Jesus said in Matthew 24:42 to be on watch for His imminent return and in Matthew 16:3 to discern the signs of the times. Time is drawing to a close and the Body of Christ must be prepared and on watch for His return. we must understand the days in which we live. Let us not be like those who Jesus rebuked with the words, You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. Matthew 16:3
God Freedom Liberty - United States Constitution And Supporters of Our Rights
Churches of Cowards - By Wild Bill for America - [image: 9d28a3a293d4cf528cd19675528cc0e6] / Our nation is filled with corrupti...8 years ago
Muslim - Take Over Of America
Boko Haram plots CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE: Jihadis to attack churches and kill parishioners…(Bomb ‘Em!!) / Major Muslim Leader Makes This Message To All Christians: “If You Refuse To Convert To Islam, Then The Only Thing Between You And Us Is The Sword.” / Muslims Interrupt Memorial For Munich Victims, Chant 'Allah'hu Akbar!' / Syrian refugee in Germany arrested after killing woman in machete attack / Muslims SET FIRE TO MAN in Waltham Abbey Gardens attack / In Rare Interview, Jailed Jihadist Warns ISIS(ICIA) Plans “Loads Of Concurrent Attacks In England, Germany, & France” / LARGEST CHRISTIAN CHARITY INFILTRATED BY HAMAS / New Details in Idaho 5-Year-Old Muslim Migrant Rape Case: Here’s Exactly What Happened That Terrible Day / 30,000 Refugees "Go Missing" As Swedes Face Increasing Violence From Asylum-Seekers / Obama Cuts $2.6 Billion From Veterans While Allocating $4.5 Billion To Muslim Syrian Migrants Moving To America / MUSLIM MACHETE RAMPAGE ON BELGIUM COPS Belgium police machete attack: Knifeman shouting 'Allahu Akbar' hacks two female officers in face / - Boko Haram plots CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE: Jihadis to attack churches and kill parishioners…(Bomb ‘Em!!) / Major Muslim Leader Makes This Message To All Chris...8 years ago
Proverbs 22:3 NLT
A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.
-- (((Charles Finney, said the following: “If
there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it))) --
Preparing for what is coming to America - Prepare to Defend America
My Blog List
Former Deputy Sheriff they said people were getting ready for a muslim middle eastern attack, and they were ready for it to happen soon. - News I caught from a customer today at work. They were talking to a former Deputy Sheriff here Boone County. A bunker was made by and built by large ...8 years ago
Investment Watch
End Time Talk Radio - (Radio Shows)
X22 Report is a daily show that will cover issues surrounding the economic collapse
In Defense Of A Nation
Friday, July 2, 2010
UK Church to boycott Israeli goods/Tsunami-like Landslide Hit China, Buried Hundreds/UGA Scientists Very Concerned Over Methane In Gulf
----Found: Ancient Egyptian City from Biblical TimesEgypt says an ancient city from 3,500 years ago - at the height of the Jewish People's enslavement there - has been discovered by radar. The announcement was made by the Egyptian Ministry of Culture.
-------Lebanon warns Israel against attacking ships
----------Israel launches new spy satellite 'Ofek 9'
------------Islam Times says Israeli jets unloaded military equipment in Islamic country ahead of possible Iran strike
----------------Turkey bans entry of IDF aircraftTurkey relations reaches new peak: The Yedioth Ahronoth daily has learned that Ankara prevented an Israel Defense Forces aircraft making its way to Poland to fly in its airspace. The cargo plane was carrying more than 100 officers and non-commissioned officers to a tour of memorial sites and concentration camps.
-------------------87 Senators Tell Obama: Stand Behind Israel!
----------------------Israel nabs Palestinian water piratesWater officials warn Palestinian piracy becoming major threat to nation's depleted water resources
------------------------Palestinian TV host: Jews are 'our enemies'Abbas says there is no incitement, but hosts on his official TV station continue to indoctrinate children to hate
--------------------------Gaza terrorists bombard southern Israel12 mortar shells and one rocket fired into southern Israel; Israeli warplanes respond by striking Gaza
----------------------------Report: Israel, US preparing for war with IranIranian news reports that Israeli warplanes are in Saudi Arabia, US ground forces in Azerbaijan; US fleet moved through Suez Canal last week
--------------------------------Chavez: 'genocidal' Israel will be put in its place
-----------------------------------Israeli minister: Christians and Jews 'in the same boat'Former IDF chief, current strategic affairs minister says Israel and Evangelicals need to work even more closely together
-------------------------------------Iran is Surrounded by US Troops in 10 Countries
---------------------------------------Turkey: We'll force Israel to take responsibility for its crimes
------------------------------------------Third US carrier, 4,000 Marines augment US armada opposite Iran
---------------------------------------------UK Church to boycott Israeli goods
accept the invitation before it's too late
Crop Circles
Crop Circle found at Hawton nr Newark in Nottinghamshire, England
-----Scientists Struggle to Explain Crop Circles
----------Mysterious new crop circles at UFO capital of Britain in Wiltshire
Nearly 200 crop circles have appeared in just one formation not far from Warminster, Wiltshire, known as the UFO capital of Britain.
EARTHagnitude earthquake today centered north of Ottawa, Canada rattled buildings throughout New York state and stretched into Bergen County, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.Wednesday, June 23, 2010, 2:58 PM
------Canada earthquake measures 5.0; shakes Ottawa, Toronto, and U.S.A moderate earthquake shook Ottawa and Montreal on Wednesday, forcing office workers out onto downtown streets in Canada's capital.
Giant Sinkhole Appears on Trans-Canada
----Massive Sinkhole Opens Up in China - video
Earthquake strikes off Solomon IslandsA strong 6.9-magnitude earthquake struck near the Solomon Islands in the western Pacific, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said.
Earthquake Moved California City 31 Inches
Ash from eastern Russian volcano increases
Light fantastic: Stunning pictures show Northern Lights over erupting Icelandic volcano
Strong quake hits off Vanuatu, no reports of damageA magnitude 6.4 undersea quake struck off the Pacific Ocean island nation of Vanuatu on Friday, the United States Geological Survey said. The quake was centred 138 miles (222 km) north northwest of the island of Santo and at a depth of 21.7 miles.
Tsunami-like Landslide Hit China, Buried Hundreds
Oil and the Gulf
Government Insiders: Get Ready for the Gulf "Dead Zone"
Oil Industry Insider and CFR Member Predicts Gulf Evacuation
Crude Found in Oysters at N.C. Restaurant - video/
Methane and Martial Law in the Gulf of Mexico
'Significant' oil hits Mississippi shores: officialsA "significant" amount of emulsified oil has washed ashore in Mississippi for the first time since the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill began 10 weeks ago, state officials said Sunday. The governor's office said tides of the weathered brown-orange mess that has
Giant Oil Plume Headed Towards Louisiana - video
Dream - I Didn't Leave the Gulf in Time - prophetic
UGA Scientists Very Concerned Over Methane In GulfUGA scientists continue to study the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Many of the other scientists working on the spill are focused on the surface of the water, and on the oil. The UGA team is tackling a different issue -- one that could impact not just sea life but the atmosphere as well.
------------Methane in Gulf "Astonishingly High": U.S. Scientist
America, 2010: Christians hauled to jail for preaching Jesus - 'Apparently the Constitution carries little weight in Dearborn'
Oldest-Known Paintings of Apostles Andrew, John Uncovered
World stocks fall on worries over US recovery
May new home sales plunge to record low
Mexico Challenges Arizona's Immigration Law
Mexican Drug Cartel Warns Police Officers in Arizona Border Town to 'Look the Other Way'/
Senators Warn Obama: 'No Amnesty by Presidential Fiat'
Fungus Attacks Grain Crops in Eastern Idaho
Chad and Niger Face Starvation
South African Doctor Invents Female Condoms with 'Teeth' to Fight Rape
Genital Mutilation Inflicted on 73 Percent of Kurdistani Women
White House Preparing National Online ID PlanThe Obama administration is set to propose a new system for authenticating people, organizations and infrastructure on the Web. The online authentication and identity management system would be targeted at the transactional level -- for example, when someone logs into their banking website or completes an online e-commerce purchase.
850 Rabbis 'Take No Pride' in Kagan Nomination: 'Flame Throwing Radical' Would Speed US 'Into Sodom and Gommorah'...
Scientists Discover Heavenly Solar Music - Heavenly solar music audio
Next president electedby just 15% of voters?Rapidly advancing movement to eliminateElectoral College shifts control to coasts
87 Senators Tell Obama: Stand Behind Israel!
Supermarkets Selling Meat From Animals Fed GM Crops
Books With Gay Themes For Young Readers In Demand
Scientists Create Living, Breathing Human Lung-On-A-ChipResearchers from the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University, Harvard Medical School and Children's Hospital Boston have created a device that mimics a living, breathing human lung on a microchip.
KRUGMAN: 'We are now, I fear, in the early stages of a third depression'...
Joni Eareckson Tada Not Shaken by Breast Cancer
Supremes Rules on Gun Rights, Strikes Down Chicago Handgun Ban
Hal Lindsey on Obama, Israel and "The Fall of Capitalism. The Rise of Islam" - video
------Christian Professor in Pakistan Beaten for Refusing to Convert to Islam
It Is Time for All Christians to Leave the Gulf Coast - prophetic
FDA: Airline Food Nationwide Fails To Meet Health Standards...
Video: dog and deer play ball
Appeals panel now considersif Obama is even AmericanCase challenges eligibility for failureto provide proof of U.S. citizenship
UN Report: 'Abandon' U.S. Dollar for One-World Currency
Morphing cars and planes closer as Pentagon develops shape-shifting robot
U.S. grants asylum to born-again 'Son of Hamas'
Archaeologists begin dig on buried stone circle TEN times bigger than Stonehenge
-----Archaeologists Begin Dig On Buried Stone Circle TEN TIMES BIGGER Than Stonehenge
Zoo plans to bring rare animals back from the dead
Religious think-tank: More Christians support gay rights
----Christianity Today Magazine Feature Article On Lesbian Gospel Singer Jennifer Knapp's "Coming Out" Party
First Direct Photo Of Alien Planet Finally Confirmed
Transhumanists Celebrate Dangerous Copenhagen Declaration On ReligionThe recent Gods and Politics conference in Copenhagen adopted a "Declaration on Religion in Public Life." The conference was the first European event of Atheist Alliance International, and was co-hosted by AAI and the Danish Atheist Society.
Obama 'Internet kill switch' plan approved by US Senate panel
Next Week Presyterians Will Face Two Choices - Obey or Abandon God's Word
Radical Islamist Group To Launch Recruitment Drive In Chicago For Global Islamic Caliphate
Christians Who Refuse To Convert To Islam Facing Increasing Persecution In Pakistan
Islamist's Using Facebook to Target Christians
Security Cameras That Watch And Listen To You
Chinese Style Internet Censorship On The Way To Australia?
FAA Gives Approval For Flying Car
Do It Yourself Microchippers Make Implants A Hobby
Supreme Court: Christian Group Can't Bar Gays From Leadership
FBI Gets New High-Security Headquarters in Denver
Brazil: Flooding kills 41 in northeast
Death toll in China flooding climbs to 211
Thousands evacuated from flooded homes in Bosnia
Twister Tears Through 125 Wisc. Homes; Indiana and Illinois See Flash Flooding
150,000 Marooned by Bangladesh Floods
Hail Damages Farm Fields in Iowa
Conn. City Counts Damage, Blessings after Tornado
Lightning Struck Chicago Twice in the Same Place at the Same Time: Stunning Images
-------Lightning Strikes Ancient Parthenon...
Scientists Warn of 'Space Weather Katrina' and Say U.S. Is Unprepared
Deadly Storm Slams Southeast Michigan
Virginia Farmers Say Heat Taking Toll on Crops
-----Corn Prices Bolt Up as USDA Downsizes 2010 Crop Estimates
Severe Food Shortage Follows Lack of Rainfall in Syria
The International UFO Congress Moves to Phoenix Arizona Area
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