God Freedom Liberty - United States Constitution And Supporters of Our Rights

Proverbs 22:3 NLT

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

-- (((Charles Finney, said the following: “If
there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it))) --


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In Defense Of A Nation

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

VERY HOT NEWS -- We have been warned. Put your eyes on Hosea 7 and 8 as we go into Syria. - When Should We Start Forcibly Resisting Police Tyranny? / Employee exodus from Dept of Homeland Security a growing concern... / ◾Islamic State spokesman:'Rely upon Allah, and kill' American, European, Australian, and Canadian non-Muslims / ◾Run For Your Life!:Jesus said that He wishes you were either hot or cold...it is the lukewarm who are in trouble. Run for your life if you are attending a lukewarm church. / Hillary Clinton, Saul Alinsky correspondence revealed / Woman Confronts Muslim Extremists Who Invaded Her Hometown (Video) / AIRSTRIKES: SYRIA! / Ebola death camps unveiled in Liberia; disease victims to be rounded up and removed from their own homes by force / Obama thrusts U.S. military directly into civil war / Woman Beaten By Group Of Teen Girls On NYC Subway After Chiding Them For Swearing... / AMERICA — POISED FOR COLLAPSE Exclusive: Mychal Massie is convinced changing parties won't 'make one bit of difference' / Ebola epidemic far worse than being reported: running out of space in cemeteries to bury bodies / Sheriff calls for U.S. troops on Rio Grande / Catholic Cardinal McCarrick Embraces Islam / Bank Insider: Worst Depression Ever Coming Bank Insider James Rickards reveals the depth of the Global Banking Collapse that is about to affect billions. / Obama Administration Is Paying Monthly Salaries to “Thousands” of ISIS and Al Nusrah Syrian Rebels / Limbaugh Slams Liberal Media For Ignoring ‘Hillary Letters’ / Biden to Hispanics: Obama Will Act on Immigration / ISIS urges jihadists to attack Canadians: ‘You will not feel secure in your bedrooms’ / OPTICS: Obama's disrespectful salute to Marines / SHOCK VIDEO: Cops slam pregnant woman to pavement... / ◾JIHADI STABS TWO AUSSIE COPS, PLANNING TO BEHEAD THEM, WRAP BODIES IN ISIS FLAG. SHOT DEAD ON THE SCENE / ◾Must See: Border Patrol Insider Speaks Out: 'They’re Anticipating A Large National Crisis… Something Drastic' / ◾Muslims Take Ten Christians, Shoot Them And Burn Them Alive, And Say, 'Allahu Akbar, We Must Wipe Out These Infidel Christians Today' / ◾Muslims Want To Slaughter Millions Of Christians, And Obama Is Only Helping The Antichrist / D'Souza Gets 8 Months of Therapeutic Therapy / CDC Warns Universities to Prepare for 'Ebola Pandemic'


We have been warned. Put your eyes on Hosea 7 and 8 as we go into Syria.
Prophecy watch.
Hosea 8:8-9 say this about Ephraim and the House of Israel (America)...
8 Israel is swallowed up: now shall they be among the Gentiles as a vess...el wherein is no pleasure.
9 For they are gone up to Assyria, a wild ass alone by himself: Ephraim hath hired lovers.
Hosea foresees the day (verse 8) when the global community will turn against Ephraim (America) and say "enough is enough". The reason? Verse 9...we are a wild ass going into Syria alone. We have no true allies in the cause, and instead have had to hire prostitutes to join us in our endeavor.

(-U.S. Coalition Falling Apart, Germany, France, UK and Australia Say ‘No’ To Syria Strike-)

How the world community will respond to our supposed bombing of ISIS remains to be seen. As of this moment, the Russians see it as a pretext for us to bomb Assad's regime "by accident". You know, oh golly gee whiz, looks like that bomb went off target and hit the presidential palace. That IS what DC wanted a few years back when they tried to make a case to go into Syria, but the American people said no. And they're still saying no. Looks like they've found a way around we the people, but this should come as no surprise to anyone.
Watch and pray.
U.S. Coalition Falling Apart, Germany, France, UK and Australia Say ‘No’ To Syria Strike


When Should We Start Forcibly Resisting Police Tyranny?
    Justin King | TheAntiMedia A 17-year-old kid was tased into a coma and suffered brain damage after Officer Tim Runnels arrested him for a traffic ticket that was associated with the car he had borrowed. It was not his ticket. The window was broken and the minor could not roll the window down completely when ordered. Therefore the officer used force to enforce an ..

Employee exodus from Dept of Homeland Security a growing concern...

Dysfunctional work environment...

Abysmal morale...

Ebola warning: CDC tells airlines to 'treat all body fluids as infectious'...
Sierra Leone lifts 3-day mandatory confinement...

Staggers in Isolation Effort...
Residents Run From Homes to Escape Lockdown...

Burial Team Attacked...

Latino groups, La Raza launch voter registration drive...
California GOP at historic low...

Mayors of LA, Chicago and NYC launch campaign to naturalize...

Immigrant population in GA approaches 1 million...

Baltimore mayor unveils plan to 'lure immigrant families'...

FLASHBACK: SCHLAFLY: Limit immigration or watch conservative efforts become irrelevant...

ISIS and Democrats

Cheerleaders Defy Ban on School Prayer

FRESH PLOT TO 'BRING DOWN AIRPLANES' House Intelligence chair reveals terror threat 'more immediate' than ISIS
Islamic State spokesman:'Rely upon Allah, and kill' American, European, Australian, and Canadian non-Muslims
Run For Your Life!:Jesus said that He wishes you were either hot or cold...it is the lukewarm who are in trouble. Run for your life if you are attending a lukewarm church.
Terrorist group Isis have launched attacks against the strategic Kurdish town of Kobani in Syria, forcing thousands of civilians to flee north to Turkey
Terrorist group Isis have launched attacks against the strategic Kurdish town of Kobani in Syria, forcing thousands of civilians to flee north to Turkey
 The refugee crisis has brought Turkey even nearer the war being waged by Isis
Turkey closes borders as 130,000 Syrians flee Isis onslaught against innocents with stolen tanks and artillery

Dried-up dams, boats at bottom of reservoirs and rapidly shrinking lakes: Extraordinary images of the devastating drought in the West
Terrorists at the Border :According to the Obama administration, Islamic terrorists are not operating in Ciudad Juarez. But the administration isn’t known for truth-telling
For some unexplained reason, the president has declined an invitation to attend a dedication ceremony in October for a new memorial honoring American veterans who have been disabled fighting for their country in wars. According to the Washington Free Beacon, the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial (AVDLM) is the first memorial of its kind, and
Will robotkind be our undoing? Ethical droids programmed to save ‘humans’ end up KILLING more than half of them. If you’re nervous about sitting in a self-driving car, then you may have good reason. A recent experiment by UK researchers attempted to find

Dawn of the Dead: the unending flow of corpses overwhelms death collectors

Ebola Corpse
September 2014

The Hillary Letters

203 Inside Info w Dr, Jim Garrow

Woman Confronts Muslim Extremists Who Invaded Her Hometown (Video)

Ebola death camps unveiled in Liberia; disease victims to be rounded up and removed from their own homes by force

21,000 by November...
Gravedigger disputes official death count...

NYT TUESDAY: Outbreak Far Worse Than Authorities Acknowledge... WASH POST TUESDAY: Liberia, WHO launch controversial program to halt spread... DESIGN: Treatment center... Germany asks soldiers to volunteer in virus fight...

Man bitten by Ebola patient flown to Switzerland...

Holder celebrates federal prison population of 215,000...










Sheriff Paul Babeu of Pinal County, Arizona

Sheriff calls for U.S. troops on Rio Grande
'We can protect Korean border but not our own?' Another border-state sheriff is voicing his frustrations with the Obama administration’s failure to secure the border, saying the lack of action has overwhelmed his county with criminals, drug-cartel members and possible terrorists.


Catholic Cardinal McCarrick Embraces Islam
“In the name of God, the Merciful and Compassionate,” McCarrick said as he introduced himself to the audience at a meeting arranged by the Muslim Public Affairs Council. That praise of the Islamic deity is an important phrase in Islam, is found more than 100 times in the Koran, and is akin to the Catholic prayer, ”In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” McCarrick next claimed that “Catholic social teaching is based on the dignity of the human person… [and] as you study the holy Koran, as you study Islam, basically, this is what Muhammad the prophet, peace be upon him, has been teaching.”


US admits there is a much scarier terrorist group than ISIS
Very little information is being released at the moment by anyone within American intelligence circles, but the group calling itself Khorasan is said by officials to have concrete plans for striking targets in the United States and Europe as a chosen modus operandi – more so than the Islamic State (IS), formerly known as ISIS.


Alaska Physician Shuts Down Practice, Citing Obamacare
“It is an unsustainable system,” Dr. Wennen wrote to his customers in a letter obtained by The Daily Caller. “I am personally writing off upwards of three quarters of a million dollars annually in free/uncompensated care.” “My reasons for closing down the office are simply economic,” Wennen wrote. “The governmental agencies that are supplying ‘medical insurance’ to the elderly, the disadvantaged, the indigent and the sick, injured, or disabled have placed an unrealistically low value of worth on physician’s services.”










Over 150,000 Demand Recount After Allegations of Scottish Vote Fraud
Paul Joseph Watson - Over 100,000 people have demanded a recount in the Scottish independence referendum after videos purporting to show evidence of vote fraud went viral in the aftermath of last week’s polling.


Fire engulfs residential tower in Siberia ~ Will it fall like the ONLY steel framed Towers Ever fell on 9/11/01 ???
12160 - Of course not! Steel Framed Buildings NEVER fall from fire except in NYC on 911 when 3 fell and one was not even hit by a plane!!



Two London chefs are this week trying to come up with a burger that tastes like human flesh, while Hannibal is busy cooking lung and loin bourguignon over on NBC, but exactly what flavor do we have? It’s a macabre thought, but one carnivores can’t help but idly wonder from time to time when eating


Looking for a new approach to blunt the Ebola epidemic sweeping West Africa, the Liberian government, the World Health Organization and their nonprofit partners here are launching an ambitious but controversial program to move infected people out of their homes and into ad hoc centers that will provide rudimentary care, officials said Monday. The effort, which



Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has weighed in on Hillary Clinton’s letters to infamous socialist Saul Alinsky. Limbaugh called Alinsky’s 1971 manifesto, Rules for Radicals, the “owner’s manual for Democratic Party at large.” Read Full Article



The Obama administration announced executive steps on Monday to curb the maneuver known as tax “inversions,” by which companies slash their tax bills by moving their companies’ tax bases overseas. On a conference call with reporters Monday evening, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the administration was taking executive action since it had become clear Congress would not


Vice President Joe Biden told frustrated Hispanic leaders Monday President Barack Obama is “absolutely committed to moving forward” on comprehensive immigration reforms “and he’s going to do an awful lot.” Biden said Obama was determined to move ahead “with or without” Congress and “if they don’t get something done by the end of this year,



I was recently in deep discussion about the serial scandals of the Obama administration: refusal to stem the flood of illegal aliens pouring across our porous borders; get-out-of-jail-free pass release of more than 36,000 illegal aliens with criminal convictions; legal challenges to state laws designed to prevent voter fraud and the flagrant cover-up of the



The spokesman for the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham called for attacks on Canadians on Sunday in an apparent attempt to deter members of the military alliance that has formed to challenge the terrorist group. The government has begun invalidating the passports of Canadians who have left to join extremist groups in Syria and



Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a phone conversation with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, said that airstrikes against the Islamic State (IS) targets in Syria should not be conducted without consent of Syrian government, the Kremlin said on Tuesday. Read Full Article


OPTICS: Obama's disrespectful salute to Marines... 'Semper Latte'...
SHOCK VIDEO: Cops slam pregnant woman to pavement...
Darpa take a back seat as Monstrous Gun-Mounted Robot Spiders Proposed for China’s Military 

Must See: Border Patrol Insider Speaks Out: 'They’re Anticipating A Large National Crisis… Something Drastic' 

Muslims Take Ten Christians, Shoot Them And Burn Them Alive, And Say, 'Allahu Akbar, We Must Wipe Out These Infidel Christians Today'
Muslims Want To Slaughter Millions Of Christians, And Obama Is Only Helping The Antichrist 


Ebola cases estimated to hit 1.4 million by mid-January: dead corpses dumped in rivers

EB 1
September 2014AFRICA

Mortality rate climbing: Ebola virologist warns outbreak could lead to “the complete breakdown of society”

EB 2
September 2014AFRICA

D'Souza Gets 8 Months of Therapeutic Therapy

CDC Warns Universities to Prepare for 'Ebola Pandemic'

9/21/2014 -- Glacier breaks off Mt. Shasta Volcano in North California - Lahar mud flow

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