Agents Are 'Our Neighbors and Friends'...
WHITE HOUSE: Obama didn't know extent of surveillance...
PANEL: Program Hasn't Prevented Any Terrorist Attacks...
'We Are Now a Police State'...
Spies Want Edward Snowden Dead...
Sen. Paul: 'Not Sure If I am More or Less Concerned'...
Assange: 'We heard a lot of lies'...
Podesta, Left-Wing Mastermind, to Lead NSA Review...
Soros Crony...
Imagine for a moment, that you are at the farmer’s market on a Saturday morning, getting your veggies and minding your own business. Suddenly, a creepy guy with a comb-over approaches you. “Hey, there. I bet you like long walks on the beach and strawberry margaritas, baby.”
What? you think. How on earth did he know that?
Then he begins to talk to you, and it’s eerie, simply uncanny all the things Mr. Creepster has in common with you. Suddenly you realize, he is all but plagiarizing that profile you put on OKCupid last month in the hopes of meeting Mr. Right. He knows that you don’t smoke, that you have 3 children, the city in which you reside, what you do for a living, and that you go hiking alone to enjoy the solitude of a nearby mountain trail every single weekend.
- See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/creepiest-smartphone-app-yet-scans-crowd-for-people-with-dating-site-profiles_012014#sthash.1idtcalp.dpuf
"Extraordinary conditions may call for extraordinary remedies, but extraordinary conditions DO NOT create or enlarge constitutional power. The president may not approve codes, discard them, or substitute his own version at will. Such delegation of power is unknown to our law and utterly inconsistent with the constitutional prerogatives and duties of Congress." - Cheif Justice Hughes in his majority opinion on Schechter Poultry Corporation v. United States, May 27, 1935
Eric Sprott: One More Sign of Manipulation in the Gold Market
Nigel Farage: We Are Now Run By Big Banks and Big Bureaucrats!
Muslims Destroy Headstones of the Infidels
Limbaugh & Levin Blast Dictator Obama’s Executive Order Threats
NRA WARNING ISSUED OVER ATTACK ON 2ND AMENDMENT 'Compliance with the law will not necessarily spare gun owners grief' - Filippidis told the Tribune the officer asked for his license and registration, returned to his cruiser for about 10 minutes, and then, taking a position of cover between the two vehicles, ordered Filippidis out of his car and told him to hook his thumbs behind his back and spread his feet. “You own a gun,” the officer said to Filippidis. “Where is it?” Filippidis told him the gun was at home in his safe. The officer told him not to move./
ABC condemns 'Bachelor' star Juan Pablo Galavis' anti-gay comments - ABC, "The Bachelor" executive producers and Warner Horizon Television on Saturday were quick to condemn the sweeping anti-gay comments of "Bachelor
Clueless’ & ‘Chronically Incapable’ Words Used To Describe Obama By The British
Army Veteran and chaplain speaks out against gun control at Feb. 13, 2013 NJ hearing
Mandatory Mental Exam For All NY Students?
Rogers: Russia may be behind Snowden leak...
Actress Forced Out Of Production After Endorsing 'Tea Party' Candidate...
Comex Default….8 months Later
James Turk- The Outlook for 2014: An Even Bigger Crisis is Coming!
Japan TV: ‘Problem on their hands’ at Fukushima, constant flow of water pouring from foot-wide leak at Reactor 3; “They don’t know where water it’s coming from” — WSJ: Radiation level spikes 60-fold in seconds nearby (VIDEO
We're desperate Friends - Whales are dying in Mass- And what about Humans - All over the world Whales lay dying in mass. Birds falling out of the Sky and fish just pile up on the shore dead
Russian Motivations for Attacking the United States - To those that say that Russia is a changed nation you are right. It is not changed because it embracing Christianity, it’s government is decidedly playing for the dark side when it comes to spirituality. - On December 22, 2013, I interviewed former deep-cover CIA agent, Dr. Jim Garrow, who was explicit about the presence of both Russian and Chinese troops in America and in Northern Mexico. He noted that the Russians are operating in cooperation with DHS. This is what Sherrie Wilcox uncovered in the abovementioned video. My insider sources have been providing me with this information for the past 18 months and it matches the Garrow account, word for word. ALL of my sources state that we will have a false flag attack(s) which will be followed by a declaration of martial law and will be largely enforced by Russian and Chinese soldiers.
Putin: Russia must 'cleanse' itself of homosexuality
Radioactive Plume in South Carolina Leaking into Savannah River
CHINA TO PURCHASE THE FEDERAL RESERVE: It's more of a negotiation over assuming the liabilities of both the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury.
---China expected to announce it has more than doubled gold reserve, expert says
China expected to announce it has more than doubled gold reserve, expert says
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