God Freedom Liberty - United States Constitution And Supporters of Our Rights

Proverbs 22:3 NLT

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

-- (((Charles Finney, said the following: “If
there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it))) --


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In Defense Of A Nation

Friday, November 4, 2011

REPORT: Turncoat spies leaked Israel's planned attack on Iran / ACORN Officials Scramble, Firing Workers And Shredding Documents, After Exposed As Players Behind 'Occupy' Protests / Anxiety over upcoming test of emergency system / Swarms Of Rare Mosquitoes From Sewers Plaguing NYC Homes / Greece may leave euro, leaders admit / Banks conduct fire drills over Greek exit from euro / Mayor Bloomberg says White House candidates must believe in evolution, global warming / New Info About New Zealand Quake Has Grim Details / Port Shut Down Indefinitely After 'Occupy' Protests / India to Deploy Nearly 100,000 Soldiers Along China Border / Greek Govt. Teeters on Brink of Collapse as Debt Crisis Deepens / Dr. Jerome Corsi on Escalating Tensions Between Israel and Iran

REPORT: Turncoat spies leaked Israel's planned attack on Iran
---Bibi demands investigation
Iraqi cleric: US seeking to 'occupy' Mideast
Jesse Jackson compares 'Occupy Atlanta' to civil rights movement
ACORN Officials Scramble, Firing Workers And Shredding Documents, After Exposed As Players Behind 'Occupy' Protests
Anxiety over upcoming test of emergency system
----'Homeland' cuts duration

Swarms Of Rare Mosquitoes From Sewers Plaguing NYC Homes- NEW YORK (CBS 2) — An insect invasion is terrorizing New York City homeowners, making life miserable, even dangerous, for many families. Parents have been forced to take extreme measures to protect their children and their homes.

CBS2’s Dave Carlin investigates the growing Upper West Side mosquito mystery.

These rare mosquitoes are extra blood-thirsty and active year-round. Carlin saw some of them in a lab after they were collected in the unlikeliest of places, Bernard Lagan’s home on West 84th Street.
Wristband lets iPhone track activity, movement and sleep
'15,000 strong' army gathers to take on Syria

The national "Syrian Free Army" aims to be the "military wing of the Syrian people's opposition to the regime", its leader told The Daily Telegraph from a heavily guarded camp in eastern Turkey. Confirmation of an armed force operating with the covert approval of the Turkish authorities follows evidence that attacks inside Syria are causing high levels of casualties in the security forces. It also shows the anger of Recep Tayipp Erdogan, the Turkish premier, with Mr Assad, a former ally whose failed promises of reform have caused a deep rift. "We are the future army of the new Syria. We are not in league with any particular sect, religion or political party. We believe in protecting all elements of Syrian society," the Army's leader, Col Riad al-Assad, said. Made up of defectors from the regime's army, SFA fighters are...
Greece exit from euro could trigger ‘chain reaction’ of collapses in Europe

CANNES—It may well be remembered as the day the euro zone began to break apart. At a late night news conference in Cannes on Wednesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy shattered the bloc’s most sacred taboo, conceding openly for the first time that Greece might end up having to leave the tight-knit currency club it joined a decade ago. The admission, after an intense two-hour meeting with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou on the eve of a G20 summit, sets the euro zone on a perilous...
Greece may leave euro, leaders admit
---Banks conduct fire drills over Greek exit from euro

BANKS across Europe are starting to take seriously what until now seemed only remotely possible: the withdrawal of Greece from the euro currency. As the fate of Greece's future in the eurozone hangs in the balance, European banks and US banks that operate in Europe are conducting "fire drills" to prepare for a Greek pullout. They are beefing up their hedges against Greek exposure and having lawyers review loan agreements with Greek companies. Until now, most Greek concerns have focused on the possibility of a sovereign default and...

Dollar looks even shakier than the euro

Brandishing a shotgun, Phil Tagami, manager general partner of California Capital and Investment Group, protected his company's Rotunda Building from an infiltration of vandals during Wednesday night's riots.

Developer with shotgun scared off Oakland rioters

OAKLAND -- Oakland developer Phil Tagami is used to working behind the scenes to broker some of the biggest deals in town. Late Wednesday, he was using different persuasive skills - holding a loaded shotgun to scare away rioters trying to get into a downtown building. "We had people who attempted to break into our building," the landmark Rotunda Building on Frank Ogawa Plaza outside City Hall, Tagami said Thursday. He grabbed a...
Mayor Bloomberg says White House candidates must believe in evolution, global warming

Belief in science should be a no-brainer, especially for anyone running for President, Mayor Bloomberg groused Thursday. The mayor used an international economic forum at Columbia University to pop off against any candidates who doubt the science behind hot-button political topics such as evolution and global warming. "We have presidential candidates who don't believe in science," Bloomberg said, without singling out dubious Republican candidates directly. "I mean, just think about it, can you imagine a company of any size in the...
Stuxnet-like virus hides in Microsoft Word files

AFP - Microsoft said Thursday it is working to fix a Windows software vulnerability that lets a Stuxnet-like Duqu virus sneak into computers by hiding in Word document files. Duqu infections have been reported in a dozen countries including Iran, France, Britain and India, according to US computer security firm Symantec. "Microsoft is collaborating with our partners to provide protections for a vulnerability used in targeted attempts to infect computers with...
Zombie Volcano or New Supervolcano?

A broad swath of the Altiplano plateau in southwest Bolivia is inflating like a giant balloon, presumably as magma builds up deep underground. This aggressive rise hints that a new supervolcano could be awakening in South America, geologists say, and so they are keen to learn more about the underlying cause. So far, they know the inflation is surprisingly...
E-volvo sends world’s first man-powered personal ‘multicopter’ into flight
German whirlybird could be the family car of the future

New Info About New Zealand Quake Has Grim Details - Newly uncovered details about the earthquake that rocked New Zealand in February may offer grim lessons regarding the potential threat of fault lines running through urban centers.

NASA's Operation Ice-bridge has spotted a fissure 18 miles long and nearly 165 feet deep in the Pine Island Glacier. An iceberg the size of 497 square miles could be produced from the rift.
Port Shut Down Indefinitely After 'Occupy' Protests
----Thousands of 'Occupy Oakland' Protesters Take to Streets Causing Major Disruptions
-------Occupy Protests in Oakland Turn Ugly
Should Women Carry a Gun
Air Force Pink Slips 400+ Officers - The Air Force is laying off 436 captains and majors as part of a multiyear program to adjust its staffing levels after its retention rate hit its highest level in 16 years.

India to Deploy Nearly 100,000 Soldiers Along China Border
Pirates Seize Oil Tanker, Kidnap Crew Near Nigeria
Greek Govt. Teeters on Brink of Collapse as Debt Crisis Deepens
Million Man Worldwide 'Caravan' Set to 'Liberate Jerusalem'
Dr. Jerome Corsi on Escalating Tensions Between Israel and Iran -listen at 8:45

Smart Meter Removal Has Begun
What is Going on at the Temple Mount?

Yesterday I was detained by the Israeli police, and charged with "disorderly conduct that might cause riots." What I had actually been suspected of was bowing down in prayer on the Temple Mount.
Cambodia Floods Affect More Than a Million

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