One of my readers, a man named David, posted a comment here on FB in response to my last post. I'm sure he is a sincere Christian brother, but he is sincerely mistaken.
For one thing, being in the liberty fight has NOTHING to do with any political party, and I have never equated the two. The liberty fight involves defending and protecting the God-orda...ined Natural and Revealed laws of liberty that are rooted in Holy Writ. And for the most part, todays pastors and churches ARE NOT DOING THAT. And that is exactly why America is losing its liberties and is morphing into a giant police state.
In fact, the vast majority of evangelical pastors and churches are actually facilitating the destruction of our liberties by supporting and promoting unconstitutional and immoral foreign wars of aggression and a burgeoning surveillance society here at home. Most of them sat back and said NOTHING when Obama and Feinstein were trying to make criminals out of honest gun owners and attempting to confiscate our semi-automatic rifles.
David said all that is necessary is for pastors to preach an uncompromising Bible message? Really? Compromise by whose definition? For the most part, Baptists are faithful to Baptist dogma. Methodists to Methodist dogma. Lutherans to Lutheran dogma. Presbyterians to Presbyterian dogma, ad infinitum. And they all believe that they are being faithful to the Bible.
If Bible teaching, preaching, evangelism, soulwinning, Bible exposition, etc., were all that were necessary to save America, we should be in the Millennium right now (and, yes, I know some Christians believe we are).
There are more Bible preaching churches, more Christian schools, seminaries, universities, colleges, Sunday Schools, youth camps, youth retreats, couples retreats, couples seminars, radio broadcasts, TV broadcasts, mission organizations, books, magazines, etc., in America today than at anytime in church history. The last 50 years has seen an explosion of Christian ministries unprecedented in church history.
So, with all of this "uncompromising" Christian witness, why is America teetering on the brink of tyranny? I'll tell you why: MOST PASTORS AND CHURCHES HAVE ABANDONED THE FREEDOM FIGHT. We can talk pious and spiritual all we want, but if our pastors and churches do not quickly begin engaging the freedom fight, this country's liberties are toast--all the "uncompromising" Christian preaching and teaching notwithstanding!
So, I repeat: if your pastor and church refuse to participate in the freedom fight, LEAVE IT AND FIND ONE THAT WILL.
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