Judge blocks Obama rules on trans bathrooms...
Massive WALMART Brawl...
Women Rip Off Clothes...
Hundreds Of CA Kids Sent Home From School Due To New Vaccination Law...
Waiver to Exempt Children From Pledge...
Teachers told not to use 'boys and girls'...
Venezuela Exodus...
Can US Citizens Defeat UN Troops On America Soil?
U.S. Commander Warns Russia: “We Will Defend Ourselves If We Feel Threatened”
FINANCIAL WARNING: Italy will CRASH the eurozone if nation can’t take on more debt
Goodbye America! President Obama Has Just Signed Over The Nation! Wait Until You See How!!!!

CLSA: "The Bank Of Japan Has Nationalized The Japanese Stock Market"
Fed Admits Another $4 Trillion In QE Will Be Needed To Offset An "Economic Shock"
Top 25 Corporate Pension Plans Alone Are Underfunded By Over $225 Billion
After Confiscating Their Guns, Venezuela's Maduro Has Another Warning For Coup Plotters
Zero Hedge - To be sure, Venezuela does indeed have a high murder rate.... However, the real reason for the crackdown on guns was different: after last month's failed Turkish coup, the socialist ruler is worried - with good reason - that he may be next. So in order to preempt "next steps", and just in case gun confiscations are insufficient to prevent the inevitable, the Venezuela ruler took to direct threats, warning his countrymen that Erdogan's purge would look like child's play compared with the action he would take if opposition tried something similar in the OPEC nation.... The opposition plans a big march in Caracas on Sept. 1 to demand a recall referendum aimed at cutting short Maduro's six-year term, due to end in 2019. After gathering more than 200,000 signatures for the effort, the opposition is waiting for clearance from the National Electoral Council to get 20 percent of the 20 million person electorate to sign in order to move forward. Sadly for the Venezuelan people, the referendum will not happen for one simple reason: as Bloomberg reported earlier, "in a replay of one of the ugliest chapters in the two-decade rule of the socialist party in Venezuela, a top government official said Thursday that a list of those who signed a petition seeking to recall President Nicolas Maduro will be handed over to government ministries and state-run companies."
Nestle continues to extract water from Ontario town despite drought: activists
The Globe and Mail - Wellington Water Watchers says the permit for Nestle Waters in Aberfoyle, Ont., expired on July 31, but the company has been allowed to keep extracting water from a local well even in the midst of a severe drought. The group says the Ministry of Environment did not post Nestle’s renewal application for the usual 30 days of public comment, and instead granted the company an automatic extension without consulting people who live in the area. But the ministry says a water-taking permit remains in force if a renewal application is made at least 90 days before it expires, and it plans to post Nestle’s application for comment once the supporting documents have been reviewed.... Documents on a ministry website show Nestle Canada has three permits to take up to 8.3 million litres of water every day for bottling, while Nestle Waters Canada — a division of Nestle Canada — has a half dozen Ontario permits allowing it to take an additional 12 million litres a day.... Ontario charges companies just $3.71 for every million litres of water, after they pay a permit fee of $750 for low- or medium-risk water takings, or $3,000 for those considered a high risk to cause an adverse environmental impact.
Puerto Rico’s $70 Billion Defaulted Debt Jumps to $113 Billion
Breitbart - With a Congressionally appointed federal control board about to take over Puerto Rico’s finances, the U.S. territory just admitted that its massively spiked public pension plan owes another $43 billion..... In the newest disaster for Puerto Rico, a recent audit revealed that the Puerto Rico Employees’ Retirement System and two smaller public pension plans only have about $1.8 billion in assets to pay $45 billion in pension liabilities. About one in 10 Puerto Ricans are either government public employees, retirees, or beneficiaries, according to the retirement system. But even more challenging, there are 120,169 retirees and beneficiaries, compared to just 118,780 public employees still working.... Rather than paying anything to the defaulted bondholders, Puerto Rico’s Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla increased the island’s annual cash contribution to the pension plans in July to $747.3 million, up from about $400 million in 2015. The vulture capitalists holding Puerto Rico’s general-obligation debt immediately filed a lawsuit against the governor, claiming his administration was diverting cash for debt payments to pension contributions in violation of its Commonwealth’s Constitution.
The US Air Force reveals radical plan to 'bomb the sky' to improve radio reception
Daily Mail - A fleet of tiny satellites could one day be used to detonate plasma bombs in Earth’s upper atmosphere to improve the range of radio communications. The US Air Force has granted contracts to three research teams to develop the technology needed to do this, with hopes that CubeSats could carry massive amounts of ionized gas to the ionosphere to create radio-reflecting plasma. The ionosphere begins roughly 40 miles above the surface and becomes denser with charged particles at night, allowing signals to travel much farther. Ground-based radio signals are limited by the curvature of Earth’s surface, and those travelling more than about 44 miles are typically stopped if they aren’t given a boost, according to New Scientist. These communications can be improved by bouncing the radio signals between the ionosphere and the ground, allowing them to zigzag over greater distances. In one of the USAF-backed projects, researchers with General Science and Drexel University in Pennsylvania are working to develop a way to vaporize metal by heating it beyond its boiling point. This would allow it to react with atmospheric oxygen to produce radio-reflecting plasma. Another project from a team at Enig Associates and the University of Maryland plans to heat metal by detonating a small bomb, and converting the blast into electrical energy.
Homeschool Texas Family Terrorized by CPS for Speaking Out and For Having Too Many Children at Home
Cost of U.S. healthcare now 800% higher per person than it was in 1960, even when adjusted for inflation
Assange Assassination Attempt? Man Climbs Ecuador's London Embassy
Whats About to Happen? Germany Advises People to Stockpile Food and Water
'Unprecedented': Massive Yellowstone River Fish Kill, Nearly 200 Miles Closed to Public
October Surprise: Obama Is About to Give Dictators Control of the Internet
World Governments Are Warning Countries To Prepare For Disaster: America Included!
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