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--------------------------------------------------------On to the news-----------------------------------------
Costa Rica News Site EXCLUSIVE – Strange Earth Sounds Return
Strange sounds 2012 manitoba canada
Strange sounds in Conklin, Alberta Jan. 12/2012
Reports of Strange Sounds all over the World.
Mississippi woman reports object 'right above trees' - Fifth cigar UFO case
... a case describing a "white-grayish" object that moved "right above the trees" about 9:45 pm as the family traveled through Marshall County on January 14, 2012, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. ...
UFO Sightings Have Increased by Almost 70 Per cent in Ireland
The association has been receiving reports about UFO sightings which are associated to Chinese lanterns and ball lighting but its primary focus is in UFO reports which cannot be explained by natural reasons. Interesting UFO sightings include objects ...
Another UFO sighting in the United Kingdom similar to lights seen in Scotland
A woman from the United Kingdom filmed a UFO video that allegedly shows UFO lights in the sky among the chemtrails on January 11, 2012. The two orbs that seemed to move briefly across the sky before disappearing were visible for just a moment before ...
SHOCK: Brains Of 40 Dead Children Removed, Kept In Jars In UK Hospitals...
Men Arrested For Smuggling Gold In Rectums...

Russian Missile Forces Hold High Alert Drills
Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces are holding a series of exercises to practice putting road-mobile missile systems on high alert, SMF spokesman Col. Vadim Koval said. The exercises involve Topol (SS-25 Sikle), Topol-M (SS-27 Sickle B) and Yars (RS-24) mobile systems stationed in central Russia and Siberia. “SMF units armed with Topol, Topol-M and Yars road-mobile missile systems will practice patrolling, camouflaging and launch preparation procedures during high alert drills from January 16 to February 3,” Koval told reporters on Monday. The SMF are planning to hold over 100 tactical drills in the first half of 2012. As of January 2012, the SMF operated at least 162 mobile Topol systems, 18 mobile.../
Israel Websites Hit Again in Cyber Attack
Computer hackers disrupted the websites of Israel's stock exchange and the national airline El Al, the latest attacks in what Israeli officials describe as “cyber-terrorism.” The cyber attacks began 10 days ago when a hacker claiming to be from Saudi Arabia posted the numbers and personal details of more than 20,000 Israeli credit card holders online. He said the aim is to harm Israel and he called on fellow hackers to follow suit. Yoni Shemesh, the head computer technician at the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, said the facility was on high alert for cyber.../

S&P downgrades eurozone bailout fund
The European Financial Stability Facility lost its top credit rating at Standard & Poor’s after the rating company downgraded France and Austria. The rating was lowered to AA+ from AAA, S&P said in a statement today. It removed the ratings on the facility from CreditWatch with negative implications. S&P had said on Dec. 6 that the loss of an AAA rating by any one of the EFSF’s guarantor nations may lead to the facility being downgraded. “The EFSF’s obligations are no longer fully supported either by guarantees from EFSF members rated AAA.../
Central bank independence at risk from financial crisis, warns UBS
The European Central Bank faces the most severe problems, warn UBS analysts, who said the ECB's increasing exposure to struggling eurozone lenders risked putting it in a position whereby it might require its own capital boosted in future. In recent months, the ECB has significantly relaxed the collateral requirements on banks that borrow from it, leading to fears that new losses in the banking system could quickly eat into its capital base. "It is possible that a series of eurozone sovereign or banking defaults could simultaneously erode the.../
UK taxpayer may have to pour in billions more to prop up euro as European stability fund is downgraded
Europe's bailout fund suffered a humiliating downgrade last night – raising the prospect that Britain may have to pour in billions more to prop up the Eurozone’s struggling economies. In a major blow to the single currency, ratings agency Standard & Poor’s stripped the £360billion European Financial Stability Facility of its triple-A status. Experts warned the new AA+ rating would make it harder for the fund to borrow money, effectively slashing its value by up to two-thirds. The move came as the International Monetary Fund urged Europe’s leaders to.../
Sarkozy warns of 'unprecedented crisis' on visit to Spain
AFP - French President Nicolas Sarkozy warned Monday that Europe faces an "unprecedented crisis" but urged calm in the face of Standard & Poor's multiple eurozone credit rating downgrades. Sarkozy issued the warning in Madrid where he was the first foreign leader to meet with Spain's new conservative prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, since his swearing-in December 21. "We are confronted by an unprecedented crisis that forces us to cut spending, lower our deficits but also to find the path to new growth by resolving our competitiveness.../
Osteen: Romney "believer in Christ, like me"
Mark Levin: We're In A "Post-Constitutional America"
The 'toys' that let you spy on the neighbours - new 'Wi-Spi' helicopter and 'Intruder' car offer hi-tech surveillance for £65
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