Newtown STARBUCKS Closes Before Gathering Of Gun Rights Supporters...
CO Law Encourages Sex Offenders to Register as Homeless...
BRICS Nations All Sell And Buy Oil And Products In Other Currencies Besides Dollar As Of Sept 2012, Same As Yuan Used To Buy Oil… More Countries Set To Join… China Overtakes US In Oil Imports

Millions upon millions of fish are suddenly dying in mass death events all over the world, and nobody seems to know why it is happening. In many of the news reports that are linked to below, locals are quoted as saying that they have never seen anything like this before. So is there a connection between all of the fish deaths that are now occurring all over the
July 18, 2013: 20 acres of fish ponds full of dead fish in Shandong, China
-July 18, 2013: Hundreds of dead Stingrays wash ashore in Veracruz, Mexico
-July 18, 2013: 10,000 lbs of dead fish found in a lake in Nanjing, China
-July 18, 2013: Thousands of fish dead from “lack of rain” in Sugar Lake, Missouri
-July 18, 2013: Large numbers of fish washing up on the shores of Lake Michigan
-July 19, 2013: 2,000 dead fish found in a lake in Vollsmose, Denmark
-July 19, 2013: Hundreds of fish turning up dead in Holter Lake, Montana
-July 19, 2013: THOUSANDS OF TONS of fish have died in Lake Tondano, Indonesia
-July 20, 2013: 3,000 fish found dead in a creek in Madison County, Ohio
-July 21, 2013: Hundreds of fish found dead in a creek in Laille, France
-July 22, 2013: Hundreds of dead fish found in Lake George, Massachusetts
-July 22, 2013: Large fish kill at Grand Lake in St. Marys, Ohio
-July 23, 2013: Hundreds of dead fish in a park pond in Youngstown, Ohio
-July 24, 2013: Massive fish kill washes up in a lagoon in Venice, Italy
-July 24, 2013: Thousands of dead fish in Lake Bulwell causes shock in Nottingham, England
-July 24, 2013: 30,000 fish dying PER DAY in fish farms in Ratchaburi Province, Thailand
-July 24, 2013: Masses of dead fish found in River Lea in England
-July 24, 2013: Hundreds of dead fish found in Provo River, Utah
-July 25, 2013: Hundreds of fish found dead in a park pond in Birmingham, England
-July 26, 2013: Hundreds of thousands of fish dying from “red tide” in South Korea
-July 26, 2013: Thousands of dead fish found floating in River Dender, Ath, Belgium
-July 26, 2013: Mass fish die-off in a river in Moscow, Russia
-July 26, 2013: 25,000 dead fish “is a mystery” in Pittville Lake in Gloucestershire, England
-July 26, 2013: 20,000 fish die along a 5 mile stretch of river in Jiangshan, China
-July 27, 2013: 10,000 dead fish found in Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania
-July 27, 2013: Mass death of fish “is a mystery” in a river in Skane, Sweden
-July 27, 2013: Large fish kill in the Bahlui river, “cause unknown” in Romania
-July 28, 2013: 1100 King Salmon found dead in a river in Petersburg, Alaska
-July 29, 2013: Hundreds of dead fish wash ashore “due to pollution” on beach in Veracruz, Mexico
-July 29, 2013: 7 TONS of dead fish recovered from the Keelung river in Taiwan
-July 29, 2013: Thousands of fish die “due to heat and storms” in Handsworth Park, Birmingham, England
-July 31, 2013: 3 TONS of fish die due to “lack of oxygen” in a river in Pilsen, Czech Republic
-August 2, 2013: Thousands of fish dying all over Alaska
-August 6, 2013: Up to 1000 lbs of dead fish washed ashore in Ylane, Finland
-August 6, 2013: 840 dead Salmon found in a creek in Port Coquitlam, Canada
-August 6, 2013: Hundreds of dead fish lining the shore of a pond in Toronto, Canada
-August 6, 2013: 100,000 fish die in the Arkansas River
-August 7, 2013: Thousands of dead fish found floating in a river in Hangzhou, China
-August 8, 2013: Tons of fish washed up on the shores of Karachi, Pakistan
-August 8, 2013: Tens of thousands of fish dying in lakes and rivers all over the U.K.
And remember, the list compiled above represents less than a one month period. The truth is that we have been seeing massive fish die-offs all over the globe month after month.
Current Economic Collapse News Brief:Japanese Debt Excessed One Quadrillion Yen, Spain’s Banking System Is Doomed To Collapse, U.S. Taxpayers Renouncing Citizenship At Record High
Huge Security Alert! All User Passwords Are Visible on Google Chrome!
GLENN BECK,Congress giving themselves an illegal exemption from Obamacare, ITS TREASON… Why shouldn’t the Members live under the same laws they pass for the rest of the country?
Buckle Up, the EU Crisis Will Be Back Soon
Signs in the Sun : The Sun is about to undergo a Major Magnetic Pole Shift
Ted Butler: JPM is Cornering the Gold Market!

FAST: The DHS’ New Pre-Crime Spying Technology
Missing: 78 children from Oklahoma Department of Human Services custody Seventy-eight children in custody of the Oklahoma Department of Human Services are missing. Thirty-eight of them have been missing for more than three months.
Syrian Warplanes Attack – Zimbabwe Signs Deal For Uranium with Iran - Fallout From Ireland’s Riots – Deadly Indonesian Eruption – Drones Strikes – Cholera Outbreaks – Greek Detention Camps – Sanai Air Raids – Incoming CME.

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Hamburger Chef Jamie Oliver Proves McDonald’s Burgers 'Unfit for Human Consumption
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IRS Official Promoted After Scandal
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------Obama Claims 'Authority' to Change Obamacare
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Border Patrol Agents Blast Lawmakers for Helping Cartels
Number of Americans Renouncing Citizenship Surges

IRS Agent Confirms Feds Still Targeting Tea Party

Gun Makers Moving Lock, Stock and Barrel

Arizona Jail Officer Shot Dead Outside His Home – Sheriff Joe Arpaio Issues AR-15s to Every Deputy in the County
Ethics Complaint Filed Against Colo. Sen. Giron – Recall Underway - An Avondale man sent an ethics complaint in an email to the Colorado Secretary of State’s office Friday accusing state Sen. Angela Giron of utilizing state resources for the purpose of campaigning and political activity.
A Military Coup Will Remove Obama
Encrypted Email Service Linked to Snowden Shuts Down
Snowden's Father Will Head to Russia...
Urges son not to accept deal with U.S. authorities...
McCain: Young Americans admire Snowden, see him as 'some kind of Jason Bourne'...

Missouri Fair clown draws criticism for Obama mask...
'Shameful' and 'unacceptable'...
Hooting and hollering from the stands...
Louis Gohmert: Radical Islamists are pretending to be be Hispanic so they can enter the US
Judge Napolitano: NSA Leaking Data To DEA ‘Extremely Disturbing’
Virologist: “There Will Be More Infections… We Need to Be Vigilant” *Interview With Infectious Disease Expert*
So you thought you might hide in the crowd... (give it time to load)
This picture was taken with a camera 70,000 x 30,000 pixels (2100 MegaPixels). It can identify a face in a multitude. The cameras are not sold to the public and are being installed in strategic locations (this one is in Canada). Place the cursor in the multitude of people and left double click a couple times. It will continue to show the people much closer, when you double left click again or click more if needed. Amazing! There were thousands of persons and yet one can spot and recognize any face. Imagine what this means ... both police and Army have it.
Politicians Given “Invisible” License Plates That Make Them Immune To Traffic Laws benswann.com - Colorado lawmakers do not have to follow traffic laws, as they are exempt from speeding and parking tickets. The legislators are issued special license plates that are “invisible” to both traffic cams and traffic tickets. Their specially-issued plates do not show up in the DMV database.

Holder seeks to avert mandatory minimum sentences for some low-level drug offenders
---FLASHBACK: Rappers, stars call for relaxed punishment in drug crimes...

#2 A study published in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policydiscovered that nations that have more guns tend to have less crime
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GATA’s Chris Powell on Suspicious Activity at the BoE and JP Morgan’s Commodity Exit
Video of the Day: “Operation Everyone Talk Like a Terrorist”

Sinkhole causes resort villa to partially collapse






The pill that texts the doctor – from inside your body
As a species, the human race is messy. We can be inconsistent, disorganised, mendacious, unpredictable and frequently bad at making the right decisions about what’s really in our best interests. Which means that being responsible for people in vulnerable situations – for example, chronic illness – can be fraught with difficulty. Because as cruel as
Rick Ackerman-Economy Already Gone Off the Cliff
"Crybaby Bullies"
Conservative when convenient... Intellectual Froglegs S2E7
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