Fort Hood: Nidal Hassan says 'evidence will show I was shooter'...
'War is an ugly thing'...
BLOOMBERG: NYC's Good Times May Sour Like Detroit's...
'We are only a short distance from relapsing'...
Young gang members terrorize neighborhood...
China’s Central Bank Official Calls For New Monetary System, Offers Next Step In Removing Dollar From Reserve Currency Status
Massive Saharan dust cloud covers the Atlantic

Pandemic of pension woes is plaguing the nation

The Detroit Bail-In Template: Fleecing Pensioners to Save the Banks
Billionaires Dumping Stocks, Economist Knows Why - Despite the 6.5% stock market rally over the last three months, a handful of billionaires are quietly dumping their American stocks . . . and fast.
Mexico Silver Production Down a Stunning 10%

Hog Farms Battling to Contain Deadly Virus - ANNAWAN, Ill.
Report: Disaster Looms: FEMA Scrambles to Stockpile Food Reserve
ScienceCasts: The Sun's Magnetic Field is About to Flip

Doctor's Warning: Prepare for 'Medical Meltdown'
Obama Making His Own Laws – Again - By what authority did President Obama decide to exempt members of Congress and their staffs from a provision of Obamacare that would deny them their federal subsidy and and make them buy insurance on the exchanges like everyone else?
Secret Space War VII: Joint USG/Alien Hybrid Program - Some credible witnesses have identified a Deep Underground Military Base at Dulce, New Mexico as the primary location of a Beyond-Black alien-human hybrid breeding program.
Did Valerie Jarrett Issue The Order To Stand Down In Benghazi?
Read more: http://patriotupdate.com/#ixzz2bFhETS5u
--- Sudan Closes Schools, Confiscates Property & Expels Foreign Christians -
Largest Caliber Rifle .950 JDJ
Odds of dying in terrorist attack 'a lot lower than dying in a car accident, unfortunately'...
LENO: 'How about solving the problems that brought our country to a halt?'
31 power outages hit San Fran, no cause known...
WARNING! Obama Staged Terror Attack Bigger Than 9/11
U.S. BOMBS YEMEN 'Obama's NSA Wag the Dog Cover-up'
The Proxy War Is About to Be Discovered’: Beck Explains Why He Fears We Might See World War III
Markets Around The World Are Selling Off: Nikkei -4% Japan! Bank of America Falling In Pre-market -2,25%, New Bill Plans To Close Fannie And Freddie, Will Leave US Home Buyers On The Hook Again!!! September Tapering Is A Done Deal!!!
/Dr. Jim Willie: Out of Control Chaos Coming with Shortages of Gold, Silver, Food, Gasoline and More - Publisher of “The Hat Trick Letter,” Dr. Jim Willie, predicts, “In the United States, we are going to have shortages across the board, and that includes gold and silver. Just think food and gasoline. That’s when the riots are going to start. You are going to see out of control chaos and the government stepping in to restore order. . . . Shortages and price inflation are going to drive people out of their minds.” Join Greg Hunter for an in-depth One-on-One interview with Dr. Jim Willie, who can be found on GoldenJackass.com.
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