Gerald Celente - InfoWars: Gerald Celente Unleashed - July 3, 2013 - Gerald Celente's 4th of July message to launch 2nd American Revolution from Colonial Kingston NY. This is the most powerful Gerald Celente Video ever. He talks about what is facing our nation and some of the biggest solutions that you can use in your life.
“Egypt – The Next President” New Islamist Group Taking Up Arms & Threatens Violence to Impose Sharia Law
15000 Russian Troops Heading to east coast. Foreign military drills in america. obama new world order 2013


Militarized police gone wild across America; terrorizing citizens, shooting pet dogs, behaving like occupying military force

--Botched Paramilitary Police Raids

U.N. Troops in Nebraska?




The smart money is quietly buying more gold The herd is selling gold – so should you be buying, asks Richard Dyson.
Brotherhood to Remain on Streets Until Morsi Reinstated...
Law requires Obama administration to cut off Egyptian aid... Obama: US not backing any Egyptian party or group... State Media: No PM appointed yet...
Military Takes Away CNN Camera During Live Broadcast...
30 dead, more than 1,000 wounded...
Anti-Americanism flares... Coptic priest shot dead...
BLOOMBERG NEWS IS REPORTING DERIVATIVES COLLUSION… Traders May Need From $2 Trillion To $4 Trillion In Extra Collateral To Meet The New Requirements… Margin Calls Coming On US Too-Big-To-Fail Banks
BLOODBATH IN CAIRO - At least 42 killed in Egypt, Islamists call for uprising
Massacre at Muslim Brotherhood sit-in...
Islamists call for 'intifada'...
Sexual assaults rampant...
**WARNING GRAPHIC** Gang throws rivals from top of building...
Lynch mob waving Al Qaeda banners...
Law requires Obama cut off Egyptian aid...
Cairo seeks Gulf help as unrest continues... Gunmen attack Sinai checkpoints close to Israel border...

PERFECT: IVF baby born using revolutionary genetic-screening process...
Japan ‘Insurance’ Gold Buying Doubles On Yen Concerns
Gerald Celente — Second American Revolution about to begin? Eric Coffin — What does US jobs data mean for markets,Gold?
MUST SEE America Being Invaded From the South Border – Dennis Michael Lynch
Flesh-eating bacteria’ kills one in Louisiana as three others also fall ill
The bacteria lives in warm, brackish saltwater
The Center for Disease Control recommends avoiding contact between open wounds and sea water
Skin infection often results in amputation of the affected area, and bloodstream infections can be fatal
Alert level raised to Phase 3 on Mexico’s Popocatépetl volcano
7.2 and 6.6 magnitude earthquakes strikes Papua New Guinea
Freak hailstorms dump tons of ice on New Mexico and Alberta, Canada

Wisconsin Governor Signs Bill Requiring Abortionists to Show, Describe Ultrasound to Mothers


ECONOMIC ALERT: 11 Signs That Italy Is Descending Into A Full-Blown Economic Depression

ECONOMIC ALERT: 15 Signs That The Quality Of Jobs In America Is Going Downhill Really Fast

Mauna Loa: minor unrest and inflation reported at planet’s largest volcano



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