Unequal Law Application Killing U.S.
The gap between the law as applied to ordinary citizens and the appointed or elected officials in the United States has always been there. But lately it is growing in direct proportion to the size and scope of the bureaucracy supporting the officials. This gap is leading to an inevitable disdain of the rule of law.
When ordinary people see government people being treated differently and missing the impact of law that they face, they lose respect for the law. When ordinary people find themselves being charged with crimes that it is quite apparent the 'elite' avoid, they lose respect for the law. When ordinary people find the government selectively opts to enforce some laws while turning a blind eye to laws it doesn't like, they feel only a law they agree with should apply.
What the current situation in America boils down to is government insiders are avoiding prosecution for criminal acts and the public knows it.
Daily they see the government ignore some of its own laws--including those provisions of the Constitution that it doesn't like--yet convolute the law into a way it was never intended to be applied to excuse its own behavior. The public gets the weird sense it is on a road with a 55 MPH speed limit, the select few are travelling 75 yet the public is the driver picked for a speeding ticket when he is going 58 because the enforcer knows the penalty will be enacted.
Eric Holder's backlash at a Congressman for "not taking the contempt of Congress charge seriously" is a perfect demonstration. Try it, as an average person in testimony, and you'll wind up in a cozy jail cell for contempt of court. Eric Holder is still AG. That is a crime. The public knows it and contempt for Congress and a dismissal of the rule of law prevails.
Lois Lerner, a public official in charge of the most intimate, informative details of every individual that by law must be provided to her agency, has twice pled the Fifth in front of Congress.
Sorry, as a former government employee, we should never be allowed to take the Fifth on any question from other public officials about our job performance because we are "PUBLIC EMPLOYEES" if those individuals have a need to know. The public deserves to get the answers from public officials on how they are doing their job and how they are handling the responsibility of their job.
The mere fact our toothless Congress allowed her to take the Fifth and not immediately cancel all benefits, pay and pensions she had accumulated while then providing her with a jail cell is criminal of itself because it shows no concern or respect for Joe Public. The fact some in Congress applauded Lois for taking the Fifth is appalling and criminal to every individual who has faithfully served as a public employee. Yet if you fail to provide this cesspool of an agency with any information it desires, you will be harassed, persecuted, fined and jailed to the full extent of the law or beyond. That breaks the basic tenet this is a country of laws.
The BLM had a problem with Clive Bundy in Nevada. Both sides have an argument here. Similar in scope to the problem the Branch Davidians had back in 1993 at Waco. This time, independently armed Americans, exercising their 2nd Amendment rights, moved in to support Bundy. The public officials backed down from force but will now go through the court system to break Bundy. In a battle of wealth, nobody can win against an entity that can print its own fiat. The rule of law is broken in favor of government and against Joe Public. Ultimately however, government will also lose.
A good question comes from Arizona where the state government wrote an immigration law that totally supported the federal law on immigration. Because the current Administration depends on buying votes through minorities, Arizona's state right to clarify its border laws was trashed. That is contrary to the 10th Amendment. Then again the Administration will not trash state marriage or drug laws that are opposed to federal law.
Over and over again, particularly during the past two decades, the gap between the way Joe Public is treated and the manner in which the bureaucracy--at any higher level--is treated causes Joe Public to justify not adhering to those laws he doesn't care for as well.
When enough people decide to disregard the law, when there is enough squeezing by the government trying to hold onto power, the civility we have come to accept in public will be gone. Once it is, only outright warfare will ever re-establish it and there is no guarantee there either.
Once the system crumbles just a little the 'elites' will find out how warped their vision has become. They will be the first to adorn the light poles as the anger of a public seeking justice and no longer finding it will be contained no more. Joe Publics everywhere will forget their petty differences when they can focus on someone who should have known better, did know better and still shirked his or her duty.
The random shootings on Kansas City roads will become norm. Targeting police or firefighters or even the clerk checking in at the driver license bureau will become passé. Joe Public will take his anger out for a test drive. Rarely will he target the individuals or the entity responsible for his anger but he will get rid of it through violence.
To reset the standards, to reassure the 320 million Joe Publics this is still a country of laws, Congress must immediately impose the criminal charges against the Lois Lerner and Eric Holder types that it has available. It must reassert its authority over the casual rewriting of laws being done in the White House. It must take back the legislative authority given it by the Constitution.
For Congress to wait, even one day longer, will hasten the day when the entire government is deemed obsolete by the average person in the street.
As has been seen in other places, nature abhors a vacuum, especially a power vacuum. Americans have not experienced that since the country was being settled. There will be no sanctuary unless you side with the mob majority in the area. Uncontrolled violence is already a daily occurrence.
Government, by wielding the Constitutional power given it--even against members of its own political affiliation, is the only entity that can stop this disintegration of legal law. But it won't. It can't see past the end of its political nose. It craves a breakdown because it sees each breakdown as an opportunity to seize more power for itself. It is perpetrating the downward spiral, not fighting it.
Only when enough people have had enough of rampant anarchy will a cry for order be faintly heard. I doubt it will be heard above uproar of total civil disobedience against unjust tyranny from an unheeding elected government. And for that, I'll be first in line for contempt--or worse.
"I have sworn on the altar of God eternal hostility to every form of tyranny over the mind of man"--Thomas Jefferson
Monetary Policies Threaten Economy
Two early news items Monday need connecting. The first was the announcement by Coldwater Creek, a women's clothing store, that it had filed for bankruptcy, will close all 365 stores and lay off its 6,000 employees by the end of May. The second report was the Producer Price Index (PPI) which showed prices recorded their largest increase in three years in March. Put the two items together and you have a recipe for disaster.
If Coldwater Creek's announcement had come in a vacuum, it would have been less noticeable but over the first few months of the year the impact of declining discretionary dollars in consumers' pockets cannot be denied by anyone. Coldwater joins the failed retailer ranks of Sbarro ( pizza chain), Ashley Stewart Holdings (another women's clothing chain), Dots LLC and Loehman's Inc. Dots and Loehman's permanently closed their doors while Sbarro and Ashley are seeking buyers.
In the Chapter 11 filing in Wilmington, DE, Coldwater listed assets of $278.5 million and liabilities of $361.3 million. Most of the assets are in the form of inventory value and most of the liabilities come from past-due bills on inventory. The filing leaves the company's shareholders with nothing for their shares.
On the flip side, the PPI--which excludes food and energy prices--rose .6% in March. The Labor Department report originally figured a .5% increase with a .1% loss in February but revised February's figure down another .1% which brought the March report to its current increase. In a reactionary chain, the dollar trimmed losses against the Japanese yen which will have more going to the cost of energy while lower prices for U.S. Treasury debt cut those gains.
This is the calculation that has been missing from Fed policy which has held interest rates at an artificially low level for three years in Operation Twist. By keeping interest levels in check, the Fed has also disavowed any inflation pressure which has allowed it to maintain its expansionary monetary policy to try and nurse the economy back to health. The failure to acknowledge declining discretionary dollars at the consumer level will unwind the economic engine even more.
The catch in the Fed policy was the funding never reached consumer pocketbooks but stopped at the financial sector. With Main Street gagging (a position the Rant has steadfastly held since the Obama Administration declared the recession over in June 2009) consumers are forced to make unwanted decisions with dwindling reserves. They had to decide whether to buy something new or put heat in the home and food on the table.
The necessities of living those demanded a cut in discretionary spending. The cuts equated to a rather sharp decline in retail traffic. This is why the tax-and-spend crowd is in trouble now. The economists' textbook example of requiring government intervention to stop a recession rather than a free market has distorted policy decisions. The Federal Reserve decisions made by Ben (BS) Bernanke are now being seen for the crippling mistake they had to be in the long run.
The result is the pill America will forced to swallow has just grown proportionally larger than if the government had gotten out of the way and let the market find its own level in housing, manufacturing and innovative development. Instead it propped up dysfunctional entities like Goldman Sachs, General Motors, AIG, Solyndra, etc.
Wall Street rejoiced but the rest of the country lingered in misery.
To demonstrate the disconnect between the financial sector and the rest of the country, Senior Economist at PNC Financial Services in Pittsburgh, Gus Faucher, had the nerve to opine, "It certainly does raise the question whether inflation is finally on the rise." What world is he living in? Inflationary pressures have been a constant on Main Street since the housing bubble popped and the Obama Administration began stealing at record rates from consumer pocketbooks.
The final irony is the assessment the food price increases come from the "drought in the West." This is attributed to global warming. But the severity of weather storms, which contributed to record snowfall in the Rocky Mountains and massive rainfalls in later summer, have been on the uptick. By falsely shifting blame on weather swings to carbon dioxide emissions, the government has been able to postpone looking in the mirror to determine how its policies have hampered the economic recovery.
Obamacare and other government intrusions into daily life of the "rich" store owners have pushed their costs higher at a time demand for on-shelf products was falling.
The wild gyrations in the stock markets recently are a sure indicator the surge Obama has ridden for nearly five years is about to get extremely risky. The drastic money tampering measures taken by the Fed and the stubborn clinging to socialistic views by Harry Reid, Obama and Nancy Pelosi have set the stage for another economic meltdown.
This time there are more distress signals from different parts of the world at almost every level than there were in 2007. Unfortunately, at a time America needs a strong government, it has less trust in its political leadership than at any time since the Watergate scandal. The government, by abuse and overreach of power, has wasted goodwill needlessly, goodwill it could now employ.
In the final assessment as the government staggers from crisis to crisis is American citizens no longer have the resources to withstand another financial shock. 'Recovering' from the last one has left them vulnerable to all sorts of nasty economic travails.
"I have sworn on the altar of God eternal hostility to every form of tyranny over the mind of man."--Thomas Jefferson
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