Ex-Sheriff Deputy Beats 4-Year Old Nearly to Death
States Ranked By Fiscal Condition
MagPul coming to the American Redoubt! - Cheyenne WY where I live
From the Bard of the American RedoubtGreat news. MagPul told the Colorado social progressive politicians if they pass laws to disarm their people they were leaving the state on ethical and political grounds. And those boys kept their word. In our terminology that makes them Redoubters. They are moving for both economic and political reasons. Magpul has announced they are leaving Colorado! And where are they going? They are moving their manufacturing and distribution to the American Redoubt state of Wyoming, specifically the South East corner of the Redoubt in the city of Cheyenne, Wyoming right across the border from Colorado and moving their headquarter to the income tax-free mighty Texas Redoubt. Red gets redder, the Redoubt gets stronger and the social progressive Blue states
Sen. Cruz: We Need to Make DC Listen. We Need to Stop the Harms of Obamacare.
Study says ‘true’ eurozone stress test could show over US$1 trillion shortfall in banks
An objective stress test of the eurozone’s biggest banks could reveal a capital shortfall of more than 770 billion euros (US$1 trillion) and trigger further public bailouts, a study by an adviser to the European Union’s financial risk watchdog and a Berlin academic has found. The study and others published ahead of the EU stress
China’s Central Bank May Be Stocking Up On Gold: Report
China’s secretive central bank may have stocked up heavily on gold in the past few years, and might own about 2,710 tons as of the end of 2013, according to an industry expert. Precious metals expert and gold bug Jeff Nichols, a managing director of the American Precious Metals Advisors, wrote on Thursday that much of this reported
Governor Cuomo: Pro-Lifers ‘Have No Place’ in New York
Conservative Republicans have no place in New York with their right-wing views because “that’s not what New Yorkers are,” Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo says. “Who are they?” Cuomo said on Albany’s The Capitol Pressroom radio show Friday, reports the New York Post. “Right-to-life, pro-assault weapons, anti-gay — if that’s who they are, they have no place
Amazon to ship things before you’ve even thought of buying them?
Whenever I think of the predominant sound emerging from Amazon, I decide it has to be a snigger. First, the company intimated that it will soon be delivering your intellectual and household items by drone. Now it’s decided it’s become so familiar with your predilections that it’s going to ship the things you want to buy
Bond Bubble May Be Bursting Right Now! - Bud Conrad of Casey Research Interview
America's Number One Prescription Sleep Aid Could Trigger 'Zombies,' Murder and Other Disturbing Behavior...
Flashmob protests sweep across Brazil...
Region Boiling, Israel Takes Up Castle Strategy...
Launches 'Iron Beam' Laser...
'Fifth layer' of defense....
"State Courage Rising" - Kansas is showing no fear and leading the way in standing against the Washington DC bullies who threaten freedom!
Iran 2-3 Weeks Away From Nuclear Bomb Capability, Says Fmr Head Of U.N. Nuclear Watchdog
UN Arms Trade Treaty Targets Our Freedom
Round two: Polar vortex to re-freeze US
Much of the U.S. is about to get pretty cold again. A huge dome of arctic air will send temperatures plummeting across parts of the Midwest and Northeast early this week in a deep freeze reminiscent of early January’s “polar vortex.” Temperatures are expected to go well below zero in Minnesota by Tuesday. Wisconsin, Michigan
Federal gov't closes...
Propane shortage adds to woes...
-41° Swedish record...
NYPD launches jaywalking citation blitz...
De Blasio defends...
84-year-old beaten bloody by cops for resisting ticket...
CUOMO: Pro-lifers not welcome in NY... - New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo believes that pro-life activists, along with anti-gay activists and supporters of the Second Amendment, are not welcome in his state.
Hannity vows to leave...
Glenn Beck: Are our tax dollars not welcome here?
TSA Gives Muslim Brotherhood VIP Treatment
Missing Gold, Mega Default in China, Massive Losses at Deutsche Bank
Bill Ayers Confronted on Re-Education Camps and The Weatherman Bombings
Picking apart some Obama BS
Philippines Ready To Fight China Over Fishing Rights. China Preps to Retake Islands – Targets Tokyo with 1,000 Missiles!
The $23 Trillion Credit Bubble In China Is Starting To Collapse – Global Financial Crisis Next?
German Legislator Seeks Repatriation Of All The Bundesbank’s Gold
---Dr. Paul Craig Roberts-U.S. Gold Gone
State Rep. EXPOSES Federal Reserve FRAUD & Coming Crisis
Upcoming Military Drill Off Limits to Reporters
Four FEET of Rain Floods Philippines, Displaces More Than 100,000 People
Australia Plagued by More Than 90 Wildfires
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