=Jesus is Returning in Our Time: Revelation Signs 1-3 ~ Bible Prophecy Today
=Glen Beck - Things are going get so much worse for the USA very soon March 4, 2009 - And get your Spritiual Life Right Listen to that Gut feeling-Audio link
=Clinton says on climate - 'Never waste a good crisis'
=Canadian Military Trains For "Nightmarish Array Of Domestic Threats," Terror Attacks, Disasters On Home Soil
----------------=The Groundwork Has Already Been Laid for Martial Law - By John W. Whitehead 3/4/2009
-----------------------=FEMA Concentration Camps Outed On Fox - Glen beck
-----------------------------=Military Readies Reservists For Threats To 'Domestic Front'
=U.N. to make ban on criticizing Islam mandatory? Expected proposal would criminalize such comments in U.S.

=Sikh woman elected president of multi-religious body in US - WASHINGTON: Amrit Kaur, a Sikh woman, has been elected as the president of the InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington, an organisation which represents 11 world religions.

=The One World Religion - Islam Claiming Jesus Is Muslim ~ Bible Prophecy Today
=Senator: Eligibility is up to the voters Republican Martinez implies constitutional requirement for presidency can be bypassed

=U.S. soldier gagged on prez's eligibilityMilitary member seeking documentation silenced
=Republican senator saysSnopes settled 'eligibility'Arizona's Kyl cites websitethat assumes Hawaiian birth
=Judge: Eligibility issue thoroughly 'twittered' Dismisses case brought by retired military officer
=Source: Hillary pledges to halt Jewish construction Top Palestinian official says it's 'the one issue she told us the U.S. will act on '
--------------='Intimidation forces' try to divide Jerusalem Palestinian intel apparatus caught thwarting property sales to Jews
-----------------='Israel seriously considering Iran military op'
----------------------=Clinton: There will be a Palestinian state, Jerusalem will be its capital
---------------------------=US: 'Inescapable' movement to Palestinian state -------------------------------=Let's Put Iran Back to 1850s - Hal Lindsey
--------------------------=Mauritania tells Israel embassy to leave
---------------------=UK restores links with Hezbollah
------------------=Olmert: No peace without dividing Jerusalem
----------------=Palestinian Authority: Time to impose 2-state solution
-------------=Israel annexing East Jerusalem, says EU
-----------=Israel's Time Frame to Attack Iran "Growing Shorter": Report
--------------------------=The Supreme Moslem Council Says that the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is Jewish
=City: American flag OK, but Constitution illegal Businessman fined $500 a day for displaying Bill of Rights, artwork
------------------=Free speech litmus test proposed' Durbin Doctrine' includes 'frightening new government censorship powers'
=Obama to own U.S. if he can 'wipe out' Rush Limbaugh challenges president to 1-on-1 debate
=Russian scholar says US will collapse — next year
=Microsoft testing new Internet search engine Kumo
=Illegals targeted sheriff as gang initiation - The attempted assassination of a South Carolina
=RFID - 'Chipped' Dog Bleeds to Death
=Democratic Revolt May Slow Obama Agenda
=Italian doctor says he has cloned three babies
=Chavez calls on Obama to follow path of socialism Says leader needed to take U.S. to 'higher' destiny – 'Come with us, align yourself'
=Gay Marriage: Is California's Supreme Court Shifting?
-----------=Gay Mardi Gras parade attracts 300,000 revelers
=4.7 Earthquake shakes Australian city
=Minnesota Supremes rule: No Senate certificate for Franken...
=Spain reports fifth human death from mad cow disease...
=what seemed to be a burning object about to crash, only to suddenly fly straight into the heavens with amazing speed. I've never seen anything move that fast.
=Meet the bionic reporter Rob Spence is planning to have a camera embedded in his eye socket.
=Otzi the prehistoric iceman goes online Site users can virtually tour his body.
=Swiss Clinic Helps Cancer-Stricken Couple End Their Lives
=Could St. Louis lose its Catholic hospitals under new federal abortion legislation?A proposed bill promising major changes in the U.S. abortion landscape has Roman Catholic bishops threatening to close Catholic hospitals if the Democratic Congress and White House make it law.
=White House nightlifeunder investigation 'This party atmospheresends the wrong message'
--------------=Alan Keyes launches 'Liberty' blog Warns of 'Obama's push to make U.S. Soviet-style state'
=HR 875 Would Essentially Outlaw Family Farms in the US
=Drought Conditions Spreading Across Texas
----------=Earthquake Shakes Australian City
---------------=Volcano Erupts in Indonesia
=Video: Virginia driver’s licenses and ID cards have new look
This is to comply with the federal “Real ID Act”...
----------=Track the bad guy? RFID
What if we implant a chip at birth for every human baby born in the US...
=Survey: Parents Rely on Personal Experience Over Biblical Guidance
=Rome meeting snubs intelligent design, creationism

=CIA Adds Economy To Threat Updates
= Worst economic collapse ever' -- In 2009 were going to see the worst economic collapse ever, the Greatest Depression, says Gerald Celente, U.S. trend forecaster. He believes its going to be very violent in the U.S., including there being a tax revolt.
=Canada cuts rates to record low
=Record 31.8 million on food stamps
=Unemployment hits 25-year high Total job losses over past 6 months stand at 3.3 million
=GM shares hit lowest point in 75 years...
=Pictured: The Credit Crunch Tent City Which Has Returned To Haunt America
A century and a half ago it was at the centre of the Californian gold rush, with hopeful prospectors pitching their tents along the banks of the American River. Today, tents are once again springing up in the city of Sacramento.
=British Government takes over LloydsThe government today confirmed it will take majority control of Lloyds Banking Group,
----------------=World's biggest banks to meet in London...
---------------------=Regulators seize seventh bank in Georgia...
=Analysts: Job losses could drown stimulusThe nation is losing jobs so quickly that the government, racing to deal with the crisis, is having trouble keeping up.
=Ohio school gets 700 applicants for one janitorial job...
=Paralyzed Markets Plunge to New Depths
=FDIC Warns US Bank Deposit Insurance Fund Could Tank
=How CEOs Steal From Your 401(k) - The fat cats now keep almost 10% of profits for themselves, siphoning off money that could've boosted the share prices of the stocks you hold. And the worst of them may take much more.
=Housing Collapse Started in Few Areas – map
=Bankruptcy home loan bill passes House
The legislation would give bankruptcy judges new power to reduce the interest rate...
=Gordon Brown appeals to US Congress for help to save the world - "NEVER BEFORE HAVE I SEEN THE WORLD COME TOGETHER"!
-------=Global new deal 'possible' on banking sector in months : Brown
=Gordon Brown appeals to US Congress for help to save the world
=Cashless system is now on the cards /
=Bill Seeks to Let FDIC Borrow up to $500 Billion
=U.S. Jobless rate bolts to 8.1 percent, 651K jobs lost
=New Islamic mortgages now available in Minnesota
=One in 8 U.S. homeowners late paying or in foreclosure
----=One in five U.S. mortgage borrowers are underwater
=GM's auditors raise the specter of bankruptcy

=Bible club bullied for faith statementUniversity threatens group for requiring leaders be Christian
=State bans prayer at Christian institutions The Illinois High School Association is being challenged on a policy that bans Christian schools from offering a prayer or any religious message over their public address systems when they host association events on their own property.
=Prof calls cops when student mentions guns in speech - 'If you can't talk about the 2nd Amendment, what happened to the 1st Amendment?'
=Germany raids over 200 homes, businesses for neo-Nazis German police have launched a nationwide search of more than 200 homes and businesses of people suspected of belonging to the country's extreme right, the official said.
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