Just add lithium and be happy, says Irish psychiatrist
A PROMINENT Irish psychiatrist has proposed that health officials should battle rising incidences of "suicide, depression and aggressive behaviour" by putting lithium in the public water supply. It is the sort of suggestion that makes the whackiest conspiracy theorists feel vindicated about their fears that meddling governments are running mind control programs. But Moosajee Bhamjee, a high-profile psychiatrist and former Labour MP in Ireland, said the mind-altering metal could be a useful addition to community water supplies in Ireland, where.../
Bobby Kennedy assassin still claims he was 'victim of mind control and his gun didn't fire fatal shot' in new appeal after parole is denied
Sirhan Sirhan, the man convicted for the assassination of Senator and presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy, is appealing his sentence of life in prison, claiming that he is innocent. He has repeatedly protested his innocence and requested parole, with his most recent request denied in March. Sirhan’s lawyers, William Pepper and Laurie Dusek, are using a defence that is eerily familiar to another Kennedy murder - that there was more than one shooter. They say the 67-year-old Christian Palestinian born in Jerusalem was hypno-programmed to.../
New border deal will change how Canada and U.S. trade goods
Canada and the United States will announce a new security perimeter deal Wednesday that is expected to move more inspections off the border and onto factory floors, expanding the type of goods – including food – that can be fast-tracked between the two countries. Business groups say the expansion of trusted shipper programs to include the food industry will likely be among the most concrete measures in a deal that aims to tackle the long security delays creating expensive logjams for business. Rather than a sweeping new border deal that.../
Security Perimeter: Canada and U.S. get a new flag?
The North American Union is a plan to unify Canada, Mexico and the United States. First, through super-highways like The Trans-Texas Corridor followed by the NAFTA super highway which will reach into the very heart of the United States. Yes, a new flag has apparently been created and approved by the North American Parliament. Bye, bye, the Canadian Maple Leaf, and America's 'Old Glory': the red, white and blue. Eventually the plan is to completely unify the three countries, government, economy, and all. Notice that this is not something you...---
Hmm . . . what if the U.S. invaded Canada?
Rick Perry Says Human Rights for Gays ‘Not in America’s Interests’
Texas Gov. Rick Perry said today that using foreign aid to combat human rights abuses against homosexuals in foreign countries is “not in America’s interests” and attacked President Obama’s decision to require U.S. agencies operating abroad to promote equal rights for gays as part of the administration’s “war on traditional American values.” “Just when you thought Barack Obama couldn’t get any more out of touch with America’s values, AP reports his administration wants to make foreign aid decisions based on gay rights./
Downgrade threat could prove final blow to euro rescue fund
The fund has struggled to attract investors even with the backing of six AAA-rated governments, and on Tuesday S&P followed up a warning of possible downgrades for 15 euro economies by saying it is also reviewing the EFSF. Expanding the lending reach of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), agreed at an emergency summit in October, is central to the euro zone's plan to show investors it can stand behind its wayward sovereigns. But much of the fund's ordinal appeal lay in the top creditworthiness of its guarantors.../
Is the eurozone rescue fund doomed?
BRUSSELS – The threat of a credit downgrade to the eurozone’s top economies leaves the bloc’s EFSF bailout fund dangerously exposed, piling yet more pressure on the European Central Bank to step in as lender of last resort. The fund has struggled to attract investors even with the backing of six AAA-rated governments, and on Tuesday S&P followed up a warning of possible downgrades for 15 euro economies by saying it is also reviewing the EFSF. Expanding the lending reach of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), agreed at an emergency summit in October, is central to the eurozone’s plan to show investors it.../
Thousands Still Without Power After California Wind Storm
Iceland Volcano Katla Sparks Global Disaster Fears
3 More Syringes Found in Walmart Clothing
3 More Syringes Found in Walmart Clothing
Bachmann Calls Newt a ‘Frugal Socialist’ During Radio Interview With Glenn Beck - http://www.theblaze.com/stories/bachmann-calls-newt-a-frugal-socialist-during-radio-interview-with-glenn-beck/
MF Global CORZINE: 'I simply do not know where the money is'...
80-Year-Old Woman Faces Month in Jail for Feeding Ducks...
Billionaire Jim Rogers: Euro collapse will lead to end of world as we know it
“Jim, economic collapse with the euro: will that lead to a recession?” asks Glenn Beck. “That will lead to the end of the world as we know it,” answers Jim Rogers, founder of Rogers International Commodities Index. “That will certainly lead to the end of the world as Washington D.C. knows it. There’s no question about that.” But who is Jim Rogers and what does he know about the global financial situation? For those unfamiliar with Beck’s guest, Jim Rogers is a famous American investor who, along with George Soros, founded the Quantum Fund, one of the world’s first international funds. Also, as mentioned above, he is the creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index. He is a well-known proponent of free market capitalism, a successful author, a regular lecturer of finance at the Columbia University Graduate.../
UBS economist's advice for a euro collapse: Stock gold, silver, canned food, and small caliber weapons
As if there isn’t already enough eurozone doom and gloom floating around these days. A note from UBS economist Larry Hatheway on Wednesday spells out why he and his colleagues at the bank believe a eurozone collapse would result in an “end of the world” scenario. It makes for some grim reading. Back in September, Mr. Hatheway and colleagues Paul Donovan and Stephane Deo released a report that predicted a disastrous outcome if even one nation left the eurozone. The economists envisioned a 20% loss in gross domestic product for.../
EU comes under threat of downgrade by S&P
The US credit rating agency, which has been accused of jeopardising the vital Brussels summit which starts today, said it had put the debt issued by the EU itself on "credit negative watch" as a result of its action earlier this week. In a statement last night, S&P said: "Given the EU's dependency on such revenues from national budgets, and our recent CreditWatch placements on the 'AAA' ratings on Germany and France, among others, we will concurrently review the 'AAA' long-term rating on the EU with the ratings on the eurozone member states."../
Europe banks snap up cheap US dollars
Huge Japanese earthquake cracked open the seafloor
SAN FRANCISCO — The March 2011 megaquake off the coast of Japan opened up fissures as wide as 6 feet (3 meters) in the seafloor, a new study finds. The fissures now scar the seafloor where peaceful clam beds once lay, according to Takeshi Tsuji, a researcher at Kyoto University in Japan. Along with seismic studies, the fissures, revealed by manned submersible vehicles that investigated the seafloor after the quake, show how the crust around the quake's epicenter expanded and cracked. Tsuji and his colleagues had a unique opportunity.../
Bill Gates developing nuclear reactor with China
This lunar eclipse will include an 'impossible' sight
This year's second total lunar eclipse on Saturday morning will offer a rare chance to see a strange celestial sight traditionally thought impossible. Ringside seats for the lunar eclipse can be found in Alaska, Hawaii, northwestern Canada, Australia, New Zealand and central and eastern Asia. Over the contiguous United States and Canada, the eastern zones will see either only the initial penumbral stages before moonset, or nothing at all. Over the central regions of the United States, the moon will set as it becomes progressively immersed in the Earth's.../
2011 saw record number of high-cost weather disasters
Reporting from Hartford, Conn.— The United States had a dozen weather disasters that each caused at least $1 billion in damages in 2011, the greatest frequency of severe weather that caused costly losses in more than 30 years of federal government tracking. However, even with the number of events, the total losses this year from the storms, flooding and droughts is $52 billion, not even close to the most expensive year on record, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina alone cost $145 billion in...
/White House--Laughingly--Declines to Comment on Senate Vote to Repeal Military's Ban on Sodomy and Bestiality
(CNSNews.com) - At the White House press briefing on Monday, reporter Lester Kinsolving of WorldnetDaily noted the 93 to 7 Senate vote for a defense authorization bill that repeals the military's ban on sodomy and bestiality and asked White House Press Secretary Jay Carney whether President Obama, as commander-in-chief, approves or disapproves of bestiality in the armed forces. Carney declined to comment. Here is the White House transcript of the exchange: Carney: Lester. Kinsolving: Oh, my goodness. Carney: Can you believe it?...---On What?’--McCain Says He Didn’t Know Defense Bill He Approved Repealed Military Ban on Sodomy, Bestiality
-------Sen. Lindsey Graham Says He Didn't Know Defense Bill He Approved Lifts Military Ban on Sodomy and Bestiality
-----------Bachmann: Legalizing Bestiality 'Abhorrent'
Natural Disaster in China Would Severely Disrupt Global Supply Chains
Indonesia Volcano Spewing Ash 2,000 Metres into the Air
No End to Eruptions at Ecuador’s Tungurahua Volcano
20 Things You Should Know About the Bill That Could Ruin America
Exclusive: Government Activating FEMA Camps Across U.S.
Macy’s Fires Employee for Protecting Women’s Dressing Rooms from Cross-dresser
Putin Files for Presidential Bid
Hundreds of anti-Putin Protesters Arrested
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