God Freedom Liberty - United States Constitution And Supporters of Our Rights

Proverbs 22:3 NLT

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

-- (((Charles Finney, said the following: “If
there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it))) --


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In Defense Of A Nation

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

California Sets Stage for First Groundwater Regulations... / Feds to run ads in border towns informing deported illegals -- they can return / USA Hikes Fee To Renounce Citizenship -- By 422%! / Fear spreads as Ebola moves from remote areas into cities... / ◾SHERIFF JOE: TERRORISTS KNOW HOW TO GET INTO U.S. 'The border is still not secure, anybody can cross' / INTERPOL ARRESTS PARENTS FOR DISOBEYING DOCTORS / Jim WIllie: Saudi’s are on the verge of joining Russia in non-dollar oil sales / Expert: ‘Imminent’ ISIS Threat To U.S. Power Grid / Sudan bans reporting on Ebola – healthcare workers go on strike at Ebola center in Sierra Leone / Putin: “Anything the US Touches Turns into Libya or Iraq” / Jim Willie: US Plans to Blame Russia for Coming Dollar Collapse! / California Drought: What Loosing ’63 Trillion Gallons of Water’ Looks Like! / Southern California Hospitals Prep for Ebola. CDC Issues Guidance for all US EMS Personnel. Over 100,000 Cases Expected in Next Few Months / Is this Bigfoot’s footprint? Men discover evidence of mysterious six-foot-tall creature in Mississippi woods / ◾Muslims 'Are Now Killing People Like Chickens' / ◾We’re Alarmed”: Chunks missing from bodies of salmon from Pacific — Lesions in over 50% of fish being reported — Experts: 'Looks like traumatic insult… followed by bacterial invasions'; Investigating for pathogens — W / Ohio Churches Vandalized With Koran Verses Condemning Infidels… / Supporter Tells Obama To Go Full-Dictator And “Announce A State Of Emergency” To Get Around GOP Congress… / NATO Creates Rapid Response Force for ‘Great War’ with Russia! / Central Banks Buying Shares of Stock Market! / Obama Sued For Funding Terrorist Group Hamas / US Sectretary of Defence Says 'New World Order' Being Built! / DEFCON Warning System - Update 9/1/14


Iceland volcano erupts again, one day after scientists declared eruption over: aviation warning raised to highest level

D R Congo confirms 7 new cases of Ebola in 2nd outbreak – reported number of cases in W. Africa explode: 550 in one week

Ebola 5
August 2014 KINSHASA, DR 
Sheriff Joe Arpaio
SHERIFF JOE: TERRORISTS KNOW HOW TO GET INTO U.S. 'The border is still not secure, anybody can cross' 
Obama Sides with the Muslims - Goes Fund Raising as Islamists Threaten America 

Muslim terrorists who have been recruiting and training future jihadists south of the U.S. border are believed to be in the Mexico’s already violent drug cartel hub Ciudad Juarez, according to a Friday report by one of the nation’s leading government watchdogs. The radical Islamists are plotting high-profile attacks within the United States using car bombs or other

Last week, Russia announced an game changing shift for energy in which they are now allowing the sale of oil and natural gas to be done in both Roubles and Yuan, bypassing the dollar and cracking the 40 year old petro-dollar system. And on Aug. 31, Dr. Jim Willie reported during an interview with TFMetals Report that this break
Expert: ‘Imminent’ ISIS Threat To U.S. Power Grid ISIS terrorists pose an “imminent” threat to the U.S. electric grid with the capacity to coordinate a devastating assault on our nation’s infrastructure, warned a leading homeland security and terrorism expert in a radio interview Sunday. Dr. Peter Pry, a former CIA officer, is executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security
A Muslim convert who goes by the name Umm Hussain al-Britani is thought to be Sally Jones, a mother from Chatham with an interest in “black magic” and witchcraft. Umm Hussain previously claimed she had wed computer hacker-turned jihadi Junaid Hussain after meeting online before the pair travelled to the Middle East to join with

California Drought: What Loosing ’63 Trillion Gallons of Water’ Looks Like!
Southern California Hospitals Prep for Ebola. CDC Issues Guidance for all US EMS Personnel. Over 100,000 Cases Expected in Next Few Months
Obama Bypassing Congress to Sign UN Climate Change Deal

Iraqi security forces and Shiite militiamen celebrate after liberating the town of Amirli, following U.S. airstrikes against Islamic State positions, 105 miles north of Baghdad, on Sunday, Aug. 31, 2014.
Lawmakers: Islamic State groups want to hit US
Vladimir Putin has boasted to European leaders that his forces could sweep into Kiev in two weeks if he wanted. The Russian president reportedly made the threat to the European Commission president during talks on the Ukraine crisis. Mr Putin told Jose Manuel Barroso: “If I want to, I can take Kiev in two weeks,” Italy’s
MEXICAN authorities say a mass die-off of fish at a lake in western Mexico was not due to natural causes. Over 33 metric tons of rotting dead fish have been removed from Lake Cajititlan in Jalisco state. The cause of the die-off has not been determined but the state environment department said late Sunday it
The Australian who heads fishery management in the Western and Central Pacific has warned an international agreement is urgently needed to avert disaster for the tuna industry. Professor Glenn Hurry said bluefin and bigeye tuna should no longer be harvested, as stocks were dangerously depleted. He also warned “serious action” needed to be taken to
Sick boy’s parents arrested in Spain after taking him from U.K. hospital to seek new treatment for brain tumour The parents say they want to give their five-year-old-boy with a brain tumour the best chance to live with a revolutionary new treatment they learned about on the Internet. Their British hospital says the boy has a 70% to 80% chance of survival with the treatment it offers, and it’s the parents who are putting


Just a friendly reminder that not reporting this makes you a conspirator yourself. I'm wondering when someone will arrest Holder and Obama and valerie.
- Dr. Jim Garrow -

18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy

Current through Pub. L. 113-142, except 128. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)
US Code
If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

Central Banks Buying Shares of Stock Market!
Obama Sued For Funding Terrorist Group Hamas

Obama Bypassing Congress to Sign UN Climate Change Deal

US Sectretary of Defence Says 'New World Order' Being Built!

We went from green 5 -to- 4 Blue
This is the DEFCON Warning System. Alert status for 1  P.M. Monday, September 1st, 2014. Condition Blue. DEFCON 4. Condition Blue. DEFCON 4. Condition Blue. DEFCON 4.
Alert board
DEFCON Warning System - Update 9/1/14

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