God Freedom Liberty - United States Constitution And Supporters of Our Rights

Proverbs 22:3 NLT

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

-- (((Charles Finney, said the following: “If
there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it))) --


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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Hundreds of thousands disfigured in Middle East by flesh-eating bug... / CHINA LASHES OUT AT USA... / DEATH OF THE LEFT: Brazil moves to shrink the state.../ It costs $150 to buy a dozen eggs in Venezuela right now / “There Is Something Changing In The Market” – CEO Hints Of Massive Shortages As Tech Manufacturers Are Now Going Direct To Mining Companies In Search of Silver / 8 Lessons That We Can Learn From The Epic Economic Meltdown In Venezuela / Hong Kong Retail Sales Plunge 7.5% YoY, Fall For 14th Consecutive Month / Investors Are Fleeing As Attention Returns To Brazil’s Depression / Alan Greenspan Warns That Venezuelan Style Martial Law Will Soon Come To The US / The Bail-In: Or How You Could Lose Your Money in the Bank / TRUMP TURNS OBAMA INTO STUTTERING MESS / Venezuela opposition warns unrest on horizon... / Clueless Americans Think Memorial Day is about LGBT Issues, Some claimed that it was about remembering Neil Armstrong / Elite Special Forces Insider Warns Of Serious Civil Unrest This Summer: “Everything Is Right For Things To Go Very Wrong” /JAPANESE PRIME MINISTER ABE PREDICTS GLOBAL ECONOMIC CATASTROPHE IS IMMINENT / American Serfdom – Companies Are Offering Loans for Living Expenses to Their Destitute Employees / TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS: WHAT AND WHY: CHUCK BALDWIN / FROM BANKING INSIDER:'things are much worse than anyone realized' --'If you have an IRA, 401K look for a 40% - 80% cut (depending on the financial stability institution who holds it / Russia and Saudi Arabia dump $50bn in US assets / Video From UCLA Shows How Vulnerable Students Are In A Gun Free Zone Lockdown / Why the Hillsong ‘Dancing Naked Cowboy’ Story Matter / Plague of Boils Strikes Syria, Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan / A Glimpse Into The Future Of What The Economic Collapse Might Look Like / USA--In Memoriam


8 Lessons That We Can Learn From The Epic Economic Meltdown In Venezuela

Venezuela Shortages - Photo by ZiaLaterWe are watching an entire nation collapse right in front of our eyes.  As you read this article, there are severe shortages of just about anything you can imagine in Venezuela.  That includes food, toilet paper, medicine, electricity and even Coca-Cola.  All over the country, people are standing in extremely long lines for hours on end just hoping that they will be able to purchase some provisions for their hungry families.  At times when there hasn’t been anything for the people that have waited in those long lines, full-blown riots have broken out.  All of this is happening even though Venezuela has not been hit by a war, a major natural disaster, a terror attack, an EMP burst or any other type of significant “black swan” event.  When debt spirals out of control, currency manipulation goes too far and government interference reaches ridiculous extremes, this is what can happen to an economy.  The following are 8 lessons that we can learn from the epic economic meltdown in Venezuela… (Read More...)

Hong Kong Retail Sales Plunge 7.5% YoY, Fall For 14th Consecutive Month



Investors Are Fleeing As Attention Returns To Brazil’s Depression



China Prepares to Send Nuclear Submarines into Pacific Ocean



RUSSIA “WARNS” TURKEY: Remove your troops from Iraq!



Alan Greenspan Warns That Venezuelan Style Martial Law Will Soon Come To The US



The Bail-In: Or How You Could Lose Your Money in the Bank





Bomb Threat Ends Milo Event...


NIGHTMARE: France train chaos as labor unrest spreads...

Venezuela opposition warns unrest on horizon...


Elite Special Forces Insider Warns Of Serious Civil Unrest This Summer: “Everything Is Right For Things To Go Very Wrong”

Clueless Americans Think Memorial Day is about LGBT Issues, Neil Armstrong... & Emancipation - Some claimed that it was about remembering Neil Armstrong





American Serfdom – Companies Are Offering Loans for Living Expenses to Their Destitute Employees


 Horned Arizona Man, 53, Arrested For Bloody Knife Attack On His Wife




  there are many Christians reading this column who have been brainwashed by pastors who promote the idea that, on Biblical grounds, they don’t need to own a gun and even might be sinning if they did. I trust this column will give these folks some food for thought that will cause them to at least study the issue for themselves.

 I realize that there are many pastors and Christians who try to impugn the necessity--much less desire--to own a firearm. These people are famous for saying things such as “God will take care of you; NO ONE needs a gun.” Of course, these same people always condone police officers carrying guns and shooting people in self-defense. I never understood why it is that Christians who are not policemen are supposed to “trust God” to take care of them and, therefore, not bear a gun, but Christian police officers are somehow exempt from this same spiritual notion. I guess they think policemen don’t need to trust God. 

 Beyond that, many pastors teach that Christians are obligated to obey civil authorities who demand that we surrender our firearms. They even try to quote Scriptures to prove this ludicrous position.

 Yes, keeping and bearing arms is a spiritual DUTY. Defending oneself or family is as “spiritual” as praying or reading the Bible or any other “spiritual” exercise.


 FROM BANKING INSIDER:'things are much worse than anyone realized' --'If you have an IRA, 401K look for a 40% - 80% cut (depending on the financial stability institution who holds it


Just more confirmation.
Talked to my banking contact.

He/she was called back in from vacation, no chance of vacation anytime

"things are much worse than anyone realized"

"If you have an IRA, 401K look for a 40% - 80% cut (depending on the
financial stability institution who holds it)"

My thought- They are planning how to cut out the good meat on the dead and
rotting corpse of the American economy and who gets what. And the who will
not be you and me.

"things are in a panic mode",

"I would not be surprised if we did not make it to the end of the year"

I would not be surprised if we didn't make it to the end of the summer"

When he responded to what Greenspan said about us looking like Grease and
Cypress not Venezuela, he disagreed it will be like Venezuela.

Just more up to the minute confirmation, as you have said this is not years
away but months. The final preparations for these plans are being put into
place now!
May 30, 2016

Video From UCLA Shows How Vulnerable Students Are In A Gun Free Zone Lockdown



The Startling Truth About How Working Families Are Truly Faring In This Economy

Family Photo - Public DomainIt is hard to live the American Dream when the deck is stacked against you.  Our politicians stood idly by as millions of good paying jobs were shipped overseas, our economic infrastructure was absolutely gutted and multitudes of small businesses were choked to death by miles of red tape.  Now, we are reaping the consequences.  In America today, nobody has a job in one out of every five families, and there are more than 100 million working age Americans that are currency not working.  And thanks to our transition to a “service economy”, many of those that are actually working are deeply struggling too.  According to the Social Security Administration, 51 percent of all American workers make less than $30,000 a year.  And the Federal Reserve says that 47 percent of all Americans could not pay an unexpected $400 emergency room bill without borrowing the money from somewhere or selling something.  That means that about half the country is flat broke, and things get even more precarious for working families with each passing day. (Read More...)

8 Reasons Why It Is So Hard To Find Someone Decent To Marry

Love And Marriage - Public DomainIt is not easy to be single in America today. If you are a man, it can be exceedingly difficult to find a good woman to marry. If you are a woman, it is literally a miracle if you can find a good man to marry. So is it just our imaginations, or has the process of finding a mate become much more challenging in recent years? Well, it is a fact that fewer people are getting married these days. For the first time in our history, there are more single adults in our country than married adults, and Time Magazine says that 25 percent of Millennials will never get married even once in their entire lifetimes. And of course those that do get married are taking far longer to do so than previous generations. Just recently, I wrote about how the average American woman is getting married 7.0 years later than she did in 1956, and the average American man is getting married 6.7 years later than he did back at that time. (Read More....)
 hillsong naked cowboy
Why the Hillsong ‘Dancing Naked Cowboy’ Story Matters (TRUNEWS) It should be perfect material for the myriad of satire websites that abound online.  The story of New York’s Hillsong Church having a performance during a Christian women’s conference of the iconic Times Square Dancing Naked Cowboy draws reactions from “That has to be fake”, or “The rumor mill is running”. Not only is

Rolling Thunder: Donald Trump Joins Thousands of Bikers In DC, Honoring POWs


Texas Floods Cause Blackout, Mass Evacuation In Prisons


Plague of Boils Strikes Syria, Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan


A Glimpse Into The Future Of What The Economic Collapse Might Look Like


USA--In Memoriam
It seems fitting that on Memorial Day, we take a look back at on which principles this country was founded. I have listed them in the order in which I believe they should be placed.

The seven principles were used, unwritten, in the concepts behind each of the founding documents which Americans have as a base from the Mayflower Compact through the Declaration of Independence to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and many of the amendments up to the 20th Century. I believe if we forgot about legal law and had questioned our potential Supreme Court nominees to answer questions about these seven principles--since the adoption of the Constitution--our country would be better off on this Memorial Day.

So, in Memory of America as it began...

Principle 1--Personal Accountability to God. "Perhaps the greatest restraint against acts of evil toward others is the knowledge that every person and nation will one day be forced to give an account for their actions to Almighty God."

The reason I place this at the forefront is that each of us will be held accountable for his or her actions in life. This restraint is removed from the thought process of far too many of us today since prayer was removed from the public education system more than 50 years ago. Where each American prior to that was taught not only how to pray but to thank God for the superb blessings he had bestowed on our country, today the idea of the blessing is hazed by the pursuit of the false idol engraved with "In God We Trust." How can you possibly place Trust in an entity that cannot be publicly acknowledged?

Principle 2--National Work Ethic. "Ingrained deep within the American spirit is the willingness and desire to give an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. This spirit has no room inside to simply exist on handouts from government or to depend on the generosity of others."

 To me this is the foundation of the "shovel-ready jobs." The government only needed to state a problem and American free enterprise backed by "the desire" to earn one's place brought a solution to the problem. In some cases, like the transcontinental railroad, government footed the bill. But government did not supply the men, the planning or the method to accomplish the job except it provided the capital for it's want to be filled. Our foundations gave us the right to think freely and then to act on those thoughts with a free enterprise system. Somewhere over the last 50 years this has been blunted by government regulation, mandates from the 'Great Society" position the government envisioned, not the populace. I believe the seed of Socialism was first planted in America in the 1930s but was able to bloom only under the auspices of government dedicated to a "Great Society."

Principle 3--The Right to a God-Centered Education. "'The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.' We cannot understand the creation without being intimately knowledgeable with the Creator."

When this country was established after the Revolutionary War, there was no doubt to whom the Founding Fathers thanked for the victory--God. While the Fathers were men and didn't live perfect lives, when establishing this country they relied a great deal on the understandings gained from the Bible. Among the government's first expenses were the printing of the Bible for distribution to the populace. Our public school system was established so children might be able to read the Bible. Today, while prayer and the Bible are banned from the school system, other religions are honored and freely discussed as 'diverse education.' To that thinking alone I have one question which has never been answered. The question is: Without a reliance on a God-centered education system how did we advance so quickly past our many longer-established fellow countries? Many Americans living today do not know that all publicly-built buildings, including the Capitol, housed religious services until the demands of time made it impossible to accommodate those requests.

Principle 4--Traditional Monogamous Family. "Our society has been based upon the belief that the Biblical view of marriage and family is the backbone of a healthy social order. Since Adam and Eve, marriage has been recognized as a holy union between man and woman with children born into a home with a mother and father to love, nurture and teach them how to become healthy, productive and responsible citizens.

It should be noted, my belief the government has foisted the current system on us is not only to break down the 'family value system' but to enlarge its coffers by licensing and sanctioning alternative marriages. Without this cash inducement, I believe the rest of the spurious arguments for alternative marriages would have been defeated by a rationale Court.

Principle 5--Dignity of Human Life. "The Scriptures emphatically teach the great importance of the respect and preservation of human life. The Declaration of Independence terms these 'unalienable rights.' In other words, the rights bestowed to Adam whose dominion is the Earth."

Angry outbursts that destroy property and life have become almost daily occurrences in America but this is accomplished without penalty. Part of the reason our government allows this destruction to take place is it supports the notion that the economy is moving ahead. Take out the rebuilding costs of destroyed property, take out the litigation that ensues when insurance claims are not honored because of this or that clause and then remove the anticipated life-expectancy the destroyed property still retained before the destruction and the 'economic progress' lauded by officials would be much, much less.

Principle 6--The Abrahamic Covenant. "A covenant is a decision involving two individual or groups stating they will keep a promise or fulfill an agreement between them."

This is a principle that has been under assault for, not coincidently, 50 years.  The loss of a God-centered education system can be plainly seen in legal decisions and government practices that push us to a globalist community. America was endowed with anti-globalist views by the Founders from the very start. The framers did not want us to be 'like other nations.' They wanted us to be different so they put together a system that no other nation had. They had learned lessons from history we are now forgetting. This loss is why our economy is faltering. It is why the anti-Establishment vote has gained so much traction across the country. By heritage, most Americans know the path their government is on is wrong. But the inertia of a bloated bureaucracy and isolated governing elite is not easily moved--particularly an elite group that craves power and control to rival God's. Americans are not yet 'wailing in dismay' but we are very close.

Principle 7--Common Decency. "This is the belief that a decent nation is made up of decent people. That nation, when faced with a trying or difficult situation, will do the right thing, the decent thing, the honest thing."

Put in against the backdrop of today's immoral regulations which tell a business owner how they must conduct their business both to serve the public and to abide by environmental laws and mountains of red tape, decency comes in last in the race for survival. The fact this survival issue has been imposed by government to further its' grip on power and control has been lost because, as we have been repeatedly told, "These laws are for the common good." That statement I have proven false by the provisions of the regulatory expansion of the government agencies involved. It is the old "give them and inch and they'll take a mile" philosophy. Decency, since those in power selectively choose which laws to enforce and which to ignore, is no longer a consideration and the loss has trickled down from the lawmakers themselves.

That's my Memorial Day offering. We have slipped so far from the moral compass heading our Founding Fathers gave us I wonder if they would recognize us today. We must remember "In God We Trust" is more paramount for our judiciary system than it is even for the lawmakers and citizenry.

"I have sworn on the altar of God eternal hostility to every form of tyranny over the mind of man."--Thomas Jefferson

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