While many in the church!! - go to church and then go home and watch football, Etc.. They are losing there county. Much of the church is a liability to our culture -(and we all know what a liability does to a balance sheet)- https://www.facebook.com/numbersusa/photos/a.179875468735823.47226.129255907131113/785888544801176/?type=1&theater
Daily water allocation could be the next California drought strategy
Fired Oklahoma City nursing home worker threatened beheading, police say Jacob Mugambi Muriithi, a native of Kenya, was arrested Friday in Oklahoma City on a terrorism complaint.
Two RADCON 5′s – NY City Area! Why The High Radiation Counts? Is ISIS About To Make Good On Their Threats To New York?
Another Oklahoma Man, Reportedly a Muslim, Arrested After He Allegedly Threatened to Cut Off Coworker’s Head: ‘This Is Just What We Do’
The Collapse of the American Economy Has Begun
Susan Duclos and Stefan Stanford recently interviewed “V” the Guerrilla Economist and the following information was revealed in this landmark interview: “The process of undermining the US dollar is well on schedule as well; more than 105 countries have decided that the dollar no longer works for them, joining Russia, China and other BRICS nations in leaving the dollar as the
American Troops Battling Ebola Get Off to Slow Start in Africa...
Libya's top doctor quarantined after deputy dies...
U.S. doctor exposed to virus admitted to NIH...
Russia accuses USA of bossing world around...
What Are They Hiding? It's 'Rare' Yet In 40 States, Started in February And Still Spreading! This Stinks To High Heaven!
Mystery of the Pentagon space plane that has been circling the planet for TWO YEARS: Experts are trying to uncover details of its classified mission
The Flu Vaccine War: Healthcare Workers Fight Back :the flu vaccine is by far the most dangerous vaccine in the United States, injuring and killing many people every year based on settled court cases by the Department of Justice
82% of Ebola patients are being turned away from hospitals to die at home, spreading infections to family members
Growing List Of Northern California Communities Running Out Of Water In Just 60 Days
Spending into Oblivion-Gregory Mannarino :The debt doesn’t matter . . . all they are determined to do is hyper and super hyper-inflate the debt bubble because this is the foundation of our economic model
VIDEO: Nation Shocked After Obama Describes America As A Muslim Country
Tulsa, Oklahoma Man Found Decapitated With Hands and Feet Bound – Ruled Suicide…
Government Plan to Stop School Shootings: Monitor Homeschoolers. The Govt. have a vested interest in eliminating homeschooling. Every child taught at home means one less student who can be indoctrinated by schools , and means less funding for them
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Ferguson Protest! Many Arrested As Police Try to Negotiate Deal with Protesters!
DEFCON Warning System - Update 9/24/14
Pigs, Lipstick and Islam
Work Place Islam - When a Muslim tries to convert you to Islam, it is not just an invitation. It may also be a death threat.
Mexican Consulate issues ID cards to Nationals living in Wisconsin...
WH: Obama will 'make good' on exec amnesty pledge...
President omits from address at Congressional Black Caucus...
REPORT: One-fifth of US workers were laid off in past 5 years...
When These People Go Into Hiding, It Is Time to Pay Attention - Getting Out of Harms Way: Massive Retirements From
the Alphabet Soup Agencies
When government officials, from the various alphabet soup agencies, retire en masse, it is not necessarily a noteworthy event. However, when the same officials retire en masse and then relocate to form their own survivalist enclaves, then this is something that we should all sit up and take notice of, especially when we are seeing the same behavior on the part of Wall Street executives.
In my dealings with purported alphabet soup agency informants, I have been receiving some very dire warnings in terms of what lies ahead for America. At the time I began to receive information, two years ago, about the dangerous times that we are living in, Doug Hagmann also went public with conversations he had with DHS’ “Rosebud” telling us much the same thing.
I have had conversations with two insiders and a relative of another insider who tell similar stories of a coming series of apocalyptic events. Much of the Hagmann information, to a large extent, corresponds to the information I have received.
Prosecutor Calls to Impeach Obama - An Interview with Professor Francis Boyle - Just two weeks ago, President Obama stood up before the American people and told Congress that he has all the power he needs to violate the Constitution and actively undermine another sovereign government. Sparked by the reaction to multiple ISIS beheading videos, the American public and both branches of Congress supported Obama in his move to arm and train Syrian rebels in their fight against the Islamic State and their ongoing civil war against President Bashar al-Assad.
Invoking the same AUMF powers as former President George W Bush, Obama is now leading the military campaign against terrorism. And the snowball could get even bigger. Egyptian leaders are urging Obama to take his fight into other countries as well. With the combat zones inching closer and closer to Turkey’s southern border, Arab leaders all over the Middle East are watching carefully to see how the battle plays out.
Today, we welcome a regular guest back to the broadcast. Political Science professor Francis Boyle was one of the prosecutors during the War Crimes Commission trial of George W Bush and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair in Kuala Lumpur two years ago. Professor Boyle also teaches international law at the University of Illinois School of Law.
Volcano Erupts, Kills Dozens
Arizona Football Coach Suspended for Praying with Team
Caught on Tape: Battleground Texas Violating Election Laws Again?
Any muslim who beheads another person has just committed an act of religious terrorism. That makes him a terrorist and his act a terrorist act. Do not let the government or any "authority" convince you otherwise. These same authorities and their need for politically correct interpretations of events would have you believe that it is night when it is clearly day. The mask of "authority" merely enhances our need to rely on truth and not an authority that "we the people" give to those who supposedly represent us but who would betray that trust. Its about control, but having given control to government does not make us either blind nor stupid. The Emperor can still be called out for his obvious nudity.
- Dr. Jim Garrow -
![People in the know are bugging out. Should we be concerned? http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2014/09/29/when-these-people-go-into-hiding-it-is-time-to-pay-attention/](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10402896_562514723853752_5920746863796908399_n.jpg?oh=a324fd15a921e455fb8c04c71820b8f0&oe=54C72914&__gda__=1421660588_e535fb5cda495cd70ef7cd27d822cd6f)
Alert! National Grid Electricity Rates to Rise 37 Percent This Winter!
SHOWDOWN: Law Enforcement Seeks to Halt APPLEGOOGLE Encryption...
Holder urges device backdoors for police...
Seattle Imposes Fine On Residents For Throwing Out Too Much Food In Trash
Chris Wallace To Ben Carson: Wouldn’t You Just Be Another Inexperienced Obama
Kansas governor declares October Zombie Preparedness Month; urges citizens to prepare for zombie apocalypse
Readying for Ebola: How U.S. hospitals are gearing up – ‘not a question of if there’s a case, but when’
U.S. quietly preparing for Ebola outbreak: CDC issues Ebola guidelines for U.S. funeral homes – how to dispose of bodies
Turkey lashed by howling winds from mega-storm roaring across the Black Sea
Facing criticism, U.S. Forest Service says news media won't need permit to film in wilderness areas
USFS: Rule would apply only to commercial filming
Around 25,000 earthquakes have registered on Icelandic Met Office’s equipment since August 29. The eruption is one of the largest in the world. All in all 39 quakes over 5.0 have been recorded, most of them in the rim of the Bárðarbunga crater.
A 4.2-magnitude earthquake rattled central Oklahoma Monday night, with the tremors felt in south central Kansas.
Almost 4,900 children in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone have lost one or both parents to Ebola this year, the UN children's agency has said. Finding care for them is proving incredibly difficult because the children are stigmatised, Unicef added. Some are "being fed by neighbours but no more", the agency said.
This is primarily taken from Matthew.
This is taken from Matthew 5 which is the beginning of the famous Sermon on the Mount, which goes all the way through to chapter 7.
In this portion Christ is talking about dealing with your enemies. The problem is that there are different types of enemies, enemy personal, enemy universal, enemy corporate. The pacifist lumps it all into one category, “enemy”.
The problem is that what Christ is talking about here is personal enemies and not those who are corporate / universal.
When we read in context we see that Christ is addressing social issues. How to deal with one another, being angry with one another, issues like adultery and divorce, making promises you cannot keep or making promises you should not promise to keep.
We then come to the famous turn the other cheek / love your enemy part.
Nowhere does it say that we cannot defend ourselves, not protect the innocent, and not protect our family, etc.
Breaking Down “Turn The Other Cheek” - Which Hand?
Let’s look at social norms.
First, the majority of the world is “right” handed. Why is that? I honestly believed that God created man to be right handed and to this day that still remains to be the norm. Only 15% of the world’s population is left handed.
Throughout history and social norms the left hand is always the “unclean” hand. In the days before proper sanitary conditions, men and women used their left hand to deal with all their “nether region’s” hygiene issues. This includes the monthly issues women have to deal with.
SO… no one and I mean no one used the left hand for any sort of social interaction and to this day we still honor that idea.
Just as a quick test, reach your left hand to shake hands and watch the other person’s eyes. You will see that you are “tripping them up” mentally and they will think a moment before offering the left hand, that is if they even offer it at all.
In today’s PC world where people don’t ask “WHY” and do not want to “offend,” most people will then shake with the left if given a few moments to think about it.
We can see that even Luke records the social norm when he references the sermon on the mount.
The historical social norm is that the right side is always right / first and the left side is always the wrong side, second or what is “left.”
Do a study on right vs left in social norms, it is amazing to find out why we do what we do and this in and of itself shows that God is in fact our creator and we did not just appear out of some primordial ooze. God put thought into us and ingrained these ideas into our DNA.
Now, with this little history lesson out of the way, let me ask you the following…
Think on this for a moment and hum the Jeopardy game show theme in your mind as you are thinking.
The only way a right handed person could strike someone on the right cheek is use the back of the hand to slap them or commonly known as a backslap.
If you would “attack” someone and intend to do serious damage / fight a person, you would use a fist and strike the closest target, that being the left cheek.
But Christ is CLEARLY talking about the right cheek.
Because we are no longer a fighting warlike people we miss the entire context of this and because of that we feminize this. Because we have become so emasculated, we lose out on what Christ is telling us.
Context 1 – Christ is talking about social issues / treating one another.
Context 2 – one NEVER strikes another with a left hand, that is the unclean hand and one just did not break that unwritten social rule no matter what.
Context 3 – in a fighting warlike society if you backslap someone it has always been seen as a form to bring shame / insult the person who is being slapped.
To put it in modern terminology “Bi--h-slap” (think the proper term for a female dog)
To define this we read the following..
He is talking about that real jerk at work that always wants to up you by one, rub your nose in it when you make a mistake, the one who is always starting rumors about you, the one who is most likely be the person who will take their keys and put a huge scratch down the side of your car.
That is the sort of enemy that Christ is talking about here.
But because over the past 100 years we have gone from a fighting warlike people to soft feminized PC “God is Love” sort of people, we have been missing this point.
Did Christ Turn The Other Cheek? HECK NO! The Lion of Judah Comes Out
How many of you know or remember the scene in the garden when Jesus was arrested? There is a lot going on here, but when you read all four accounts from the Gospels, we clearly see the “Lion of Judah” coming out in Christ and not some meek lamb that is often portrayed. In the garden Christ shows His street smarts as well as giving us a peek at the “lion of Judah” but allowed Himself and submitted to being the “lamb.”John gives an account with a lot of detail that the other gospels did not include. There is a lot there when we really take the time to read.
Please take the time to read this, it is important, so please do not skim it, really read…
First point - Judas betrays Christ with a kiss and then returns to the crowd of men. This in and of itself was seen as an insult. Luke even records Christ reaction to this insult…
Second Point – Jesus recovers from the insult and boldly asks “Whom seek ye?” They answer back “ Jesus of Nazereth.
Third Point – Many people miss the following, we witness The Lion’s Roar and John is the only one who records it…
He startled them so much that they all, including Judas were stepping backwards and fell to the ground.
Now, to give you an idea of the mass of people there to arrest Christ we read the following in Mark.
The soldiers Judas brought with him to the Garden of Gethsemane were soldiers who served at the Tower of Antonia—a tower that had been built by the Hasmonean rulers. Later it was renamed the "Tower of Antonia" by King Herod in honor of one of his greatest patrons, Marc Antony (yes, the same Marc Antony who fell in love with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra!).
The Tower of Antonia was a massive edifice that was built on a rock and rose seventy-five feet into the air. Its sides had been completely smoothed flat to make it difficult for enemies to scale its walls. Although it had many towers, the highest one was located on the southeast corner, giving the watchman an uninhibited view of the temple area as well as much of Jerusalem.
Inside this massive complex was a large inner courtyard for exercising the Roman cohort—comprised of 300 to 600 specially trained soldiers—that was stationed there. These troops were poised to act defensively in the event of an insurgency or riot. In fact, a staircase led from the tower into the temple, enabling the troops to enter the temple in a matter of minutes should a disturbance develop there.
One writer has noted that there was even a secret passageway from the tower to the inner court of the priests, making it possible for troops to reach even that holy, off-limits location.
John 18:3 records that there was "a band of men" in the Garden that night. The Greek word for "a band of men" is spira.
This is the word that describes a military cohort—the group of 300 to 600 soldiers mentioned above. These extremely well-trained soldiers were equipped with the finest weaponry of the day.
Another fact that many miss is that the disciples were not any wimpy slouches themselves.
We read in Luke …
Folks, these guys had fortitude (guts) and they were ready to start attacking at a drop of the hat.
Christ spoke with such warrior authority that the ENTIRE GROUP OF PEOPLE stepped back in shock that ALL OF THEM fell to the ground. Can you picture this?
Do you understand that the disciples KNEW who the served and KNEW who they were with? Do you see and understand the bravado here that Christ and the disiples displayed?
Christ let himself be known to the crowd. Him stating that “HERE I AM” clearly startled the mass of people and I bet that they were seriously shaking in their boots too.
I say all this because often Christ as well as the disciples are made out to be a bunch of hippy dippy sissy men.
NO.. they were not, they were hard core take it to the mat men of God.
This is our example, all of us need to learn to boldly stand again, just like Christ and the disciples did when they were confronted with "their enemy."
Now it is from the following portion that the cowardly pacifists wimpy men get another one of their famous out of context ideas.
“Live By The Sword, Die By The Sword.”
He accuses them and holds them accountable.
“ HEY… you had the chance during the day to come get Me, but you did not have the courage. But now you come in the dark with your swords and staffs being all macho like? Some “men” you are! “ You want me? HERE AM I !!”
So here is Jesus with 11 rag tag men all of them armed and ready to fight, but then Christ shows how He is the compassionate Servant Warrior, He heals the ear of servant and then reminds them that the scriptures must be fulfilled.
I have to say that if the scriptures did not have to be fulfilled, maybe they might have gone at it rigth then, right there. This was a very tense situation.
But we learn another insight, even though the disciples KNEW who they were joining in the fight with, Christ also shows wisdom in saying “ those who fight by the sword will die by the sword.”
In other words, when you read it in proper context, Christ was telling the disciples that they were greatly outnumbered and that now was not the day for all of them to die. He was proud of them, but He pointed out that the scriptures must be fulfilled and to do that, He had to submit to God’s Will and allow him to be taken.
But That Is Not All… Still No Turning the Other Cheek
So here is the situation, Jesus submitted and allowed the High Priest and all the other rabble to take him away. Then things get interesting again.That is when one of Annas’ officers then struck Jesus with the palm of his hand. Remembering social norms and such, here the officer used his right hand but did not strike his right side, he stuck Christ’s left cheek, the closest target.
What did Jesus do?
He looked the guy in the eye, you know that look that shoot knives, and said “ HEY… If I said something wrong, then tell me so I can make amends, otherwise why are you back-slapping me Bub ?
We do not see Christ turning the other cheek here. In fact He spoke up and asked why he was being insulted in such a manner when He did not do anything wrong. A slap is an insult, a fist is an attack.
Folks, since we have become an non fighting war like people, we have gotten soft. But more than that we have lost important context inregards to our Lord and Savior.
He was not some long haired wimpy limp wristed man. He was and is the Son of God and He did not take garbage from people. When he saw wrong, he dealt with it, but He also showed us how to be a true Servant Warrior.
We need to get this feminized emasculated idea of Christ out of our minds. We need to start realizing who it is we serve and HE is the Lion of Judah. He is compassionate, yet hard. He is loving, but will not put up with the bozos of the world who come in the dark to attack. He stands up for what is just, right and true.
I challenge you to start reading the gospels again and start looking for the Warrior Lion of Judah who is our Lord and forget about this wimpy blue eyed hippy that so many portray Him as.
Christ was bad to the bone, is bad to the bone and when all is said and done, will be bad to the bone when The Day of The Lord takes place.
This is the man we need to emulate. Not the man these cowardly sissy men and feminist pacifists have forced down our throats.
If anything, Christ shows us that we need to stand our ground and these so called enemies are nothing. We serve the King of Kings, so if they slap us in the face, we ask them if they want the other cheek to slap. If they want our coat, take it off and throw it in their face and ask them if they want your shirt as well.
We need to start standing like true men and women of God. We are a people who have a back bone and we know who it is we serve. We serve The Warrior King - King Jesus - The Lion of Judah!
By Ray Gano
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