. The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies asserted that Israel’s military has invested heavily in new capabilities to ensure a brief war against Hizbullah in Lebanon. In a report, Israeli analyst Yaakov Lappin said Israel was preparing for air and
Judge orders Obama’s secret foreign aid order released
Rejecting one of the Obama White House’s most aggressive attempts to preserve executive branch secrecy, a federal judge Tuesday ordered the disclosure of a government-wide foreign-aid directive President Barack Obama signed in 2010 but refused to make public. The Justice Department asserted that the Presidential Policy Directive on Global Development was covered by executive privilege,
University of Maryland mulls sex change surgery in insurance plans
Sex change operations may soon be part and parcel of University of Maryland student insurance plans, the campus newspaper, The Diamondback, reported. The newspaper says the university’s health care center has “submitted proposals to three separate companies detailing what the university would like its new plan to include” and all the proposals “include coverage of up to $100,000 for any
Joel Osteen needs more security than a Third World dictator
You’d have thought a world leader had shown up to Barnes and Noble in downtown Washington at lunchtime Tuesday. But no. It was megachurch pastor Joel Osteen with his megawatt smile and serious security team in tow. He was there to promote and sign his new book, Break Out! 5 Keys to Go Beyond Your Barriers And Live. Some
Chinese surgeons reattach a man’s severed hand after keeping it alive on his leg for a month Doctors in China have reattached a man’s severed hand after keeping it alive for a month by attaching it to his leg. The 25-year-old, identified by his nickname Xiao Wei, had his right hand sawn off by a drilling machine at work last month in Changde, in the central province of Hunan, the Xiaoxiang Morning /
Truth In Media: Vaccine Court and Autism

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