God Freedom Liberty - United States Constitution And Supporters of Our Rights

Proverbs 22:3 NLT

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

-- (((Charles Finney, said the following: “If
there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it))) --


Stan Deyo Earthquake / Volcanic Forecasts

Stan Deyo Earthquake / Volcanic Forecasts
Earthquake / Volcanic Forecasts

Preparing for what is coming to America - Prepare to Defend America


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In Defense Of A Nation

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Notre Dame Football Game Delayed By Lightning And ... UFO? / MOODY'S downgrades 2 French banks...-International alarm over euro zone crisis grows... / Dangerous TB spreading at alarming rate in Europe... / Is Iceland's Tallest Volcano Awakening? / FDA Set to Ban Your Supplements / Merkel Warns on Greece, Obama Voices U.S. Alarm / Western Australia Talks Secession over Canberra’s Energy Policies / Report: Turkish Warplanes Now Able to Fire at Israeli / Brain-Eating Amoeba Claims Fourth Victim / Eurozone crisis could rip EU apart: officials / An Early Hard Winter and End Times / Don’t believe something is coming? Watch This! BOTTOM OF POSTING!!!!

Food banks grapple with shortage
Omaha World-Herald
By Juan Perez Jr. A serious food shortage at local food banks could mean less food available for hungry families this fall, Omaha Mayor Jim Suttle and community service leaders said Thursday. National food bank suppliers have skipped several shipments ...
Somalia famine spreads 'beyond reach of aid'
Al Jazeera
Famine has spread to a sixth area of Somalia and tens of thousands of people have died as a result of severe food shortages, the United Nations has said. More than half of Somalia's entire population faces a severe food shortage, and the world body has ...
Strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake strikes offshore Papua New Guinea

Notre Dame Football Game Delayed By Lightning And ... UFO?
Huffington Post
Oberg, a former NASA rocket scientist and author of numerous books, including "Star-Crossed Orbits: Inside the US-Russian Space Alliance," says there's enough teasing behind UFO reports in general, "and I wish we could filter out the good stuff, ...
6 News Online
WEWAK, PAPUA NEW GUINEA (BNO NEWS) -- A strong earthquake struck off the mainland of Papua New Guinea on early Tuesday morning, seismologists said, but there were no immediate reports of damage or casualties. The 6.2-magnitude earthquake at 8.44 am ...
Moderate 5.0-magnitude earthquake hits Indonesia
Times of India
JAKARTA: A moderate 5.0-magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sumatra island, seismologists said, although there were no immediate reports of casualties or tsunami warnings. The quake hit at a relatively shallow depth of 14 kilometres at 01:23 ...
Light earthquakes strike near NM-Colo. border
Sacramento Bee
There were no immediate reports of damages or injuries. Reader comments on Sacbee.com are the opinions of the writer, not The Sacramento Bee. If you see an objectionable comment, click the flag icon below it. We will delete comments containing ...
BC quake produces 100 small aftershocks, but no reports of significant damage
Canadian Underwriter
"The remaining aftershocks were in the magnitude 1-3 range and approximately 50 km offshore, thus too small and too far offshore to be felt or cause any damage." In concert with several media reports, Earthquakes Canada said "there have been no reports ...
Minor quake gives area jolt
San Angelo Standard Times
The earthquake was felt throughout West Texas, in Lubbock, Midland, Abilene and Brownwood. Snyder Fire/Rescue hadn't received any reports of damages, said Brad Bawcum, emergency management assistant for the department. At least half a dozen aftershocks ...

Is Iceland's Tallest Volcano Awakening?
Over a period of four days last month, August 21-24, eight minor earthquakes were picked up in the volcano's top crater, the largest of which was 2.2 on the Richter scale, visir.is reports. Geophysicist Ari Trausti Gudmundsson said in an interview with ...
'Foo Fighter' UFOs Recorded In Colorado
Ghost Theory
Although many pilots reported seeing these strange UFOs following them, the government never released any official documentation on the reports. A recently uploaded video to YouTube shows similar objects like those WWII 'foo fighters' flying at amazing ...

MOODY'S downgrades 2 French banks...
International alarm over euro zone crisis grows...
Europe's banks staring into abyss...
Dangerous TB spreading at alarming rate in Europe...
Emergency Officials: 6.4 Vancouver
---Quake Should Serve as a Giant Wakeup Call
Drought in China Impacts 44 Million People
Strong earthquake near Valparaiso, Chile - Earthquake Report
By Armand Vervaeck and James Daniell
Update 10:02 UTC : after screening our many various sources, we are happy to report that this earthquake made NO damage or did NOT injure people (published 3 hours after the earthquake struck). Update 08:04 UTC : Our Chile readers are ...
300,000 Homeless in New Pakistan Flooding
Russia's Shiveluch Volcano Erupts

Is Iceland's Tallest Volcano Awakening?
'Day of Rage' Targets Capitalism, Demands New U.S. Constitution
FDA Set to Ban Your Supplements

Storms Wiped Out Crops at Many Farms
Drought Could Push Some Iowa Corn Yields to 20-Year Low
Merkel Warns on Greece, Obama Voices U.S. Alarm
More Mammoth Solar Flares Expected from 'Old Faithful' Sunspot
Western Australia Talks Secession over Canberra’s Energy Policies
Report: Turkish Warplanes Now Able to Fire at Israeli
Beat the Next Blackout: Tips for Buying a Backup Generator
Man with Satanic Tattoo and Facial Horns Arrested for Murder
20 Signs Of Imminent Financial Collapse In Europe
Brain-Eating Amoeba Claims Fourth Victim

Saudi Arabia warns off US on Palestinian veto

A FORMER head of Saudi Arabian intelligence and ex-ambassador to Washington, Turki al-Faisal, has warned that an American veto of Palestinian membership of the United Nations would end the ''special relationship'' between the two countries, and make the US ''toxic'' in the Arab world. The warning comes as Washington is scrambling to avoid a scenario where it alone casts a veto in the UN Security Council against the Palestinian bid for recognition of statehood, which is expected to be formally requested next week. The US is putting considerable pressure on the Palestinians not to submit the request, and on Britain - the only other permanent member of the Security Council that has not publicly supported the Palestinian request - to also exercise its veto if necessary. Mr Faisal says in an article in The New York Times...
Smoke Reaches Chicago from Growing Minnesota Fire
Bering Strait tunnel to connect two biggest continents/

An Early Hard Winter and End Times
Signs of a Hard Winter
Get Ready for a Wet, Wild Winter in 2012!
2012 Canadian Winter Forecast

Some Northern States to Already Get First Frost

September 10, 2011
Holly Deyo
This Fall and Winter portend to be brutal in some areas of the U.S. and Canada. Three weeks ago, our Sunburst Honey Locusts began morphing into Autumn glory. Surely not, I thought to myself, yet the leaves showed otherwise. Locusts are one of the latest in Spring to leaf out and one of the first to shed their green canopies in Fall. However, mid-August was waaaaay too early especially when day time temps were still touching triple digits. But when night dips down to the low 50's and high 40's, trees get other ideas.

As I rounded the south side of our home a week ago, this furry fellow inched his way across the stucco wall.

Yes, we're definitely seeing signs of Winter already and it feels like an omen, a warning of End Times' nearness. We are edging to the final stages.


August 23, we took a short sabbatical from posting news. In the message on our site explaining this break, I wrote about feeling a pressing to get busy, an urgency to finalize our own preps. 'Finalize' might have been too strong a word, as prep is an ongoing task and one where we still have much to do. Working as many hours as Stan and I do, it's hard to find the time. Our reason for the news interruption was as stated – prep – yet we had people asking if we were 'going to ground', were we sick, and yet others supposed we were vacationing. Right.

More people are waking to the lateness of the hour. Yet we see a great disconnect daily. In that message I wrote that if you haven't yet purchased and readied a bugout property, it's likely too late to take on this massive task. It is a huge undertaking and rarely will you find a turnkey property fitting your needs.

Friends, we are at the PRECIPICE for great changes – not at the bottom of the ramp.

RELOCATION CAVEAT: There will always be that lucky son-of-a-gun in the right place, at the right time, finding the right place for the right price with time on his hands and plenty of $$ to make the sale click perfectly. But how many of us are in that position? Darn few, so we dig in.

This did happen to a Net friend in Southern California. He's retired, handy with tools and he had family to help. Looking online, 'Bill' found a lovely property in Idaho – with water situated on 10 acres or so. The existing home needed new floor coverings and he replaced the deck plus made some other repairs and upgrades. Part of the work was contracted out and the rest was accomplished by he and his son. Bill described the previous owners as "original survivalists" so they had already built in and made provisions for many desirable features. It appeared to be designed just for these times. Paying cash for the property made closing quick and painless.

However, how many people have the knowledge, time, capital and just plain good fortune to locate and purchase the perfect setting? Most will make their current homes their refuge and build community with neighbors. Secondly, few intentional communities exist where you can flee and find folks who all are on board with prep. Not speaking from experience, but it seems like intentional communities might be like always ordering vanilla ice cream. Once in a while you've got to have rocky road! Life is more interesting when people have diverse interests and aren't just dwelling on the coming challenging times.

For those staying in situ, the best suggestion we offer is to make strong relationships within your own neighborhood. Ferret out everyone's strengths, what they offer to your group and go from there. You want real people, with real lives, vested with real talents and not driven by paranoia.


Another woman wrote asking what would be the signs for when to move to a retreat. That decision depends on several things:

  1. How close are you to a major city
  2. How close are you to the coast
  3. How close are you to major highways and railways
  4. How close are you to prime terrorism targets, prison systems, gang and drug activity, military bases, nuclear plants, chemical factories, etc.
  5. How close is your retreat to your current residence
  6. How many alternate routes are available from your residence to the retreat
  7. Is your retreat fully ready for habitation or is there still work to be done
  8. Will moving prevent you from earning a living, if needed
  9. Has the dollar already collapsed
  10. Has Wall Street crashed
  11. Are food shortages more commonplace
  12. Are gas stations experiencing more outages

These and probably other factors are all considerations. When chaos sets in, you want to be already relocated and away from 1-4. During this time, first plan for gridlock on all roads in the panic to get out, then expect curfews, roadblocks and martial law. Then you'll being going nowhere.

As for specific signs of when to make the move, that is a very difficult question, a very personal decision. Has the dollar collapsed? Are you seeing signs of social unrest in your area? Are you hearing reports of martial law possibly being enacted? Especially if neighbors know you've prepared and they've done nothing, you don't want to be at their mercy. Instead of investing the time and money required, they went on trips and generally played while you worked and prepared. That's just irresponsible and they've chosen a road that puts their family at risk.

However, they might have their own ideas on preparedness – your stuff! How many times have you heard that tired remark when discussing preparing, "I know where you live and I'll have some of yours." It might be said with a grin or a wink, but you get their intentions. However, they will have a surprise if they could have done their share and purposely chose not to thinking they'll come help themselves. That won't go over well in this household.


A man wrote from Australia a few days ago wanting to know where he could purchase large quantities of storable food.

We found that same problem Downunder as the 'Lucky Country' mistakenly feels it is impervious to bad times. So did we Americans prior to Sept. 11, 2001. No man, no country is an impenetrable island.

Stockpiling food and emergency prep supplies in Australia was a time consuming, arduous task. It is likely so in many other countries apart from the U.S. Besides military surplus and camping stores, freeze dried and dehydrated goods in AU were in short supply. When you could locate them, they came at a painful premium. Generally these foods were sold in pouches only, which have a considerably shorter shelf life than products nitro-packed in food grade pails or cans. These single serve pouches were primarily designed for outdoor activities, not emergencies.

To compensate, we laboriously waited for each Dollar Days event at Coles, a major grocery store, where you could save 25% on most items. We purchased them by the cartload. You can't imagine the looks aimed at 'those crazy Yanks'! Instead of being annoyed my head moved higher and the spine stood straighter and we got on with our purchases. That same thing can be applied to all people who are reaping grief from family/friends/neighbors about prep. You can bet they will be first at your door when the poo hits the fan realizing they've done squat to prepare. How you deal with that scenario is up to you, but we've got our own answers at the ready.

Purchasing freeze-dried and dehydrated food is a good, viable plan for long-term prep. However, please remember that these goods require water and heat to reconstitute into a palatable form – let alone a yummy meal. Think ahead. Don't just buy a bunch of food and have zero idea what you're going to do with it. Though they require more space, canned goods can be eaten straight from the container and don't need to be heated. It's important to know both their real expiration date and how to decode manufacturers' hidden dating system. (Knowing the REAL shelf life of medicines is also vital because every year America wastes hundreds of millions of dollars in perfectly viable first aid items. It's another scam of Big Pharma at your expense.)

Ideally you should make up about 1/3 of your stored food in canned goods and the balance in freeze dried or dehydrated foods.

To that end consider Steve Quayle's book, The Everyday Gourmet. Instead of a book giving 1,000 ways to cook wheat (gag) or countless ways to prepare beans (oops ESCUSE me! - especially unpleasant in close quarters if you get the smelly drift) this book shares many, many yummy meals made from your stored goods.

I've given this book to my girlfriends not even into prep and they see that you don't have to have exotic ingredients to make magnificent homemade meals. Many of these recipes can be made utilizing freeze-dried and dehydrated ingredients. Trust me, when you are totally stressed, remembering recipes will be on the back burner. Having those great meal recipes at your fingertips will be a huge blessing.

With that said, part of today will be spent in seed storage and roasting homegrown chiles (nothing smells any better and reminds us that Pueblo's Annual Chile & Frijoles [Beans] Festival, which attracts over 100,000 people, is in just 2 weeks – an event we never miss! This is what we mean about getting your prep ready and getting on with normal life. Roasting peppers are true nose candy of the healthy kind!)

The extra seed packets purchased this year will be sorted by kind, vacuum packed and then stored in the freezer. Depending on variety and how you keep them, these non-hybrid seeds will be viable much longer that the package states. They will be a great blessing in the days ahead.

Permission granted to repost in its entirety only with all images and links included.

European Southern Observatory announces major planet discovery
The European Southern Observatory has announced the discovery of over 50 new exoplanets, one of which might sustain life forms. The exoplanets, which means they’re located outside our solar system, were discovered using the observatory’s High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher, or HARPS, located at the La Silla Observatory in Chile. 
 Don’t believe something is coming? Watch This!- Amidst the increasing amount of Earthquakes and Historical natrual disasters unfolding around the planet, comes consistant disscussion and warnings over the recent months of an expectation of an ALIEN THREAT, and Threats from outside forces. With Comet ELENIN just around the corner, Astroids, and dwarf stars, There is a significant amount of Strange Phenomenon being witnessed in the sky and clouds, and strange humming and vibration noises being heard and felt around the earth. As UFO sightings continue to increase, along with the chemtrails,

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