Lawmakers, aides seek Obamacare exemption...
Gun Shops Rationing: 'Never Seen Ammo So Impossible to Get'...
---FACEBOOK Shuts Down Gun Shop's Page Over Rifle Giveaway...
Record 1 out of 5 Households on Food Stamps...
Has Watertown Made Warrantless Searches The 'New Normal'?...
This GOP Rep’s Anti-Obama Speech on the House Floor Is Spreading Fast
We’re Building Too Many Houses. We Need To Be Building Factories!
Watertown resident describes police searches during manhunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Curious vortex whirlpool found in Latvia River
April 25, 2013 – LATVIA
Landslide kills 14 in Ecuador
April 25, 2013 – ECUADOR - A landslide swept into a village in northern Ecuador, burying homes and killing at least 14 people, authorities said Wednesday. “There were 14 people killed in a landslide in Tabete” civil defense reported on Twitter, of the town near the Colombian border. After days of heavy rain, the landslide buried homes in tonnes of earth and debris in the town located in Esmeraldas province, said Mayor Ernesto Estupinan of nearby Esmeraldas city. –TD
China Carries Out Artillery Drills Near N.Korean Border
In what has been called a case of political correctness run amok, school officials in Chicago, the city run by Barack Obama’s buddy, Rahm Emanuel, have decided that common tools such as screwdrivers, wrenches and pliers are weapons and must be banned like guns. “Education truly suffers when school administrators exhibit such poor judgment and common sense, especially when it comes to their zealous misapplication of misguided zero tolerance policies,” John Whitehead president of the Rutherford Institute said. “However, what makes this case stand out from the rest is that this latest victim of zero tolerance policies run amok happens to be a veteran school teacher.” More
Spain Jobless Rate Breaches 27% on Recession Woes
Kerry pushes economic plan for Palestinian peace
Maryland Offers Glimpse at Obamacare Insurance Math
In the latest preview of prices for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act, Maryland’s dominant insurer says proposed premiums for new policies for individuals will rise by 25 percent on average next year.
Thousands rally in UK to demand end to anti-Islam speeches
Israel’s military shoots down suspected Hezbollah drone/
BREAKING NEWS: Syria Has used Chemical Weapons
PROPHECY WATCH: Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Thursday the U.S. intelligence community believes the Syrian regime used the chemical weapon sarin, a revelation that immediately raised the question of whether a “red line” had been crossed in the country’s civil war
/Boston Martial Law: ‘They were confiscating guns from residents’
Google: More government takedown requests than ever before Between July and December 2012, the company received 2,285 government requests to remove more than 24,000 pieces of content from its search.
'Department of Homeland Security Must Surrender' Their War' Weapons to Department of Defense'... Says Retired Army Officer
BREAKING: Reid Introduces Ammunition Background Check Bill
Nestlé CEO Denies That Water is an Essential Human Right
Must Watch! Why you MUST own Gold & Silver NOW. By Gregory Mannarino
Gold and Silver Stampede, Green Lighting Attacks on Syria & Iran by Israel, Boston
NYPD will deploy ‘harmless’ gas into subway in terror response drill
The New York City Police Department announced Wednesday that it will deploy, then track, what it calls “harmless” gases into the city’s subway system over three non-consecutive days this summer. The plan, to be enacted in July, will investigate New York’s readiness to handle a chemical terrorist attack by dispersing the colorless gas and tracing
Congresswoman on Gosnell: ‘May God Forgive Us’
Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) took to the House floor on Wednesday, condemning the late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell, saying, “May God forgive us.” Black also blasted President Barack Obama for not speaking out against the “house of horrors” abortion clinic run by Gosnell, who would sever the spinal cords of babies with scissors after they had
CHEMICAL WARFARE – victims of Syria’s nerve gas war
PROPHECY WATCH: The chemical attack that killed Yasser Yunis’s family was a small, almost private affair. Had the 27-year-old car mechanic not managed to struggle out of the doorway of his home in Aleppo on to the street in the darkness of night, clutching his infant son to his chest, no one might have ever known what wiped out the family. They died twitching, hallucinating and choking on white froth that poured from their noses and mouths. Their doctors believe that they were killed by nerve gas. More
/Spain Slashes "Growth" Outlook, Projects Higher Deficit, Delays Deficit Reduction
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