25 Alleged Anons Arrested in International Crackdown
Police in four nations arrested 25 alleged participants in the Anonymous collective Tuesday for attacks against websites in Columbia and Chile dating from the middle of 2011. Officers in Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Spain worked together in “Operation Unmask,” seizing 250 pieces of equipment, including phones, during searches of 40 locations in 15 cities, according to INTERPOL. The arrestees were between the ages of 17 and 40, but their names and locations were not released. “This operation shows that crime in the virtual world does.../
Gas Prices Hit $5 On Long Island...
---Detroit Councilman Proposes Gas Stations Hire Security Guards...
------...new worry is $6
Strange sound in Finland

From Greece to Hawaii to Greece and Back…Movement “I DON’T PAY” Goes Around the World!!

The Air Force Still Doesn’t Know What’s Choking Its Stealth Fighter Pilots
America’s newest stealth fighters have a major problem: their pilots can’t breathe, due to some sort of malfunction in the planes’ oxygen-generation systems. For months, the Air Force has been studying the problem, which temporarily grounded the entire fleet of F-22 Raptors and may have contributed to a pilot’s death. Today, the Air Force admitted they still don’t know exactly what’s causing the issue. “We have looked at everything on that system at the nth degree, and the bottom line is that there’s no smoking gun,” said Lt. Gen Herbert.../
Next Big Financial Crisis Will Be Made in China
Contraception rule could lead to $100 fines, Hill report says
So what, exactly, is the “or else” in the Obama administration’s contraception coverage mandate? House Republicans asked the Congressional Research Service to look into it, and now they’re blasting out the answer they got. According to the research service, insurers and employers that do not comply with the contraception coverage rule could face federal fines of $100 per day per employee. But it may not take federal action to enforce the mandate, according to the CRS memo released Tuesday by the House Energy and Commerce.../
Gallup: 72% of All Americans and 56% of Democrats Say Obamacare Mandate/Unconstitutional

UFO Scout Ship Lands In New Mexico? "Updated" 2012 HD
Possible leaked footage of a UFO arriving then landing at an unknown location in New Mexico. Could be one of ours, CGI, or could be the real deal. As Always You Decide. UPDATE: Its seems this could have been hoaxed as apart of a viral advertising campaign by a website called oondyla.com. A company known to create funny, incredible, shocking videos that run on the net showing the name oondyla worldwide. Can you spot the name oondyla in the video clip?/

Tim Tebow cancels talk with Ohio prosperity pastor
Tim Tebow has canceled an appearance at a revival organized by a controversial Ohio preacher, a spokesman for the star athlete said Wednesday. The Denver Broncos quarterback and dedicated Christian had been scheduled to speak at a three-day Columbus event in March led by televangelist Rod Parsley. Tebow's brother Robbie said in a phone interview that he was canceling the talk. Robbie Tebow said his brother's speakers' bureau hadn't researched the event before saying yes to the invitation. "I know for a fact that Tim is not going to be.../
Occupy Denver Protesters ‘Urine Bomb’ Police
/Monumental Trailer
4 Quakes Mag. 4 and Higher Hit Japan in 4 Hours

Drought Will Push Up Price of Food, Farmers Warn
Ethicists Argue in Favor of ‘After-Birth Abortions‘ as Newborns ’Are Not Persons’
Facebook Reading Your Textings

Detention-prevention Bill Hangs in Balance

It's Coming: Union, Leftist Leaders Announce '99% Spring?'... and Training in 'Places of Worship'

KKK: Membership 'Booming' in Colorado
UK Cities Becoming 'No-Go Areas' Because of Drugs Gangs... Just Like Mexico and Brazil
Another Costa Cruise Ship Stranded
---Argentina Turns Away UK Cruise Ships as Tensions Build

Bargain Hunters Pushing Gold Higher

Stunning Discovery Revives Jesus Tomb Flap/

Sinful Sex at TBN and a Motor Home for Jan Crouch's Dogs Alleged in Lawsuit
'Naked Archaeologist' finds signs Jerusalem cave was used to bury Jesus' disciples
In the early Christian burials in the Catacombs of Rome are 108 depictions of Jonah, Jacobovici told Haaretz last week. Jonah's power as a Christian symbol comes from a verse in the Book of Matthew comparing Jonah's emergence after three days in the belly of the whale to Jesus' resurrection after three days.

Irish EU treaty vote threatens chaos
Ireland has shocked Europe with plans for a referendum on the EU's fiscal treaty, a move that risks an unprecedented fragmentation of the eurozone and a major clash with Germany.
Homeschoolers can't be taught 'gay' sex sinful
Sun Unleashes 5 Solar Eruptions in 2 Days
Utah Lawmakers Urge Congress to Repeal ‘Indefinite Detention’ Law

Idaho OK's Seizure Of Protesters Property
Anonymous: Operation V - .
Famed Investor’s Cheeky Warning: If Obama Controls Congress ‘Consider Leaving the Country’
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