
=vault in the Norwegian Arctic are growing as researchers rush to preserve 100,000 crop varieties from potential extinction.
=FAA: Falling Metal Did Not Come From Airplane
=Where does your state rank in religious belief?Gallup poll reveals 'Bible Belt' for real
="Right to Die" Bill Introduced into Canadian Parliament
=NASA Study Predicted Outbreak of Deadly Virus- Scientists have long suspected that climatic variables like sea surface temperature and precipitation could foreshadow outbreaks of disease. Now, they have confirmation.
=DNA left at crime scene could be used to create picture of criminal's FACE, say scientists

=Pastor awaits prison for saying 'Jesus loves you'Court convicts man for peaceful protest outside abortion clinic

=Drought to cut off federal water to Calif. farms
US and Canadian reports say Anglican leadership "tearing the fabric of the Communion to shreds"
=Archbishop of Canterbury: Society is coming round to my views on sharia
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