-------=book: Speechless: Silencing the Christians: How Liberals and Homosexual Activists are Outlawing Christianity (and Judaism) to Force Their Sexual Agenda on America (Hardcover) ---------------=Gingrich to launch outreach to ChristiansCriticizes Washington bureaucracy that just doesn't 'get it'
=The Coming New World Order and the Christian Response ~ Bible Prophecy Today
=Survey: Millions of Non-Christian Iraqis Watch Christian TV
=Christians Compared To Radicals In Missouri Document To Police
=A Fearful Thing, Betraying Israel ~ Bible Prophecy Today
=Will the Jews return to Temple Mount?A prominent U.S. rabbi recently ascended the Temple Mount - Judaism's most revered site - stirring a quiet debate among some within the Jewish religious community about whether Jews should be permitted to enter the mount.
=President Obama Appeals to Leaders of Iran, but Ignores Their End Times Theology ~ Bible Prophecy Today
----------=Taitz to FBI: Investigate 'tampering' at Supremes' 305 million Americans need to know if foreign national is usurping presidency'
--------------=Supremes read Kansas blog?Focused on page dealing with claims of ineligibility
------------------= Hamas: We're counting on Obama's 'change'Top terrorist official hopeful U.S. president less pro-Israel than Bush /
=Wife of founder of Iran's Islamic Republic Dies
='Russia, Iran could build joint N-plants'
=Military demands details on soldiers' private guns Fort Campbell command reversed under pressure
=Snow Donuts
=Tonga volcano spews spectacular plume into South Pacific sky
----=No Living Thing Left as Tonga Volcano Erupts
------=Tongan Inspection Team Heads to Undersea Volcano
-------=Alaska volcano Mount Redoubt erupts 3 times
--------------=Alaska volcano Mount Redoubt erupts 4 times
---------------------=Fifth Explosion Rocks Mount Redoubt Volcano
---->>>Alaska's Mount Redoubt Volcano 'in Full Eruption' — Location — Webcam CT — Webcam Hut
------------------------=Swarm of Quakes Bedevil Hanford, Wash.
------------------------------=Fire Engulfs Kenyan Volcano, Traps Animals
=Up to three million march in French mass protest
=House adopts plan for 'volunteer' corpsAlso requires new evaluation of 'mandatory' service for all
=Hailstorms affect 280,000 people in central China
=British scientists to create 'synthetic' blood
=UFO - Military Jets Chase UFO Over AZ Town - Lake Havasu - A boomerang or triangular-shaped craft 300 feet in the air made four passes over this town beginning at 7 p.m. March 18,
-----------='UFO' Blip Leaves Airport Officials Foxed
---------------=Ministry Of Defense Took UFO Sighting Seriously
-------------------=Whistleblower Protection Act To Open UFO Disclosure?
------------------------=UFO files: photographs of 'UFO next to RAF jet'
Photographs taken of a UFO hovering next to an RAF jet over Scotland were treated very seriously by military investigators, newly-released Ministry of Defence files showed today.
=Homeland Security Cooperation: Obama Opens Secret Laboratories to Germany
=A Robot So Tiny It Can Alter DNA Code
=Venezuela Seizes Seaports, Airstrips
=Backyard Farming: As Food Prices Rise, So Do Home Gardens
=Desperate Tent City Revival for America's Homeless
=Gay Couple Sue Christians for Barring Them from Hotel Bed
=Environmental Disaster: Every Single Bat May Soon be Dead
=Terrorist: Anyone Who Disagrees with the Government
=The Black Awakening? Hundreds Of Exorcists Called In To Help With Satan Worship Explosion
=Ted Haggard, Wife To Appear On 'Divorce Court'
=Recession Driving People To Psychics
=Green advisor urges UK to cut population in half to 'build sustainable society'...
There will be discounts for students with an international ID card...
=Concealed Carry in National Parks Suspended -- NRA Files Motion To Appeal
=Multiple Threats Mounting To World Food Supply, Experts Warn
Soaring demand and rising prices threaten to create a "perfect storm" in the global food industry, experts warned on Thursday.
=HR 875 Could Result in Arrest, Imprisonment of CEOs of Processed Food Companies
The health-conscious community is rightly concerned over the pending passage of HR 875, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009, which hammers small family farms with a whole new level of tyranny and oppression
=Food and energy shortages will create 'perfect storm', says Prof John Beddington

=U.S. backs global alternative to dollar
This is to prevent massive bank failures from occurring throughout the European Union...
=United Nations Panel Says World Should Ditch Dollar

=The Crisis of Credit Visualized
=At G20, Kremlin to Pitch New Currency
=Nobel-prize winner backs world currency
=Russia backs EU in pre-G20 stimulus debate
=Renewed strength of euro threatens economy- weakening the dollar, the pound and the Swiss franc.
=Treasury's toxic asset plan could cost $1 trillion
=China Backs Talks on Dollar as Reserve -Russian Source China and other emerging nations back Russia's call for a discussion on how to replace the dollar as the world's primary reserve currency
=G20 Warned Unrest Will Sweep Globe
=Big Slide in 401(k)s Spurs Calls for Change
=U.S. Move Will Push Russia and China Toward Economic Matrimony
=Sen. Gregg: Obama Budget Will Bankrupt USA – Video
=Executive Order Startling Implications: Scientists Could Grow Human Beings In Laboratories For Harvesting Body Parts

=Embryonic Stem Cells, Abortion On Demand, Human Cloning. Where To Draw The Line?
=Fetal Farming A Great Idea For Organ And Body-Parts Harvesting Say Bioethicists
=The World’s First GM Human Embryo Could Dramatically Alter the Future

=Flashback: Did Ancient Biotech Create Nephilim? Will Modern Science Bring Them Again?
Tax Day tea parties expected to number more than 1,000'We don't necessarily need mainstream media anymore'

=New song recognizes 'tea party' movement'Mr. President! Your stimulus is sure to bust, It's just a socialistic scheme'
=Internment Camps: Preparing for Civil Unrest in America.

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