Mark Levin on Sean Hannity Show: Rips Barack Obama, Dems, Talks ‘Liberty Amendments’
Saudi prince defects: 'Brutality, oppression as govt scared of Arab revolts'

‘Greece to need more bailout loans' Press TV - A report has revealed a document showing Germany's central bank predicts that the recession-hit Greece will need more rescue loans from its international creditors by the start of the next year.
Crypto-currency for NSA leaker: Snowden fund accepts Bitcoin RT - US fugitive Edward Snowden’s defense fund, launched recently by WikiLeaks to raise money for the legal protection of the NSA leaker, has announced it now accepts donations in virtual currency Bitcoin.
AUDIO: Nuclear watchdog describes Fukushima contaminated water leaks as a ‘state of emergency’abc.net - As the operator of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant struggles to plug leaks of radioactive water, workers at the plant have told the ABC that contaminated water has most likely been seeping into the sea since the disaster two-and-a-half years ago.
New Company Allows Organizations To Hire Fake Protesters benswann.com - So, no one supports your cause? No problem. You can hire supporters- even protesters. A company started last October by 22-year-old Adam Swart provides just this service.

Fukushima now in state of emergency, leaking 300 tons of radioactive water into the ocean daily
Rand Paul dodges question: 'I'm not a birther'...
Clowns ordered to 'sensitivity training'...
Announcer, rodeo president resign...
'I know I'm a clown, Obama just running around acting like one, doesn't know he is one'...
Point of skit: 'The dummy comes alive and runs away'...
NAACP: DOJ, Secret Service Should Investigate...
Benghazi Filmmaker: Government is Hiding Me!
MANNING TO SPEAK... - Manning faces up 90 years in prison for leaking reams of classified information to WikiLeaks while working as an intelligence analyst in Iraq in 2010. He claims he wanted to expose wrongdoing and provoke public debate about the U.S. military and diplomatic affairs.
Snowden: NSA targeted journalists critical of government after 9/11...
Secret Service monitored REDDIT co-founder before suicide...
Michael Hastings Was Investigating CIA Director John Brennan...
CIA admits to snooping on Noam Chomsky...
Mark Levin: Will Do Everything I Can To Make Sure Christie Is Not Nominee...
AZ Sheriff Lashes Out At Rubio...
Rubio: If we don't legalize 11 million, Obama will...
REPORT: 1/3 Of Released Immigrants Claiming Asylum Skipped Court Hearings...
McCain rallies business groups to push bill...
Teen unemployment rate in CA: 33%...
Zero Attendance for 'Climate Change' Rally...
Not a single person shows up...
Scientists: Sugar at levels considered safe is harmful...
China: All Your Gold is Belong to Us!
We Are All Systematically Being Turned into Serfs Of The State
Ron Paul: Our Peaceful Revolution Will Make Bankers, Crony Capitalists and War Profiteers Suffer!
Artificial Love :Would it be possible to fall in love with an artificial intelligence? A new film seems to say yes.
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