Russia upgrades radar protecting Tehran...
At Lease 9 Dead, Dozens Injured as Tornadoes Rip Through Heartland
2/29/2012 -- Richmond VA -- Washington DC = 'Force field' repelling or will it induce severe

FEMA Preparing “National Responder Support Camps” Eerily Similar to KBR’s “National Quick Response Team”
Small earthquake near Wellston in central Oklahoma
WELLSTON (AP) — The US Geological Survey has recorded a small earthquake near Wellston in central Oklahoma. The USGS reports the magnitude 3.0 quake occurred about 4:20 pm Wednesday and was centered about three miles southwest of Wellston — near the ...
Island shaken by two earthquakes - hit a Scottish island.
The Press Association
Commenting on the 2.8 quake, a BGS spokeswoman said: "Globally speaking it is not a big one. It is a typical UK earthquake, though Islay is not especially prone to earthquakes. We've had quite a lot of reports of it being felt."
M5.4 quake hits Kanto region
Mainichi Daily News
Meanwhile, A number of mild earthquakes originating off the coast of eastern Japan were reported from early until late Wednesday but no tsunami alerts were issued and no damage was reported. A quake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.3 struck off the ...
Thieves Drilling Into Gas Tanks...
NJ gov critical of NYPD surveillance secrecy...
Bernanke warns lawmakers nation headed for 'massive fiscal cliff'...
--- China holdings of US debt at $1.15 trillion...
------Ron Paul: Fed's 'going to self-destruct'...
----------Greek unions walk out, parliament cuts health costs...
Deer rescues woman from attacker...

TSA 'Coming To a Highway Near You'...

CDC: Fatal Brain-Eating Amoebas In Nasal Washes...
US Air Force prepared if diplomacy with Iran fails: general
The United States has powerful bombs at the ready in the case of possible military action against Iran and work is under way to bolster their firepower, the air force chief said Wednesday. General Norton Schwartz, air force chief of staff, declined to say whether US weapons -- including a 30,000-pound massive ordnance penetrator (MOP) bomb -- could reach nuclear sites in Iran that were concealed or buried deep underground. "We have an operational capability and you wouldn't want to be there when we used it," said Schwartz, when asked about the MOP bomb. "Not to say that we can't continue to make improvements and we are," he told defense reporters. Amid speculation that a nuclear site dug into the side of a mountain near Qom is beyond the reach of American weapons, Defense Secretary.../

Rick Warren builds bridge to Muslims
The Rev. Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest and one of America's most influential Christian leaders, has embarked on an effort to heal divisions between evangelical Christians and Muslims by partnering with Southern California mosques and proposing a set of theological principles that includes acknowledging that Christians and Muslims worship the same God. The effort, informally dubbed King's Way, caps years of outreach between Warren and Muslims. Warren has broken Ramadan fasts at a Mission Viejo mosque, met Muslim.../
Greek Default Payouts May Bring Some Costly Surprises
Lord James of Blackheath: 15 Trillion Dollar Fraud Exposed in UK Parliament
Bush, Fed, and European Banks in $15 Trillion Fraud, All Documented/
Britain accuses Argentina of a 'policy of confrontation’ after it threatens blockade on UK goods
/British bank chief warns quantitative easing is 'laying seeds for next crisis'
A leading British banker has warned that the huge sums of money being pumped into western economies to underpin banks and promote financial stability risk "laying the seeds for the next crisis". As central bankers on both sides of the Atlantic played down expectations that they were poised to unleash a fresh round of money creation, Peter Sands, the chief executive of Standard Chartered bank, warned it was "going to take time for the rich West to sort itself out". But Sands's main concern was that support operations by western central banks, which.../
Fannie Mae Seeks $4.6 Billion in Aid After 4Q Loss
Resort city of Branson takes a direct hit from tornado
(CNN) -- Officials in the resort city of Branson, Missouri, were relieved an EF2 tornado, which damaged some of its marquee musical theaters, struck before the prime tourist season began. They said Wednesday the town was still open for business, although tourists might have to change some of their entertainment plans. "We are getting through it," Mayor Raeanne Presley said of the storm that moved through early Wednesday. The tornado had winds of 120 to 130 mph, was 400 yards wide and was on the ground for about 20 miles, according to a.../
No speed limit: IBM scientists on verge of creating 'quantum computers' faster than any supercomputer on Earth
Russian Mogul’s Plan: Plant Our Brains in Robots, Keep Them Alive Forever
The Pentagon’s new Avatar project, unveiled by Danger Room a few weeks back, sounds freaky enough: Soldiers practically inhabiting the bodies of robots, who’d act as “surrogates” for their human overlords in battle. But according to Dmitry Itskov, a 31-year-old Russian media mogul, the U.S. military’s Avatar initiative doesn’t go nearly far enough. He’s got a massive, sci-fi-esque venture of his own that he hopes will put the Pentagon’s project to shame. Itskov’s plan: Construct robots that’ll (within 10 years, he hopes) actually store a human’s.../

'Babies are not real people': Female Oxford academic claims doctors 'should have the right to KILL unwanted or disabled infants'
Doctors should have the right to kill newborn babies because they are disabled, too expensive or simply unwanted by their mothers, an academic with links to Oxford University has claimed. Francesca Minerva, a philosopher and medical ethicist, argues a young baby is not a real person and so killing it in the first days after birth is little different to aborting it in the womb. Even a healthy baby could have its life snuffed out if the mother decides she can’t afford to look after it, the article published by the British Medical Journal group states.../
693 sinkholes appear in Chinese town
Thousands of local residents were affected by the cover-collapse sinkholes that occurred in the Yuejia Town, Yiyang City of central China’s Hunan Province. Reportedly, as many as 693 collapses related with karst have been found as of February 24 in the town, which have resulted in damage to the locals’ houses, farmlands, and riverbeds, and posed a threat to the safety.../
Iran To Accept Payment In Gold From Trading Partners
Gerald Celente Speaks of Civil Unrest
Rick Warren’s Tower of Babel
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