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Proverbs 22:3 NLT

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

-- (((Charles Finney, said the following: “If
there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it))) --


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Friday, August 29, 2014

Super Hot News!!! - Trunews - Rick Wiles announced today that he will cease broadcasting the Trunews radio program within the next 30-60 days. He cited Isaiah 26: 20-21:/ RICK WILES PROPHETIC GUEST OPENLY MOCKED AT SAMLL PROPHECY CONFERENCE: This Prophet said America would be invaded by the Russians and the Christian Audience laughed. / Russian and Ukraine troops battle in south, prompting fears that invasion has begun / Argentine Peso Continues Plunge; Officials Say Currency Under Attack... / Rancher Confirms Harry Reid's Plan To Seize His Land / CFR Tells Federal Reserve To Give Away Money? | Fabian Calvo / General warns “We Should Be at DEFCON 1″ over ISIS and prepare for multiple cities to be attacked / The Church Militant Doesn’t Go Into the World Apologizing – It Slays the Powers of Darkness / RUSSIAN TROOPS INVADE UKRAINE / VIDEO: Illegal Aliens Storm the Beach in San Diego / ◾ACROSS THE COUNTRY, THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FIGHTS FOR MUSLIM WORSHIP SPACES / Man With ISIS Flag Waving From Car Leads Police On Chase Through Chicago / ◾Aviation authorities on red alert for ash cloud after Iceland is forced to close airspace over Bardarbunga volcano / ◾DOJ To Give Money From Bank Of America Settlement To Liberal Activist Groups / Illegals Storm California Beach / AMERICA'S PASTORS AND DERELICTION OF DUTY / CONFUSION: BORDER PATROL AGENT FIRES AT MILITIA MEMBER... / Armoured China vehicles cause alarm in Hong Kong... / ◾ISIS in Mexico? Feds DENY watchdog group's claim that the terror group is operating in Juarez and plans 'imminent' car-bomb attacks on US targets / ◾Judicial Watch: Feds’ Bulletin Describes Threat of Imminent Terrorist Attack on Southern Border / Motorists with ISIS Flag Makes 'Bomb Threat' Against Chicago Police! / Russia Invades Ukraine, ISIS Update, Israel-Hamas Cease Fire and More!

Rick Wiles announced today that he will cease broadcasting the Trunews radio program within the next 30-60 days. He cited Isaiah 26: 20-21:

Come, my people, enter your chambers,
And shut your doors behind you;
Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment,
Until the indignation is past.
For behold, the Lord comes out of His place
To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity;
The earth will also disclose her blood,
And will no more cover her slain.

He said the American public has checked out of reality and is living in an alternate state of reality. Rick also said that the Remnant Church doesn’t need more news and information. He said they need to be nourished by eating the Body and Blood of Jesus, and the Word of God. Rick said he is not going off the air…but merely putting “Trunews” on the shelf for a season. Rick promised to broadcast a new type of radio program that is totally focused on Jesus. As a watchman, he said the Lord is telling him to come off the wall and go inside the storm shelter. The storm is here.
Aug 26, 2014
Topic :Is it time for the true Church in America to go underground to survive the coming storm? Rick reveals a major decision. Later in the program, Prester John Peck will talk about how Orthodox Christians survived decades of communism without renouncing their faith in Jesus Christ.  

I was listening to rick wiles on his show today from your site he mentioned his first vision, when he was in the presence of god and felt fear and nakedness I admit that itself brought me to tears because it is fearful and humbling to be before God because of his holiness , he God suffers because of us his love for us he suffers because of our sins it hurts god and when one contemplates the holiness the Magnitude of god"its overwhelming".

Mr Wiles played a recording of a prophet who had appeared on his show in august from India who talked recenlty at a prophecy conference in America about God he talked about his appearance on True News when asked a question on rick wiles show and angel gave this Prophet something to read of "gods word on the subject"the question rick wiles asked was what is God telling him about America.

ThisProphet said said America would be invaded by the Russians and the Christian Audience laughed.

This Indian Prophet asked them why were they laughing, he said if he the Prophet were American he would be shaking in his shoes. They continued to laugh loudly. I was grieved astounded.

This prophet said on Ricks show he is not a pre-trib rapture person he believes we will all go through the tribulation"he acknowledges the horror which is going to happen". The People at the conference laughed and yes i cried intensely my eyes are red , these People at a Prophecy conference are an abomination in Gods site.

The didnt laugh at this man they laughed in the very face of god who they claim to worship.

Do they not know who God is he is ALMIGHTY oh my god the sadness is felt was overwhelming i was sobbing not for them but for a holy Holy god who was just laughed at by possibly worse people than the atheists who conscientiously hate him, i cant process their thought processes its like trying to understand the mind of people who Mug old ladies for a few cents its impossible.

Even if they dont believe the message to laugh at a man of God Mocking him openly at a Prophecy conference this is truly a biblical event. In Heaven this will be significant moment in time

Rick wiles was sent by God i believe that , this man was sent by God i believe that.

The whole of heaven will be a witness of this event. This will be re- played on the day of judgement as a witness against Babylon the great.

Yes it was a small conference but it for me it has earth shattering consequences I grieve for God because of what he has to do to get these people to open their eyes. This judgement is not far off.

I think when the invasion and bombs death and destruction comes many of them will reject god and follow the doctrine of demons because they will be told things they want to hear this is not just spiritual Blindness but demonic possession in the professing Christian Church, Its the demonic spirit of mockery as Jesus was mocked by his Enemies on the Cross.

A spirit of Arrogance and Pride of Lucifer let loose on the last vestiges of the church itself.

these people who laughed are not just oppressed and influenced by demons this is in my opinion Full blown possession.

This I think is a worse story than homosexual priests in the apostate churches and even Gay marriage.

This is the death Knell of the American Church and Rick Wiles with the end of true news shows that he understands that, so we all should as well.

Rick wiles is now going to stop true news and become a full christian ministry because that's all that's left. This is a fearful sign.

Mr Rick Wiles is battening down the hatches to preach only to the remnant. Gods mark has been laid on the hearts of the true believers, anyone who can not see whats happening is not just spiritually blind but bound in their hearts and minds CURSED by demons this is the mark of the beast in peoples hearts.

Of those who survive THE DESTRUCTION will they repent or will they grow angry and curse God as the bible says.

When the end comes and the bombs fly death will be instant there wont be time to repent.

Hell is about to filled up with the apostate christian church who laughed in Gods face. WOE WOE WOE.

my grief is great, This is truly awful I am really upset i am still crying as i write this I am stunned God is a loving god to mock him is so sad. I weep for god and what he has to do Praise Jesus who loves us without measure.

God the bible says will not be mocked.
Galatians 6:8
The one who is taught the word is to share all good things with the one who teaches him.7Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.8For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life
Hosea 10:13
But you have planted wickedness, you have reaped evil, you have eaten the fruit of deception. Because you have depended on your own strength and on your many warriors,

Jude 1:18 How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, …
Russian and Ukraine troops battle in south, prompting fears that invasion has begun

    Six years ago, during the 2008 presidential campaign, I attended a Town Hall meeting sponsored by Republican and Presidential hopeful, Senator John McCain, where he was asked if he was opposed to the spread of the United Nations Agenda 21 policies throughout the United States. McCain proudly proclaimed that he had never heard of Agenda 21. That was an interesting comment coming from ..

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Map: The Department of Homeland Security quickly denied claims on Friday from a watchdog group that the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) has militants stationed in Juarez, Mexico
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August 2014 MADAGACAR.
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August 2014AFRICA
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