God Freedom Liberty - United States Constitution And Supporters of Our Rights

Proverbs 22:3 NLT

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

-- (((Charles Finney, said the following: “If
there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it))) --


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In Defense Of A Nation

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

RUSSIACHINA UNITE! / PUTIN IGNORES THREATS FROM WEST / Pope Francis And The Emerging One World Religion The crowd cheered, as he continued, “Brothers and sisters, Luther’s protest is over. Is yours?” / Connecticut Patriot Forewarned Lawmakers about Gun Registration: “I Will Not Comply” / Gerald Celente: Banker Suicides the Prequel to Global Collapse / FACEBOOK Wants to Build 11,000 Drones to 'Bring Internet to Africa'... / Russia warns could 'reduce to zero' economic dependency on USA... / ◾Molon Labe: Connecticut Gun Group Issues Ultimatum to Government Either enforce gun ban or repeal law / Obama budget’s military cuts could be rude awakening for veterans / Moody’s Downgrades Chicago’s Credit Rating, Lowest Of Any Major City Except Detroit / Calif. governor candidate equates Obama to Hitler, Stalin on gun policies / Missouri Dems Introduce Alarming Gun Confiscation Bill Giving Law-Abiding Gun Owners 90 Days to Turn in Certain Firearms or Become Felons - Connecticut State Police say: ‘If ordered, they will violate the Constitution’ - Showdown: Maryland to Target 110,000 Citizens With Gun Confiscation / ◾Kim Jong-Un 'orders 33 people to be executed' because they made contact with Christian missionary / China Is Headed For A Severe Economic Slowdown And First Corporate Bond Default / Bloomberg Moves to Ban Pro-Gun Speech / Russia Warns it Will Stiff Banksters and Dump The Dollar / Economist John Williams: Financial Collapse if Russia Sells U.S. Dollar Holdings

Pope Francis - Photo by Christoph Wagener
Pope Francis And The Emerging One World Religion -
“The Catholic and Charismatic Renewal is the hope of the Church,” exclaims Anglican Episcopal Bishop Tony Palmer, before a group of cheering followers at the Kenneth Copeland Ministries.   Palmer said those words are from the Vatican. Before playing the video message from Pope Francis to Kenneth Copeland, Palmer told the crowd,  “When my wife saw that she could be Catholic, and Charismatic, and Evangelical, and Pentecostal, and it was absolutely accepted in the Catholic Church, she said that she would like to reconnect her roots with the Catholic culture. So she did.”
The crowd cheered, as he continued, “Brothers and sisters, Luther’s protest is over. Is yours?”
Even Kenneth Copeland finds this development incredible: Said Copeland, “Heaven is thrilled over this…You know what is so thrilling to me? When we went into the ministry 47 years ago, this was impossible.”
Ohio 8-year-old Gold Star Kid Turns $20 Into Priceless Pay It Foward Gift To Soldier

Connecticut Patriot Forewarned Lawmakers about Gun Registration: “I Will Not Comply”

Barack the Wash Out

Reports: Russian troops poised for invasion of eastern Ukraine, despite denials Large contingents of Russian troops reportedly massed at the crossing between the Crimean peninsula and eastern Ukraine Monday, in preparation for a possible attack. The Russian army already has approval from its parliament to operate in Ukraine, and the Russian media have been reporting for days about Ukrainian “provocations” and assaults on Russian civilians that
CHILL: New Orleans Endures One Of Coldest Mardi Gras Ever, DC Set 141-year Record Low, Lake Michigan 90% Covered In Ice; Highest Ever Recorded…
Largest Oil Refinery In Europe Is On Fire… On Purpose?

RUSSIAN: We Could ‘Reduce To Zero’ Its Economic Dependency On US, Default On Our Debt Debt If Sanctions Imposed
Putin Adviser Warns U.S. On USD As Reserve Currency And “Crash” Of U.S. Financial System
Gerald Celente: Banker Suicides the Prequel to Global Collapse

FACEBOOK Wants to Build 11,000 Drones to 'Bring Internet to Africa'...
Russia warns could 'reduce to zero' economic dependency on USA... Abandon dollar?
Texans vote in primaries shaken by 'Tea Party' influence...
JUDGMENT DAY FOR MARINE HANDCUFFED OVER FACEBOOK POST Arrested without charges, detained for mental evaluation 

Molon Labe: Connecticut Gun Group Issues Ultimatum to Government Either enforce gun ban or repeal law
Gas and oil prices soar and petrol could be next: Ukraine crisis shocks world markets amid fears Russia's energy resources will be hit by trade sanctions

Russia fires its first shots in Crimea as soldiers warn off unarmed Ukrainian troops advancing on/

 occupied airfield to demand their jobs back
Connecticut: Taking the White Man's Guns

Going Outlaw- Wild Bill for America

Point of No Return- By Enola Gay
I am an optimist by nature.  I always have been.  I have been of the belief that anything that can be done can be undone.  In my heart of hearts I would still like to believe that, however, I have recently come to the sorrowful conclusion that the United States of American has quietly, blindly slid past the point of no return.

When our country came into being it was populated by rugged, double-tough individuals seeking a home - a place to live or die in freedom.  Their backgrounds were as varied as the countries from which they hailed, but they all came to these shores with a common dream - freedom.  These people were willing to endure every hardship known to mankind, every deprivation, every tribulation and sorrow, all for the promise of one simple ideal - Freedom.
Co Founder Of Organization Targeted By The IRS Speaks Out

Putin Adviser Urges Dumping US Bonds In Reaction to Sanctions An adviser to Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that authorities would issue general advice to dump US government bonds in the event of Russian companies and individuals being targeted by sanctions over events in Ukraine. Sergei Glazyev said the United States would be the first to suffer in the event of any sanctions regime. “The
Iranian general: Obama’s threats are ‘the joke of the year’ President Barack Obama is a “low-IQ US president,” whose threat to launch a military offensive should nuclear talks fail is an oft-cited punchline in the Islamic Republic, particularly among children, an Iranian general said on Tuesday “The low-IQ US president and his country’s Secretary of State John Kerry speak of the effectiveness of ‘the US
Obama budget’s military cuts could be rude awakening for veterans
President Barack Obama sent Congress a $3.9 trillion budget for next year. It includes tax increases on the wealthy and spending on things like roads and job training. Little of it will pass the Republican House. The budget would also shrink the armed forces. This could mean tens of thousands of service members will join the
Obama Budget Will Add $8.3 Trillion to Debt
President Barack Obama’s budget for fiscal year 2015 will add $8.3 trillion to the debt and hike taxes by $1.8 trillion, according to a joint analysis by Republicans on the Senate and House budget committees. The president unveiled his budget a month late at Powell Elementary School in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, calling his plan
Moody’s Downgrades Chicago’s Credit Rating, Lowest Of Any Major City Except Detroit
Moody’s Investors Service has downgraded Chicago’s credit rating, citing the city’s unfunded pension liabilities. The agency announced Tuesday it’s lowering the rating on $8.3 billion in debt from A3 to Baa1, putting it only three notches above junk-bond status. Moody’s gave Chicago a negative outlook indicating another downgrade could occur if there’s no pension fix.
Abortion lovers create wall of censorship around pro-life display Radical leftist activists crashed a pro-life demonstration at the University of Georgia and erected a wall of censorship around an anti-abortion display in order to shield the campus from the reality of abortion. Justice for All, a pro-life group, erected an anti-abortion display at the University of Georgia on Monday. The public display contained graphic
Netanyahu says he is prepared to make ‘a historic peace’ with Palestinians
A Palestinian peace deal could open up economic growth across the Middle East, Binyamin Netanyahu told US supporters on Tuesday, but is still held back by security concerns and a lack of recognition of Israel’s sovereignty. In the most upbeat of recent comments during his trip to Washington, the Israeli prime minister highlighted the potential
Calif. governor candidate equates Obama to Hitler, Stalin on gun policies
A Republican candidate for California governor is comparing President Barack Obama’s gun control policies with those of dictators such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and North Korea’s Kim Jong Il. State Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, R-Twin Peaks, posted a Twittermessage Tuesday with an image that compared what he said were figures who have supported gun rights with those who have supported gun control.
School suspends 10-year-old for pointing finger like a gun An Ohio boy was suspended by his school for giving a student the finger — his index finger. Nathan Entingh, 10, was suspended from Denvonishe Alternative Elementary School last week for three days because he made a gun gesture with his hand and said “bang” when he pointed it at a student’s head. “I was
PAPER: CIA spied on staff members of Senate committee...
Gorgeous: Lights illuminate the frozen Falls as temperatures drop into single digits

New Orleans Endures One of Coldest Mardi Gras Ever...

DC sets 141-year record low...

1884 record shattered in Des Moines...

Atlantic City coldest since 1874...

Feds to force Doctors to use 155,000 codes to record injuries, diagnoses, and procedures...
Asteroid Passing Earth Will Be Closer Than Moon... - The newly discovered asteroid, called 2014 DX110, will hurtle between the moon and Earth on Wednesday. DX110 will pass an estimated 217,000 miles from Earth/
Russia is allowed to have 25,000 troops in Crimea...and other facts you didn’t know RT - Ukraine’s statement at the UN that 16,000 Russian soldiers have been deployed to Crimea has caused a frenzy among Western media which chooses to ignore that those troops have been there since the late 1990s in accordance with a Kiev-Moscow agreement./
Missouri Dems Introduce Alarming Gun Confiscation Bill
Missouri Dems Introduce Alarming Gun Confiscation Bill Giving Law-Abiding Gun Owners 90 Days to Turn in Certain Firearms or Become Felons TheBlaze.com - Democrats in Missouri introduced startling anti-gun legislation that would require gun owners to hand over their legally purchased so-called “assault weapons” to “the appropriate law enforcement agency for destruction” within 90 days. Under the proposed bill, “Any person who, prior to the effective date of this law, was legally in possession of an assault weapon or large capacity magazine shall have ninety days from such effective date to do any of the following without being subject to prosecution.”
---Connecticut State Police say: ‘If ordered, they will violate the Constitution’AmmoLand - In a recorded phone call Connecticut State Police Spokesman Lt. Vance was reached at at (860) 685-8290 and says that state police would comply with an order from the state to conduct door to door gun confiscations.
Texas Voters Take A Stand: 9 out of 10 Want Obamacare Repealed and Welfare Recipients Drug Tested Mac Slavo - In Texas, where voters took to the polls Tuesday night, a completely different set of ideas is at play. And if nationwide sentiment is any indication, other conservative and libertarian leaning states will soon follow.
Showdown: Maryland to Target 110,000 Citizens With Gun Confiscation Paul Joseph Watson - Authorities in Maryland are set to target 110,000 citizens with gun confiscation under a new law that would link the state’s gun registry with its criminal database, with new troopers set to be hired to enforce door to door visits of illegal gun owners.
Chinese Physical Gold Demand YTD 369 tons, Up 51 % Y/Y!
Kim Jong-Un 'orders 33 people to be executed' because they made contact with Christian missionary
Weapons: The heavily armed Russian servicemen patrol the Ukrainian military base accompanied by a dog
New flashpoints in Ukraine crisis as pro-Russian protesters forced out of 'booby-trapped' town hall and Putin’s forces seize missile defence units in Crimea 
Obamacare Architect: ‘Be Prepared to Kiss Your Insurance Company Good-Bye Forever’ 
RED ALERT: This Is A Set Up! PUTIN TO CRUSH U.S. ECONOMY. Here's How. By Gregory Mannarino 

Ukraine Won't Pay Russia For Gas, Has Billions In Obligations Due; Europe Promises Aid Money It Doesn't Have
Bernanke Finally Reveals, In One Word, Why The Financial System Crashed
China Is Headed For A Severe Economic Slowdown And First Corporate Bond Default
Dollar Collapse Coming Soon – U.S Is Broke! Putin Isn’t Starting A War, He’s Ending The Dollar With China

Bloomberg Moves to Ban Pro-Gun Speech

Russia Warns it Will Stiff Banksters and Dump The Dollar



John Paul Stevens Wants To Re-write The Second Amendment

Economist John Williams: Financial Collapse if Russia Sells U.S. Dollar Holdings

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