God Freedom Liberty - United States Constitution And Supporters of Our Rights

Proverbs 22:3 NLT

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

-- (((Charles Finney, said the following: “If
there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it))) --


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Saturday, May 14, 2016

RUSSIA TALKS NUCLEAR WAR... / TX Ranch Owner: 40 illegals crossing at a time... / Raw Venezuela: Looter Burned Alive, While "Streets Filled With People Killing Animals For Food" / Leaked Facebook Training Manual Confirms Allegations Of Conservative News Suppression / Additional Evidence Emerges That US Officials Intentionally Whitewashed Saudi Role In 9/11 / Russia Calls New U.S. Missile Defense System a ‘Direct Threat’ / HANFORD RADIATION LEAK REACHES CHICAGO & MILWAUKEE! Heading East toward Indiana and Ohio / Yellen Doesn’t Rule Out Negative Rates in Letter to Congressman / U.S. Directs Public Schools to Allow Transgender Access to Restrooms / Nordstrom Plummets After Reporting Terrible Earnings, Slashing Guidance / Putin vows to 'neutralize' US missile shield threat... / Member Of Congress: It’s Easy ‘To Manipulate A Nation Of Naive, Self-Absorbed Sheep’ / Obama to issue transgender restroom guidelines to schools / Retailers Show Economy in Ruins / Scenes From The Venezuela Apocalypse: "Countless Wounded" After 5,000 Loot Supermarket Looking For Food / Why Were Texas Game Wardens Just Issued Nuclear Radiation Detectors? / Minimum-Wage Blowback - Wendy's To Employ Self-Service Kiosks At 6,000 Locations / Chinese Government Now Fretting about Auto Industry… Commercial Vehicle Overcapacity at Catastrophic Levels. / KREMLIN FURIOUS AS U.S. TANKS BEGIN MASSIVE WAR GAME NEAR RUSSIAN BORDER /


UK fighters intercept aircraft approaching Baltics...
BORDER BATTLE: TX Ranch Owner: 40 illegals crossing at a time... 'They're laughing at our laws. They're laughing at us'... 200 dropped off at McAllen shelter EACH DAY... Feds open border to 4,000 Cubans, security interview lasts just 1 hour... Agents directed not to issue notice to appear at deportation hearings...

People crossing Canadian border on snowmobiles, ATVs... 'There are radicalized groups'...
The situation in Venezuela is reaching all out chaos, as crippling socialist policies have resulted in a devastating power and food shortage, as well as looming political instability. This is Caracas today...

These are hungry Venezuelans protesting that their children are dying from lack of food and medicine and that they do not have enough water or electricity. As AgainstCronyCapitalism reports, this is a country with more oil than Saudi Arabia, and the government has stolen all th emoney and now they bottleneck peaceful protesters and threaten them with bombs (or haul them to prison and torture them).

On the other side, Vice President Aristobulo Isturiz, speaking on state television, said that a separate march will be held to support the extension of President Nicolas Maduro’s economic emergency decree.

Raw Venezuela: Looter Burned Alive, While "Streets Filled With People Killing Animals For Food"


Leaked Facebook Training Manual Confirms Allegations Of Conservative News Suppression


Additional Evidence Emerges That US Officials Intentionally Whitewashed Saudi Role In 9/11

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Negative Rates... Maybe?

Yellen Doesn’t Rule Out Negative Rates in Letter to Congressman


The Bear is Readying For Conflict With The Eagle

MOSCOW — As American and allied officials celebrated the opening of a long-awaited missile defense system in Europe with a ribbon cutting and a band, the reaction in Russia on Thursday suggested the system had raised the risks of a nuclear war.

Russian officials reiterated their position that the American-built system imperiled Russia’s security. But the public discussion in Russia was darker, including online commentary of how a nuclear confrontation might play out in Europe, and the prospect that Romania, the system’s host, might be reduced to “smoking ruins.”

“We have been saying right from when this story started that our experts are convinced that the deployment of the ABM system poses a certain threat to the Russian Federation,” the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitri S. Peskov, told reporters in a conference call.

“Measures are being taken to ensure the necessary level of security for Russia,” he said. “The president himself, let me remind you, has repeatedly asked who the system will work against.”




Signs outside a restroom at Santee High School in Los Angeles.
Mark Ralston / Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
U.S. Directs Public Schools to Allow Transgender Access to Restrooms WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is planning to issue a sweeping directive telling every public school district in the country to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity.

Nordstrom Plummets After Reporting Terrible Earnings, Slashing Guidance

Putin vows to 'neutralize' US missile shield threat...

Member Of Congress: It’s Easy ‘To Manipulate A Nation Of Naive, Self-Absorbed Sheep’

Sheeple - Photo by Andrew R TesterYou may not believe the incredible things that one member of Congress is saying about the corruption of our political system and the gullibility of the American people.  In a brand new book entitled “The Confessions of Congressman X“, one anonymous member of the U.S. House of Representatives confesses that he hardly ever reads the bills that he votes on, that his main job is to get reelected, and that it is “far easier than you think to manipulate a nation of naive, self-absorbed sheep who crave instant gratification”.  This book is being published by Mill City Press, and it is being billed as “a devastating inside look at the dark side of Congress as revealed by one of its own.”  I don’t know if you would classify this anonymous member of Congress as “brave” since he does not wish to reveal his identity, but the things that he is admitting confirm suspicions that many of us have had for a very long time.  Just check out a few of the most important quotes from his book… (Read More...)

Unemployment Claims Spike Again As We Get More Scientific Evidence The Middle Class Is Shrinking

Despair And Unemployment - Public DomainAs the U.S. economy slows down, we would expect to start to see evidence of this in the employment numbers, and that is precisely what has begun to happen.  During the week before last, initial claims for unemployment benefits jumped by 17,000, which was the largest increase that we had seen in over a year.  Well, last week we witnessed an even bigger spike.  Seasonally adjusted initial claims shot up 20,000 more to a total of 294,000.  Of course it makes perfect sense that more Americans are applying for unemployment benefits, because firms are laying people off at a much faster pace these days.  Just a couple days ago I reported that job cut announcements at major firms are running 24 percent higher this year compared to the first four months of last year.  So we should fully expect that the number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits will continue to accelerate. (Read More....)
Obama to issue transgender restroom guidelines to schools The Obama administration will tell every U.S. public school district on Friday to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity. The letter, signed by officials from the Education and Justice departments, does not have the force of law but contains an implicit threat that schools which do not abide by

Retailers Show Economy in Ruins

The economic experts the government relies upon are flabbergasted by the average American. The consumer is NOT spending. Retail revenues and profits continue to slip and the experts analysts can't tell why.

I can--the consumer is broke.

Here's a quote from the Washington Post, "The economy is bouncing back, and customers just aren't hitting the stores or filling up digital carts like shopping giants thought they would."


Consumer spending has drooped three straight quarters--breaking an 83-year streak last seen in the Great Depression. The experts are baffled, as indicated by the false Washington Post statement above, because, for all the rhetoric to the contrary, Americans are worse off now than they were in September 2007.

Here's some facts that ought to tell you the real story: 1) of the 3,171 counties in America, 93% have failed to recover to September 2007 economic levels; 2) real median household income is still down 2.3%; 3) the United States has now gone 10 straight years without 3% growth in any year in Gross Domestic Product--a record span of time; 4) the percentage of Americans living below the poverty line has increased from 11.5% to 14.8 since the 'recovery' began in June 2009 and participation in the government's assistance programs has risen by almost 40%;5)  while the unemployment rate appears somewhat benign at 5% the labor participation rate is at a 38-year low, 62.9%; and, 6) home ownership has fallen from almost 70% of the American households to below 64%.

These facts somehow do not seem to register with the experts. Even the retail owners, facing disappointing sales and hit with the reality of less foot traffic seemed stunned and they, more than the politicians should have known better than to buy into the Administration's 'recovery' hype.

The Wall Street Journal reported an investment officer said, "There's a kind of hesitation [my emphasis], that's a big reason why the U.S. economy is really just limping along here."

Hold it! I want to scream at these bubble-headed morons. What part of the provable facts can't they see? Somebody tells them the 'economy is better' and they shrug and seem to say, "Alright, let's go!"

Wall Street's market increase to get back within 10% of the high, about 13,000 for the DJIA, was the only basis for the Administration to be able to declare the Great Recession over and the start of the recovery. But Wall Street's success didn't reach Main Streets across America.

When, after 71 months of 'recovery' only 237 counties are better off than they were in June 2009, it should be apparent "Houston, we have a problem."

Take out the debt driven advances in the stock market from corporate buyback programs and there are more problems that answers. Earnings are down, profits are down, yet the market prices are up so all is well in the real La-la Land.

Here's a spooky fact on America's household wealth. Bankrate.com's recent survey found 63% of Americans have no emergency savings. A Federal Reserve report found all savings had been totally depleted in 57% of American households.

These two factors coincide with the lower consumer spending. It is in the jobs report where the basis for this can be found. Manufacturing, mining, construction--the Big Three in terms of hourly pay--have been decimated. Yet, at the same time, payrolls in the lower-paying sectors of services and retail have grown. But for ten years now Americans did not adjust spending habits. Now, by economic reality, the households are focusing on only the necessities of life--food, shelter and energy.

I mentioned above, 93% of all counties were still below pre-Recession economic activity. One of the factors considered in that analysis was home values. A study by the National Association of Home Builders found government regulation has added $84,671 to the cost of a new home--which moved new home out of the reach of most Americans but also pushed the relative "value" of existing homes upwards as well. In the county analysis, home value increases alone--caused by government regulation, should have given a boost to those counties BUT IT DID NOT!!!  

That's the fallacy of big government intervention. It costs without more overall benefit.

There is no real recovery for the majority of America. It has stumped the experts (there was even a survey reportedly giving the 12 reasons retailers claim shoppers aren't spending). Not one of the 12 reasons for less consumer spending was among my reasons why. This is because they started with the ASSUMPTION there was a recovery to begin with, I did not.

Take the blinders off. If you are going to do a report base it on fact, not assumption or opinion or want. Play Jack Webb and stick to "Just the facts." Then maybe this morass would make sense.

America's economy is still sinking. When the sea of red ink runs dry, it will collapse.

"I have sworn on the altar of God eternal hostility to every form of tyranny over the mind of man."--Thomas Jefferson


Why Were Texas Game Wardens Just Issued Nuclear Radiation Detectors?


Minimum-Wage Blowback - Wendy's To Employ Self-Service Kiosks At 6,000 Locations


Chinese Government Now Fretting about Auto Industry… Commercial Vehicle Overcapacity at Catastrophic Levels.



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