God Freedom Liberty - United States Constitution And Supporters of Our Rights

Proverbs 22:3 NLT

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

-- (((Charles Finney, said the following: “If
there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it))) --


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Friday, August 26, 2011

Powerful Hurricane Irene poses dire threat to Eastern USA / China announces support for Palestinian UN statehood bid / Hospital patients now being microchipped with "electronic tattoos" / Principal, Teachers Threatened for Attending Prayer Vigil on School Grounds

NEWS: http://www.trunews.com/index.htm#newsblock -

Powerful Hurricane Irene poses dire threat to Eastern USA

BUXTON, N.C. (WABC) -- The governors of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut have ordered states of emergency and Mayor Bloomberg outlined New York City's plan as Hurricane Irene threatened to slam into the area this weekend. The monstrous hurricane tightened its aim on the Eastern Seaboard on Thursday, threatening 65 million people along a shore-hugging path from North Carolina to New England. One of the nation's top experts called it his "nightmare" scenario. The Category 3 storm with winds of 115 mph - the threshold for a major hurricane - would be the strongest to strike the East Coast in seven years, and people were already getting out of the way. Tens of thousands fled North Carolina beach towns, farmers pulled up their crops, and the Navy ordered ships to sea so they could endure the...
Mandatory Evacuation Declared For Ocean City

China announces support for Palestinian UN statehood bid


Greece forced to tap emergency fund

In a move described as the "last stand for Greek banks", the embattled country's central bank activated Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) for the first time on Wednesday night. Raoul Ruparel of Open Europe told The Telegraph: "The activation of the so-called ELA looks to be the last stand for Greek banks and suggests they are running alarmingly short of quality collateral usually used to obtain funding." He added: "This kicks off another huge round of nearly worthless assets being shifted from the books of private banks onto books...

Fresh fears of Greek default as Finns hold out in collateral dispute

EURO-ZONE policy makers appeared no nearer to settling a dispute over Finland's collateral demands in exchange for participating in a bailout for Greece, raising concerns that Athens may default. Markets have grown more worried about the potential for a Greek debt default amid an apparent lack of progress in resolving the collateral issue this week. Finland, meanwhile, shows no sign of backing down. German Chancellor Angela Merkel also unexpectedly cancelled a trip to Russia in early September to shepherd through...

More banking giants switch to the dark side


IDF develops doctrine for accurate sniper fire

As the IDF prepares for violent demonstrations it predicts will break out following the Palestinian’s unilateral declaration of statehood at the United Nations on September 20, it has developed a new operational doctrine for snipers using laser designators to ensure accurate hits. The new doctrine was developed by the Paratroop Brigade, which was among the forces that stopped hundreds of people from crossing into Israel from Syria in early June during the last round of protests there that ended with more than 20 dead, according to the...

'Islamic Jihad vows to send rockets deeper into Israel'

Hours after Palestinian sources reported that the IAF killed two Islamic Jihad operatives in the Gaza Strip, the terrorist group vowed to extend the range of their rocket capabilities, sending projectiles deeper into Israeli territory, Israel Radio reported Thursday. According to Islamic Jihad, a small terrorist group with roots in the Muslim Brotherhood, it would triple...

NaturalNews exclusive: FDA wages secret war on raw milk farmers using KGB-style spying and infiltration techniques

(NaturalNews) After weeks of investigation, NaturalNews can now reveal that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is waging a clandestine war on raw milk dairy farmers through a network of government spies who are coached on infiltration and social engineering techniques. Resembling the Stasi East German police or KGB of the former Soviet Union, these undercover FDA agents meet each month for a...


Hospital patients now being microchipped with "electronic tattoos"

(NaturalNews) Being microchipped is now being spun as a method of protecting the health of hospital patients. To help mask the practice of this bodily invasion with a trendy, high-tech appearance, microchipping sensors are being referred to as "electronic tattoos" that can attach to human skin and stretch and move without breaking. Supposedly the comparisons of this hair-thin electronic patch-like chip to an electronic tattoo are being made because of...

Police chiefs want access to Internet communications

WINDSOR, Ont. — Canadian police chiefs are calling on Ottawa to give police the power to get occasional access to text messages, cellphone calls, emails and BlackBerry pings. The request was part of a resolution passed at the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police annual conference in Windsor, Ont.,.

Harlem pastor James David Manning preaches 'Obama is Evil' on church signs, angering local residents

Harlemites have had enough of a local pastor posting signs at his prominently located church spewing hateful messages about President Obama. Pastor James David Manning has put up "Obama Is Evil" and "He Used Black Vote to Uncle Tom For Wall St." on the towering sign outside the ATLAH World Missionary Church on the bustling...

Romney Gets Heated: "You Had Your Turn Madam, Now Let Me Get Mine"

Mitt Romney gets heated about the role of government with a questioner at a town hall. Woman: When we have these disasters the people turn and expect the government will help them. We have all kinds of programs – Social Security, Medicare – for us to act like we don’t take advantage of those...

Principal, Teachers Threatened for Attending Prayer Vigil on School Grounds

A Mississippi high school principal and teachers, threatened with an investigation because they participated in a privately held prayer event meant to usher in a school year, are now being reassured of their right to express their faith. Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), a separation of church and state watchdog group based in...

Tim Cook has become world's most powerful gay man

NON-inclusive workplaces and a lack of role models are two of the biggest challenges for gay people looking to get ahead in the corporate world. Not for too much longer, hope diversity activists, following the appointment of Tim Cook as CEO of Apple. Cook's rise to the top of the most valuable company in the world could well...

Super-massive black hole devours a star and scientists watch it for the first time

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